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Mafalde with porcini mushrooms and Italian sausages

Mafalde with porcini mushrooms and Italian sausages

by Princeofthebow


  1. Princeofthebow

    The recipe is strictly forward. I cooked the sausage meat(Italian sausages) with some garlic and sage. Once finished I cooked the mushrooms. I used dried mushrooms, soaked in water for approximately 20 minutes, as no porcini are available here in the UK. I again used garlic and sage and cooked the mushrooms for about 8 minutes. Once the pasta was ready (IE 3 minutes before the time on the packet- subject to taste) I used some of the starchy water to mix the sausages mushrooms and pasta over high heat. Once of the stove I used parsley and pecorino cheese and mixed everything for a few minutes

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