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can AI make authentic Italian food?

This video was so much fun to make, and my family devoured that tiramisu. If you liked this video please like and comment so I can get feedback:)

Sincere apologies for bad pronunciation, or if the food isn’t actually authentic. This video is for fun and entertainment!

0:00 intro
2:40 using AI
7:24 tiramisu
21:09 bucatini amatriciana
30:31 results

Hey guys welcome back to my channel I am so excited for this video because it’s just everything I love in one video if you’ve seen the title of this video you probably know exactly what’s going to go down don’t judge me but literally Chad GPT has saved my life numerous times I

Love that thing I’m a student and if you’re a student you probably are aware of what chat gbt does and here’s the thing I don’t love it just because it makes school so much easier like let’s be honest but it actually does so many things that you wouldn’t think of like

I’ve used it for so many things I use it for restaurant recommendations I use it to plan out my trips when I travel it’s just so convenient like oh my God and I have chbt on my phone too like I literally use it for everything I ask it

For advice I will type out a whole story I’ll type out all my beef with people and I will ask it for an objective like response and I’ll ask it for advice it’s so fire honestly whoever invented chat gbt love you another use that I discovered for it that I haven’t tested

Out yet which I’ve been dying to test out because I’ve tested AI with many things like many things like there’s been some desperate moments I think I would rather you look read my notes read my messages than look through my chat BT history like it’s crazy okay it’s so crazy one thing that

I’ve been dying to try with chat TBT is recipes cooking and I haven’t seen anyone else do a video on this maybe they have I don’t know so I lit have no idea if it’s going to work or not and I have my laptop because I’m going to show

You guys the responses that chat gbt is going to give me when I ask it these questions but hold on hold on hold on I’m not going to lie I only recently tried off authentic Italian food which is really sad because I didn’t even realize what I was missing out on I’ve

Only had authentic Italian food like literally three times and every time it was mind-blowing for a long time now I’ve been thinking about making a video of me making authentic Italian food for my family because I cook a lot of Chinese food cuz that’s just like what I

Grew up eating I’m very familiar with it but I’ve never like tried to make authentic Italian food like I always just make some meat sauce and some instant pasta like so I’ve combined all of my favorite things that I love Italian food chat GPT and cooking and I’m making it a

Video but I’m going to do it with you guys right now and then it’ll like give me a list of ingredients whatever and then I’m going to buy it after school tomorrow cuz right now it’s like 8:00 p.m. I’m tired as [ __ ] I don’t know why

Do film this and knock the [ __ ] out that’s why I’m on my bed right now come closer guys why are you so far all right all right so I’ve opened a new chat gbt window so I’m just going to start with hey girl me and Chad BT are pretty friendly

So I want to cook an Italian dish for my family we got to put authentic in there because I don’t want no all recipe Italian food and here’s the thing at the end of this video I hope that I’m mind blown and I hope that it tastes

Authentic I’m sure the recipe will be at least a five out of 10 like it’s not going to be so off but I want it to be authentic and again I’ve only had authentic Italian food a handful of times but there’s just such a huge difference like you can taste the

Difference so I’m hoping like the authentic part is accentuated okay I don’t want to just make no pasta if I wanted to do that I would go on all recipe the question here is if my girl chaiii can make an authentic dish maybe it would have been better to test

Chinese food on here cuz then I could be a better judge of it but we’re going to see my family’s also going to eat this and they’ll let me know cuz like my dad’s actually been to Italy and my brother’s had more authentic aali food

Than I have so we’re going to see where this goes and I’m going to give it guidelines because I want it to be pasta and I want it to be tomato sauce and some type of protein because me and my family don’t really like creamy cheesy dishes some type of pasta dish with

Tomato sauce and then I like to just reiterate because sometimes chbt just do not be reading the whole thing I want it to be authentic I say it twice and tasty why is there a screenshot here I’m sorry okay let’s go and then let’s just see

What they give us and then we will add on more conditions if need be oh here we go black olives I [ __ ] hate olives we’re going to get rid of that all putanesca it’s a flavorful dish with Tangi tomato sauce ew an chovies okay you know what let’s Google it if the

Picture looks bad I’ve never heard of this dish either okay this is the dish that it gave us immediately know because olives I haven’t had olives since I was like 8 years old and I remember thinking it tasted like sawdust and I’m just not going to give it another chance and

Here’s the thing with chat gbt it’s really easy to just be like no I have this one dish you know what this is about idea I had this one dish at this Italian restaurant and it was a specific type of noodle where the middle was hollowed out so that the sauce could

Fill it in and so every bite was so flavorful and I want to remake that dish and I think I’d be a better judge of it if I’m familiar with how it’s prepared anyway I think it was called like batani or something give me a recipe with the pasta that’s skinny and

Hollow yes bua bua Tei I’m so sorry I’m sorry to Italy that’s exactly what I had I think at the restaurant I’m a little worried because the ingredients are really short and it looks really simple so I’m going to ask is this an authentic recipe well chat gbt saying it that it’s

A classic Italian cuisine and that it is authentic I’m going to make this okay we’re just going to copy and paste the recipe onto my notes right here there we go and I want to make something else as well like maybe an appetizer or dessert I really love tiramisu but I feel like

That’s kind of basic let’s just ask Chachi PT what desert recipes see it it gives me terisu oh you have should let it refrigerate for at least 4 hours girl GH why is teramis Su kind of harder than I thought honestly the ingredients for

It is not bad I can do it I’m going to copy it and put it in my notes as well well we’ve got our two recipes the butini and the teramis Su I’m already getting a headache right now thinking about making that [ __ ] cuz I’m so tired

But we’re going to see because if this works out well if I’m ever craving anything I’m just going to ask chat gbt for a recipe and just whip it up we got our recipes and I’ll see you when I’m cooking hey guys it’s the next day I I

Actually almost fainted in the grocery store because it was so annoying finding all the ingredients I thought it’d be really easy because the pasta recipe at least is like quite short I was on my phone trying to find substitutes for ingredients and whatever cuz again I

Think I said this yesterday but I have chat GPT on my phone well my brother is a little booty head because he’s not going to be home tonight he told me so my dad’s going to try the pasta and obviously I’m going to eat it the [ __ ]

I’m going to make the tiramisu because it’s like an overnight thing so that my brother can try it tomorrow so yay I’m actually so scared you guys don’t even know what went down at the grocery store it was so annoying but right now we are

Going to make terisu I told my dad to come home at 7:00 for dinner might have to be 8 depending on how this goes cuz you never know bro okay so if you saw the ingredient list that chat gbt gave me last night it might be a little

Different today because again I had to like ask it for substitutes because in the original recipe for tiramisu it required you to use like raw eggs and it was like make sure you get pasteurized eggs at the bottom like there was a note and I was at Kroger trying to find like

Pasteurized eggs I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that means and I was like uh I was literally about to just buy some eggs and just YOLO but I’m like I have to go to New York next week I’d like to not get simonella or whatever it’s called um

I don’t want to risk it so again I just asked it on my phone and I was like what is a substitute for eggs and Tiramisu that’s still an authentic recipe and they told me to use this Mas mascar pone I know I just said that wrong oh

God guys I’m so sorry if you’re an Italian watching this I’m so sorry I know it hurts I know it hurts and I know I keep saying authentic cuz I don’t know if it’s authentic so you let me know if you’re familiar with Italian food got this we got cocoa powder the interesting

Thing about making terisu is like you don’t have to bake it you just have to like let it sit overnight but it requires rude coffee and thank God I have a cure egg that would have been so bad if I didn’t have a c egg I would

Have lost my [ __ ] and you know another reason I almost fainted at the grocery store was because I couldn’t find this at first these are called lady fingers and they’re like the Cake part of the terisu and I was literally going to hand make these because I couldn’t find it

Anywhere until I literally like stumbled upon it and I almost collapsed with gratefulness but I was literally about to hand make this I can’t even imagine that would be so annoying I like to cook but not that much I’m just going to follow the recipe I have it copy and

Pasted on my notes but this is all chat GPT generated I didn’t do any research outside of it so let’s begin I actually really like terisu but it’s either really good or really not that good so we’ll see I’ve never made it before the first step I need to

Mix oh my God I can’t reach can’t reach it oh my go I hate having to electrically mix anything because this mixer is like broken and anytime I use it it actually it’s actually so annoying like but we’re just we’re going to figure it out literally like a decade old mixer I

Swear first step in a large bowl whip the heavy cream sugar and vanilla extract together until soft peaks form and just so you guys know I haven’t watched any videos on this either so I’m going to be like eyeballing everything like chat GPT gives you the recipe but

They’re not very detailed with like when to stop mixing how it’s supposed to look you know what I mean so it’s a little bag but no cheating large bowl oh my gosh wait I’m so excited I love whipped cream frosting is that what I’m making

Right now I don’t even know I think I think it is what I’m making I’m about to eat all of it BR heavy cream oh oh my God almost just spilled the sugar everywhere that would have ended me also I think I’m going to watch

Van parad while I make this this is my third time rewatching it you just start to notice all the plot holes and you’re like wow this is like not that good this is kind of stupid but it’s my guilty pleasure Mas Carone cheese soft softened how do you soften cheese like

Melt it oh no we’re already facing struggles guess what I can just ask chat GPT what that means it’s an interactive recipe babe see on a normal recipe if you have a question you can’t really do anything about it okay I’m just going to make this now and watch Vampire Diaries

And give you guys little Updates that was the last one to see her guys kind of plot twist right now in the show I’m watching okay guys if you can’t tell by the lighting it’s many minutes later I think it’s literally been 30 minutes because I just started watching the show

Cuz my laptop is like right there and I just started watching the show but also it like took forever to get the mixture to peek and I don’t know if this is Fluffy enough it said soft peaks and it’s like peeking a little bit I think

This is correct but I also am running out of time like it’s already almost 6 and I still have pasta to make so I’m going to get this dessert over with you know I mean it’s chocolate and sugar like how badly can I [ __ ] it up hopefully those words do not not come

Back to bite me and they said softened what the heck is that it smells like nothing I’ve never had this as you can tell and I’m really confused right now but all right I don’t know what softened means what does that mean you know what I’m just going to I’m just going to

Yellow like that’s soft right this is so satisfying what is is this like cream cheese ew why is it wet at the bottom what the frick this is so interesting these are like ingredients that I’ve never wored with cup of this ooh um I don’t know is it supposed to be

Smooth cuz that’s really freaking chunky this is so weird okay I’m lowy going to give it a little taste this might be nasty oh that’s [ __ ] delicious oh my God that’s so good Chad gpg what you on bro oh my gosh I mean it’s like I don’t

Know if I mixed it right because it l looks like cottage cheese but it tastes so good I’m not exaggerating okay now I have to prepare the coffee mixture and then in the recipe they want they called for Marsala wine but it was optional and I just didn’t feel like looking for that

So I’m just not doing that I’m just going to use coffee oh I’m like kind of already done wait that was like literally all I had to make for terisu okay that was kind of easy now I have to find a dish to like assemble the tramu

In oh and I have to like make the coffee real quick be right back okay I know I lowkey bought the cure egg thing but I’m actually just going to use instant coffee because I’m so done right now like I don’t feel like Brewing no coffee

Right now there you go okay got my coffee that was easy peasy this is so fun hold on I need 24 lady fingers oh my gosh I might not even have 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 there’s 24 so oh my gosh what do I want to make

This in I don’t know if I have the right container oh and guys I forgot to say today was my last day of school and it’s officially spring break right now dude you don’t even know you don’t even know how sleep deprived I am and how many Celsius I’ve been having it’s

Been actually detrimentally affecting my body got me my biscuit this might be a bad idea because because it’s round and the biscuits are not round but I’m going to use this glass container thingy because I do have a like 8 by8 cake pan but it’s metal and I want to be able to

See the layers cuz I want it to be aesthetic duh du the [ __ ] little lip gloss break oh the house is so quiet it’s so nice if you guys don’t know I had to live with like 10 dudes over the weekend because we were shooting a short thumb

And the house was insane it was actually insane these are the lady fingers I’ve literally never heard of this I keep I’m like reading the instructions 50 million times because I’m so scared quickly dip each lady finger into the coffee mixture ensuring they’re moist but not so gay

And again I’m not using the alcohol that they said I could be using I don’t know if this is big enough cuz again they’re not specific they don’t tell me what container to do this in so we’ll just see I’m thinking about using a chopstick

To do this I don’t know I don’t know what the freak I’m doing ah see I’m reading it again okay this is like doable okay wait this is so fun guys I love just cooking by myself and baking by myself it brings me so much peace I’m going to try dipping it

In the glass but I also have a bowl okay here goes nothing ah oh my gosh it like absorbed all of it so quick that was weird it’s like a sponge wait this is so fun we’re going to pour the coffee in here we’re probably going to have to

Make more coffee but it’s fine and I’m going to use a chopstick let’s see if this like Works ahh I don’t want it to get soggy here we go okay soay okay I’m going to make more coffee oh I’m going to play Ariana’s new album while I stack my teram Su my

Favorite song off of Ariana Grande’s album this is hard because there’s literally no skips for me the boy is mine I think is my favorite because I can shake ass to that song and perfect for you is so good but the one that’s like most boppy for me is the boy mind

As of right now but true story so good let’s just play the boy mine I’ve listened to this song Every day since the album has come out multiple times now I’m going to get in the zone okay guys the recipe calls that I use 25 freaking biscuits but I could do

It like a third layer but in their thing they don’t use three layers so and I still have cream left and stuff I think I’m going to make another one in like a smaller container because this is pretty customizable I’m just going to keep it to two layers cuz I’m scared if it’s

Three layers it’s going to be like weird I don’t know guys I don’t know what I’m doing I literally don’t know if I’m doing this right like I don’t know if I’m putting enough cream on here I have no idea cuz I might have put too much

Cream ooh okay now I dust it with cocoa powder I bought some organic cocoa powder oh Ariana’s music I don’t know what’s going on every album sounds so different from each other and I can’t decide if I like thank you next or Eternal Sunshine the most I feel like

Lowkey Eternal Sunshine for my little sift sift they said to dust cocoa powder on here generously so I will be very generous I love chocolate oh I love the smell of cocoa powder too I feel like I only put on a teaspoon but this looks like a lot well I’m going

To do a lot so okay okay I have a feeling I put way too much cream okay I’m literally done like that was it well I have to put it in the fridge overnight and then I can add more they said to dust more cocoa powder on top and then I

Can also like shave some dark chocolate and put it on top that’s done if you don’t get distracted like me and watch shows and listen to music and have a good hand mixer this would literally not take you long at all like that was so

Easy I expected it to be like so much harder okay it might taste like [ __ ] though like maybe that’s why it was so easy cuz low key I only used half of the cookies so the proportion could be very wrong we’ll see if it’s good and then

I’m going to make a smaller batch because I have so much left over there’s no way we’re going to eat all of this I don’t know why I made so much I am going to make another batch in this this is so cute this is perfect this is going to

Look way better presentation wise here we are our second teramis we’ll see tomorrow we’ll see tomorrow how it tastes now I’m going to start cleaning up this mess and I told my dad that dinner would be ready around 7:30 and it’s 6:30 so we have an hour to make the

Pasta so yeah we got to hurry up it’s time to get cooking duing the recipe is pretty simple again I have it copy and pasted on my phone hopefully my dad likes it he doesn’t know that this is for a video he thinks I’m making a big

Deal out of this because I’m cooking some fancy dinner but like I don’t even know if this is going to be good I’m not going to reveal that this was an AI recipe until after he tries it remember when I was saying how I was struggling

At the grocery store well if you looked at the original recipe from chat GPT one of the ingredients was Panetta or Guan Chile gual oh my God bro basically they’re both a certain type of cured meat I went to Kroger and usually they have a huge selection of cured meat

But of course the day that I go they didn’t have it so I asked chat gbt on my phone at the grocery store what can I substitute it with because I was really not in the mood to drive around looking for cured meat like bruh they said you

Can substitute with bacon they said to try to look for unsmoked bacon and I’m not a bacon eater but why was every brand smoked they said just to try to find one that’s like the least smoked and this says naturally smoked so I don’t know if that literally does

Anything but I try to stick with what chat DBT was saying I hate cutting onions but I’ll do it I might actually use the dicer thing instead it might be easier but while we’re prepping everything else I need to start cooking the pasta so what makes this pasta so

Good I’ve only had this one time and I didn’t even know existed until I went to the restaurant it’s called butini pasta I could try to show you guys I guess they’re like way thicker I don’t know if you can see but the inside I don’t think

My camera’s good enough to capture it but the inside there’s like a hole like it’s Hollow and it absorbs all the sauce so when you eat it it’s like chewy and Saucy and flavorful oh I hope this turns out well I doubt it’ll taste as good as

What I had at the restaurant but we’ll see chachie PT can surprise you and then we have to Salt it of course okay we’re just going to let that boil and while I prep everything I’m going to continue Vampire Diaries can you guys like suggest me some new shows

To watch because like everything I watch nowadays is just so corny and like I used to love watching shows I’ve seen so many shows on Netflix and I would binge watch them the last show that I remember like thinking was good was White Lotus the second season anyway I think I’m

Going to use this thing instead of actually chopping the onion because I literally can’t stand it I try to watch sex education on Netflix cuz I know it’s really popular and I’m like a couple episodes in and it’s not bad I’m just like so if you guys have any shows that

You’re like this is really good let me know I I need a new show to obsess over literally the only reason I’m watching Grand P Diaries is for Damon like if he was not in the show I don’t think I’d be watching it oh my God I have some questions first

Pay-per-view all day e every day guys my eyes are actually burning I thought it wouldn’t hurt as much because I’m not manually chopping it and my water is starting to boil holy sh holy sh shuckles this is so much onion dude this onion is so big it

Hurts so bad we have all this onion okay I’m tearing up okay the water is boiling I don’t really know how long this is going to take so we’re just going to try it every like 5 minutes going to cook it to out Dente that word I know these mles are so thick

Okay shoot shoot I don’t think this pot is big enough this is a lot of noodles um guys I think we have a problem bro with Asian noodles you can just like wow this is how you can tell my Asian side is way more dominant than my

Um Italian side because I I was treating this like Asian noodles but they’re not bit oh my God you’re lying hold on I think it’s I think it can work okay noodles come on Bend f in there this is a horrible way to cook pasta okay no

We’re going to transfer the water cuz I don’t want one side to be cooked and the other side not to be cooked that’s crazy I guess we’re going to use this big ass pot okay this might go horribly wrong but you know oh God oh my God don’t do this at home

Y’all literally got to manually like okay guys this is really not good the steam is so hot oh my gosh these noodles bro this is already going so bad chagi Pedra okay this one’s kind of on me but my ow oh my God don’t do this at home boys and

Girls I might boil two things of noodles cuz now I think this is going to fit in here sure now you want to fit in there don’t you okay we’re just going to be boiling two different pots of pasta I’m a freaking idiot so stupid okay like I

Didn’t think this would be a problem boiling noodles that’s literally the easiest part I just I’m used to the noodles being able to bend am I dumb am I dense gosh I didn’t realize these noodles were so freaking stiff Hot Diggity Dog we’re just going to see what happens hopefully the noodles don’t

Overcook now we’re going to cut the bacon every package should have something to rip like why are you making me pull out scissors right now I think that is such a stupid design flaw like every product should have an easy way to open it we’re just going to use half of the

Bacon okay I have to cook this bacon in a skillet use this but because I’m boiling two things of pasta right now I have no way to freaking cut this [ __ ] how do I do this I I’ll just wait for them to cook before I start they don’t even tell me what oil

To use when cooking the bacon so maybe I don’t need oil because of the fat that’s probably what it is okay I probably don’t even need oil okay the noodles cooked way faster than I thought they would I saved some pasta water I don’t know what it’s for but they said to save

That and I’m just going to cook the bacon now Bacon and now now we have to crush these whole tomatoes you can’t I get it okay they said I could hand crush it or use a spoon to crush the Tomato but I’m going to use my hands cuz I feel like that’s more Italian that could be wrong it feels really freaking weird

Okay there is so much fat in this pan like this smells phenomenal the recipe calls that I cook it for 20 to 30 minutes I’ve been snacking on the bacon it’s so good yummy I hope it’s good I’ve just I’ve never used just canned whole potatoes like that’s literally the sauce and I’m

Really excited to try this cheese this is the cheese that I’m going to be like grating on top I’m not a cheese person but recently I’ve been liking it more ooh this smells wo it’s a really strong smell okay guys I’m going to show you what the sauce looks like I’m still

Going to let it cook for like 10 more minutes but I tried the sauce and so far it’s really flavorful which is surprising because I didn’t really do that much like the sauce is pretty easy to make okay we’re going to add the pasta in now

I’m not going to add all of it because this is way too much pasta oh the spice has got to me I just tasted it again it’s kind of spicy I added a hella um chili flakes but we’re only going to add half of this in there because the sauce

I made is just it’s literally all boiled away so and I’m going to use my hands they’re clean stay mad I’m just going to like really thoroughly mix it so that the salt gets inside the Noodles my dad’s going to try it I really like it but my dad’s kind of picky like everything I like he doesn’t like so that’s not true yeah it is okay he’s going to try it and I’m not going to record his face just his reaction it’s pretty good but not super

Good okay not offended it’s a it’s a little bit spicy okay let me put the uh cheese on it I’m the great there cheese on there honestly with the cheese it’s better yeah that’s part of the recipe they say to C more well this is almost like Italian food is Chinese

Spicy I can’t help it my Chinese side comes in okay give me your opinions on it Dad I haven’t even tried it with the cheese yet um it’s spicy it’s very good with the cheese without the cheese it’s sort of not good spicy I’ll put it that way so what what

Do you rate it out of 10 9.25 are you being serious or you really so you like it a lot then yeah huh okay does it taste authentic to you to be honest my understanding of Italian foods is not great yeah so it’s hard for me to tell whether it’s authentic or

Not M that is good with the cheese yeah I personally don’t think it’s that spicy but it’s not super spicy but it’s to me it’s like Chinese spicy they said seasoned to taste so I kind of okay I have higher taste buds so I guess the

Cheese is really good on here wow he gave this a 9.25 that’s crazy I see I wish Mark was here cuz oh yeah I feel like Mark knows what authentic kalian food tastes like oh are you drinking this juice too yeah the idea what it’s perfect with

This yeah yeah I think so well Dad you want to know why asking all these questions I already know but you’re going to put it on YouTube no so basically I used AI to make this oh okay that’s interesting okay that that’s a really good experiment I just asked chat

GPT to give me an it like an authentic Italian recipe it was like really easy to use I think it’s better with every bite but I guess for the Italians watching let me know if that recipe is authentic but you know what this turned out pretty

Good so I will be using Chad gbt in the future to make more food I think you probably poison us sometime but whatever I would give this 8.5 out of 10 I I like more tomato sauce this doesn’t have as much sauce so tomorrow you will see if the tiramisu

Tastes good all right guys it’s the next day and look who decided to come home he’s heating up the leftovers from last night and I’ve been rotting in my bed that’s why I look like this and I’m not going to tell him what Dad rated it but

You guys know I don’t know it might taste different now cuz it’s been a day and then the terisu I have yet to try so oh sh yeah is this Italian yeah damn I look like a ghost um I have to put more chocolate on top going to

Use this chocolate I don’t know how to do this I need I need to grade it oh what show them what you just brought up this the old this the old school way I didn’t know that we had a grinder easier is itat that [ __ ] where did where did

You even get that this from uh Oxford oh did you use it mhm what you just like grind like Seas like basil and [ __ ] this is giving witch this is giving Bonnie how they make their crap and dad says it’s way better with the cheese so

You have to put that cheese on top I’m watching Italian movies now we get our Italian passport it’s crazy dud yeah get that get that cheese on there get that cheese on there Mama me what oh his glasses are fogging up that’s some good stuff oh is it

Actually good yeah got a little Spice in there too got a little kick chicken’s a good tenderness or bacon that’s bacon yeah this great you got get a second bite too fully you have to be honest mhm good okay rate it out of

10 8 and A2 8 and A2 okay Dad gave it a 9 something 25 or something what’ you get I I think I gave it a 8.5 to okay it’s just hard to beat like some good hot pot like that do you think it tastes authentic yeah it tastes authentic wait

Really you think it tastes authentic well actually I don’t know what authentic is since that’s that’s what my dad said last night too but you’ve had more authentic Italian food so just Rite it off of what you thinking well it’s 20 times better than the shimy head in Shanghai guys we

Spent $300 at an Italian restaurant in Shanghai and like the pasta was not good interesting damn he’s eating it up too okay do you want to try the teramusu or after you eat that I take a bite together okay I haven’t tried it either so no mind add more chocolate you can

Add more but it just it it does not look aesthetically pleasing got some like poopy dirt on top now yeah it looks like dirt got on there okay we’re going to try this dying let’s see I literally have no idea if this is good you get any

Cake oh let me try another part what is this just like whipped cream and [ __ ] I don’t know man you just got to try bite pretty good pretty authetic yeah he said he said pretty authentic tastes like the T and Shanghai like will bro that fat ass would eat this [ __ ] one

Second you don’t know will but his favorite food is teram misu he orders it everywhere we go and and a pizza every morning yeah he’ll just eat a whole pizza by himself do you want to know the kicker of this video so I didn’t actually make any of this it was chat GPT

What I asked chagi futi for authentic Italian food so this is an AI generated meal and it seems like chat GPT did a good job so I guess I have proved something this video but I probably should have done Chinese food cuz then I would know if it tast be a lot harder

Bro yeah they got make you make some like Panda Express [ __ ] no but that’s the point is I want to see if they can make authentic food but this from what I’ve had this is pretty good for AI so I guess that concludes the video I was waiting on my brother who

Disappears I’m actually really happy with chachu cuz I thought it it might tastes really Bland just from like the sauce ingredients y all saw but it’s actually fire so if any of you guys are too broke to pay for the online subscription recipe websites or you don’t want to buy cookbooks because

They’re [ __ ] expensive go on cha GPT bro ask for any recipe it will generate it for you and at least for this it worked out okay thank you for watching see you in the next video see you in New York

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