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Barnaby’s – Northbrook, IL — I’m 12 and it’s after little league.

Barnaby’s – Northbrook, IL — I’m 12 and it’s after little league.

by lectroid


  1. lectroid

    Crust was IMPOSSIBLY thin. I think they use a die press (rather than a dough sheeter with rollers). And, of course, that familiar gritty semolina on the bottom. That would also explain the very regular, wavy edge.

    Salty cheese, very even distribution, well spotted, slightly seeeter sauce, and good, fennel kicked Italian sausage with just a *touch* of heat.

    And Filbert’s Root Beer on tap!!

    30 years of flashback.

  2. ChicagoTRS1

    Definitely one of Chicagolands most distinctive pizzas.

  3. QueenOfBrews

    This seems like one of those super specific local area pizza joints that people either love or hate. Every region has them.

    That pie looking crimped crust is icking me out, but that spotting is awesome. I kinda want to pluck out that crust less cheese square in the middle and eat the shit out of it. The way you described it, and the sauce I feel like I actually *did* eat it.

  4. Im an Aurelios pizza dude myself…Ive never had this but it looks interesting. Love the classic neighborhood spot plates with the brown accent! Cheers 🍻

  5. ProfessionalBug1021

    Corn meal crust baby. Barnabys is the bomb. Does take me back to my youth to

  6. Adopteddaughtermargo

    Going to a Bat Mitzvah in Northbrook next week and my hotel is right across the street from Barnaby’s. May have to give it a try.

  7. DoTheRonningMan

    I dream of this pizza. It’s so perfect. I just never want to travel the round trip hour to get it.

  8. supermopman

    There are Barnaby’s in South Bend, IN that look different than this one. Nonetheless, looks delicious.

  9. BooBooSorkin

    Been going to that Barnaby’s forever. Great atmosphere and pizza

  10. abolt311

    I miss the one from Downers Grove, it has to be 40 years since it closed. Used to go there after softball games in the DG Men’s league for pizza and pitcher’s.

  11. farside808

    They keep the costs down by making you get everything your damn self!

  12. aholadawin

    Oh man. That takes me back to…being 12 after a baseball game…
    I remember the window you could watch the people make the pizza in the back. They would throw dough at you. Give you some even.
    Good times.

  13. firestepper

    Looks like a Celeste pizza in a good way

  14. livelaughl0ren

    Their to-go paper bags 🥹brings me back

  15. FairyGodmothersUnion

    Flashback! I have eaten many, many Barnaby’s pizzas, and hope to eat some more. Enjoy it for me.

  16. rabbifuente

    Love Barnaby’s, classic Chicago style tavern pizza

  17. Flashback to 1971! Might still be a Barnaby’s mug somewhere in my house.

  18. AmyKlaire

    Barnaby’s is the only thing I miss about Tallahassee.

  19. rupturedprolapse

    Literally my favorite spot growing up as a kid and has fueled my crippling pizza addiction as an adult. Barnaby’s just hits different.

  20. VR6Bomber

    what the hell is going on with that crust? it looks like a pumpkin pie crust.

  21. For some reason that fluted crust is really bothering me

  22. well---actually

    Comes out so hot just that picture burned my mouth.

  23. Pizza after sports is maybe the best type of pizza.

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