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Homemade Pizza Sauce recipe(how to make authentic pizza sauce) Italian pizza sauce

Cheaper than store bought.. Can be use in many dishes like pizza fries.. Jacket potatoes… Calzone and many more ingredients and budget breakup tomatoes… 4 medium sized (30 rupees) oil… 2 to 3 tbsp (available at home). Garlic cloves… 4 to 6(available at home). Ketchup.. Half cup (25 rupees). Salt.. To taste(available at home). Crushed red chillies… 1 tbsp(available at home). Mixed herb… 1 tsp (whole bottle rupes 80 so 1 tsp would cost 5 rupes approx) Homemade pizza sauce cost is 60 rupes approx VS store bought sauce is minimum of 200 rupes