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Cortese, Garganega, Verdicchio, Fiano: Everything You Need For WSET L2 in Wines +10 Exam Questions

Cortese, Garganega, Verdicchio, Fiano – the 4 Italian grape varieties that you need to know for WSET L2 in Wines (and are not Pinot Grigio 🙂
We will compare them side by side, and see where they are coming from and what their characteristics are.
At the end, like always, there are 10 WSET exam-type questions to test your knowledge.
Let me know how well you did.
Stay Thirsty and Wise!

hello wine people welcome to th and wise where we simplify wine my name is pet and I’m a wine educator in today’s video I’ll explain everything about four important Italian white gray varieties that you need to know for your wstd level two in wines and it’s one of them is not pinio this channel is for you if you’re interested in wine or you want to get interest in wine if you believe that the world of wine should be more simple and approachable for for everybody please consider to subscribe join us and let’s change the world the wine together let’s start the video okay why people in this video I’ll explain four important Italian way gray varieties that you need to uh need to know for your doust level two in wines we’ll talk about Cortez garganega Verio Fano I’ll show you and I’ll explain where these wines are coming from and I’ll explain their characteristics in reality it is very challenging to on a blind tasting to tell apart um Italian wines especially wines that are coming from not so well known regions and are made uh and are not made from the classical gray varieties especially Italian wise there’s so many of them um but I’ll put them side by side so you can actually see what are the major uh differences between the the wines and their Styles so next time when you actually have a chance to taste these wines try to focus and find this uh differences uh between the wines um uh also I found it from my experience that students that are um not in the wine industry or never had a chance to uh taste these wines or serve these wines it’s very challenging for them to remember uh the appellations and the regions uh appellations and the great varieties connected to the the regions so I think this video will help um if you’re not aware fully aware of these great varieties in the regions um for me when I’m studying something that I that I’m studying for the first time for me it helps me you know repeating the same information four or five times it stays in my head so and on the end I’ll answer 10 example questions okay first of all um I’ll show you a few Maps few Maps where the wines are coming from and then we’ll compare them side by side so this is a map of Italy Italy is very characteristic for that that actually it has 20 regions and all 20 regions make wine that’s why it makes challenging to to remember all Italian wines but today we’ll focus on four on four regions and four different great varieties that you need to remember uh thing one thing that you need to know about Italy it’s it’s a very long country and basically the climate changes as you move from from north to south so the north is going to be more cooler it’s surrounded by uh by Alps and then uh in the in the South it’s more Mediterranean climate and it’s more warmer meaning that the grapes produced there have more sugar and usually produce Fuller style styles of wine compared to to the north also a moderate moderating effect in Italy is um is influenced by the by the Seas Mediterranean seas that surround uh Italy in the Southeast east and west and also up and mountains they go through the country all the way until the until the South and influence the the climate in a way that uh higher altitude enables a longer growing season and can produce uh grapes that are more uh fresher and higher acidity and lower in Sugar more balanced so the uh the the regions that we’re going to focus is here in the north northwest pamon Veneto in the Northeast part around venea Torino is in Pon Marque around anona and compania around Napoli okay so you already get uh you can get an idea what kind of style we should expect from appellations that are coming from in the North in the middle and then also in the in the South so I mean these are more detailed maps than than you need to uh have and know for w but you know it’s just uh a little bit more awareness will not hurt so on this map you can actually see uh so the four appellations that we’re going to be talking about is Gab for Cortez it is um saave for garganega so in this uh map you can actually see in pamon the appellation of GA of gab gab is here in green and the great variety will be Cortez then in Veno where is it okay sorry so the appalation of saave and we’re going to be talking about great variety garganega okay so here you can see that it’s actually a more Northern more Continental influence climate that produce that is going to produce more fresher style wines then Marque is on the on the east coast in the middle of the of the country and ver Verio Castell de Jessie is the appalation in Mar and is dominate it is produced by veriko grape so that’s why it’s called in Italy you’re going to see a lot of appellations actually the grape and where it’s coming from so for for example here ver Castell Jessie great variety verico coming from the town of Jesse okay and the last great variety is Fano and we’ll will focus on CIA from the appalation of avalino so the appalation will be Fano the aino Fano grave from the appalation of avalino okay so here you can actually see the things that we’re going to be talking about for this four great varieties so we’ll talk about basically their style and how the wines are are made so sweetness body acidity Aromas appellations wine making and uh development if the wines are meant for aging or not if they have potential for aging or not so here I put four you can see Cortez garganega veriko and Fano and then we’ll go uh one by one side by side for you to see the main differences between the wines uh because the wines are quite similar but there are some some differences that um there’s some differences between the wines so uh Cortez is uh so Cortez is associated with the appalation of uh of of the region of peont it comes from the appalation of gab docg produces wines that are dry light boded uh and high in acidity wines are made in a inert uh in with inert wine making meaning that they use stainless steel lower temperatures for fermentation in order to produce wines that are uh light and fresh the characteristic of Aroma of Gab the wines are characterized by Blossom green apple and lemon and these wines are not really meant for aging they’re meant to be consumed young fresh garganega is connected with the uh region of Veno there’s three appellations that you need to know soave DC soic doc andot G so the wines are made in dry and sweet style the the sweet style that you need to remember isoto Roto dog so when you see Roto on the on the Italian wines Roto indicates a sweet style of wine and rot is usually connected to uh to Veno but there’s some other regions that use this term as well so if you see saave saave Classico those are going to be dry styles if you see choto theave dog is going to be a sweet style the main difference between soave and soave Classico they’re I mean there they’re two different appellations sa will be more on a flatter land higher um higher yields the great the wines are going to be more simple and simple and uh lighter not as complex as saw Classico you usually comes from a higher steeper steeper heels lower yields and the wines are more concentrated and complex and have the ability to age in the bottle um the wines are usually medium light to medium body so so will be more lighter uh Suave Classico will be more towards medium body uh character Aromas are green apple lemon Peach so primary Aromas wine doesn’t age in Oak butt can age in a bottle and develop Aromas of honey and almond like I said wines are classically uh traditionally not aged in Oak and have potential for aging especially for so Classico and Roto disave also to mention Roto disave is made by aimo Method if you didn’t see the video on uh wine making and sweet wine making please see that basically a pacento is a way to produce sweet whites verico verico comes from region of mar from appalation Verio de Castell JC U produces wines that are dry medium in boded high in acidity you can see that all wines so far are high in acidity most of them are dry except the Roto um light to medium boded so on a blind tasting you know these are things that are not so easy to to tell apart from from from each one so that’s why we’re looking for you know subtle differences between these wines on the Aromas there’s a I would say a Aroma that is more specific to Verio and that is aroma of fennel so a more herbaceousness in in this wine green apple and lemon uh as well and then also verdico can be produced in a more simple simple Style Style lighter style but there’s veros that are produced in a more premium uh and complex Fuller body styles and this wines can age in a bottle and develop Aromas of honey and nuts usually done in a inert way it’s not AG in O but higher quality wines have the ability to age in a bottle and uh and on the end I’ll uh is fiano so Fano comes from the region of Campania from the appellation of Fano diino docg like you saw on the Italian map CIA is uh in the South more warmer Mediterranean climate produces grapes uh that are more riper Fuller and have the ability to even age in Oak the wines are dry full boded uh meat medium acidity medium acidity because of the more ripeness uh Aromas more riper fruit than the previous tree so more towards Peach melon mango bread bread and dough the wines are also aged on on leav smoke that comes from Aging in Oak and also honey with a bottle development so this wines when when you taste them a more complex style of piano can actually have primary secondary and tertiary AR Ras okay remember all this okay so let’s let’s do the 10 questions uh please let me know how well you did and if you have any questions um what is what is the variety of Gab garganega cores Fano Verio the correct answer is Cortez okay you see the now the the challenge terms that you’re not used to and especially if they’re if they’re most of them are um something that you’re coming across for the first time it can be challenging so gab Cortez I made also a video on white wine appellations in Excel sheet so I I think this will uh additionally help you in your studies what is the variety of soave garganega cor Fano Vero the correct answer is a garan which region is Verio grape uh grape growing in Italy Veneto CIA Mar Pont the correct answer is C mar mar veric is connected with Mar which region is Fano grape growing in Italy Veneto CIA Marque Pont the correct answer is B Campania which term indic Ates sweet wine in Italy Classico Reserva Roto amarona the correct answer isoto which description best describes gab DLC Light fresh Blossom green apple light ripe uh green apple vanilla full body ripe melon vanilla full body green apple uh Blossom the correct answer is a light fresh Blossom green apple we which Aroma best describes verdico lemon green apple Peach and fennel I’m I’m looking for the specific Aroma that is more specific to the great variety veru the correct answer is D fenel which appalation produces ripest style of wine ver Jess orino the correct answer is d fanino which wine is not meant for aging so I mean like for example this specific question is not something that you will get on wct level two but it is good for you to to understand the the logic and understand what influences the style uh what influences the style wine uh quality and price which wine is not meant for aging so clcc G ver Castell Jessie D or Fano diino the correct answer is B Gabi is generally a wine that is not meant for aging where others there are examples that are lighter and examples that can age and get more complex which techniques uh which technique is used to make Coto this late Harvest aimo Noble Rod adding sugar to the wine the correct answer is b as aiment let me know how well you did why people thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video I hope this video was fun and informative for you to watch please let us know if you have any questions it is very important if you want to get Distinction on wstd but in general to be more wise about the huge world of wine for you to know smaller Appalachians and not so well-known great varieties like the the ones that we talked today the world wine is not just shares and Sun blancs it is so much more than that and that’s why it’s so interesting I’ll see you in the next video Until then stay thirsty and wise


  1. I saw al your vídeos to prepare WSET, your vídeos are great, book is boring. All information its clear and very easy to understand

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