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82. Ed Ciarimboli & Jay Vaughn – Dumb Clients, Italian Cooking, and Alcohol

“Look, you’re not as exciting as you think you are. You’re not gonna just walk into a courtroom and wow people with your magnetic presence.”

On this week’s special episode, Maria talks with two guests! Ed Ciarimboli and Jay Vaughn discuss their dumbest clients, why Maria doesn’t know movies, the pros and cons of animations, the fear of flying, the infamous Chef Vola’s and Ed’s famous Italian cooking.

11:16 Always ask about tattoos
31:36 The plane ride
56:15 Chef Ed

Guest Ed Ciarimboli (@edciarimboli on Instagram) is an attorney and founding partner at Fellerman & Ciarimboli Law PC. Attorney Ciarimboli concentrates his practice on trucking and auto collision and medical malpractice litigation. He has been selected for inclusion in the Pennsylvania Super Lawyers® list every year since 2008.

Guest Jay Vaughn (@thegingerwolverine on Instagram) is an attorney and partner at Hendy Johnson Vaughn Emery. He is one of the first attorneys to be Board Certified in Truck Accident Law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Since, 2020, Jay has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Kentucky Super Lawyers.

You can get in touch with Ed at

You can get in touch with Jay at

Host Maria Monroy (@marialawrank on Instagram) is the Co-founder and President of LawRank, a leading SEO company for law firms since 2013. She has a knack for breaking down complex topics to make them more easily accessible and started Tip the Scales to share her knowledge with listeners like you.

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satch barely fits in there I’m sitting there Ed’s cracking up Tom gorilla’s eyes are like I’m going to die like I’m I’m just not going to make it and I’m sitting there and as we’re getting ready to leave the Pilot’s like oh yeah by the way it may be a little rough welcome to the tip to scales podcast where we discuss running and growing your Law Firm I’m your host Maria Monroy president and co-founder of laink it’s been a really really long time since I’ve had two guests on at the same time but I am joined by Javon and Etso they both Tred to take over us hosts at some point which I did not appreciate and don’t worry I didn’t let them we honestly were just kind of shooting the [ __ ] I hope that you guys enjoy this episode you’ve never seen Ferris Beer’s day off I mean I’m sure I have I just don’t remember it no hold on hold on have you ever seen uh Animal House no okay have you ever seen catty Shack no Have You Ever Seen The Godfather yes okay but I don’t remember it I should watch it again uh have you ever seen have you ever seen Dirty Rotten Scoundrels no Dirty Rotten Scoundrels okay and have you ever seen um what’s a good classic Fletch no okay just based on the movie title alone Fletch what do you think the movie is about baseball I know wow baseball and what about baseball oh it is no it but what about what kind of baseball I have no idea all right so what’s it about why are you looking at me like okay hold on time out what year did these movies come out um I mean old enough to know all these M hold on ‘ 80s 90s I moved here when I was eight I didn’t speak English so I was like 10 so that would have been 95 so I think I should be and culturally I still wasn’t American yet did they have a blockbuster near you when you moved here I didn’t speak English and like how would I know about these movies like my parents didn’t watch them it’s like a cultural thing okay all right you know they were watching like Tel noas have have you seen old school that sounds like something I’ve seen have you seen Tommy Boy I don’t think so oh man how about we do this you guys send me a list we just did did you record this yeah so just based on the movie title of Tommy Boy what do you think that movie is about Tommy we need a little bit more than that come on give us the give us the movie you know I don’t know I mean it sounds like it like a nickname so maybe like he played a sport and they called him Tommy Boy what type of movies do you like like if you had to go to a genre because maybe we’ll throw one out to give you throw you like the softball I mean I like chick flicks okay got a good chick flick for you okay um The Notebook I love the notebook okay have you seen clueless of course how about what uh I mean Matthew mccon he did like a hundred romcoms what’s a good one uh ghost to girlfriend’s pass what do you think that one’s about pretty self-explanatory someone die so non-comedy non chick flick really good movie I know you haven’t seen it you have to have you seen Usual Suspects no but it sounds like like if you had said Usual Suspects I know it’s a movie so you say is I don’t remember it so here’s the other thing I don’t have a good memory for movies like I will watch a movie and then eight years later I’ll watch it again and then right like at the last 10 minutes I’m like [ __ ] I’ve seen this and I Know How It Ends Can’t Buy Me Love No Can’t Buy Me Love but see I maybe I have and I just don’t remember this is and I like TV shows was better cuz movies put me to [Laughter] sleep The Leftovers how do you know that I’ve seen the leftovers look at this this guy’s paying attention yep I’m watching it right now leftovers yes I enjoyed it it’s it’s a little weird a little to weird like Paul gani though I like him yeah sure I’m just a fan of his just there’s it’s like a little to out there it is like I feel like I don’t know where they’re taking it like where are you going with this I can’t wait wait till the end it reminds me of lost like at the at some point it just like you’re like why I don’t get it huh okay you guys seem very annoyed disappointed with me so a little fun fact about lost yes uh the guy with the bald head uh yes John Lock MH uh had dinner at my house really get so my wife one of her uh the people that was on her Studio B platform um she was a mindfulness teacher yoga instructor and she was in uh filming for studio and and that’s her boyfriend oh wow yeah that’s really cool kids were flipping out cuz they were big loss fans a yeah real nice guy yeah yeah real nice real nice guy yeah okay I was gonna say what so I had a I was thinking about this this morning what’s the dumbest thing a client’s ever done the dumbest the dumbest thing a client’s ever done I have to think do you know your answer oh yeah what is it all right what because I’m not I’m not yeah about it so I’m getting ready this is this is like 10 plus years ago for I’m getting ready for trial and I’m prepping the client and and so the client’s sister is going to come in she’s got to be on video because she can’t make her for trial right so I tell her send your sister in she comes in and very very nice person right prepping her she’s like what she says what should I wear I said you know look just TR like you’re going to go to church on you know church on Sunday something appropriate that’s what you should have said to me this morning I called Jay this morning I’m like what I have to speak what do I wear what are you wearing he’s like no you need to dress up I’m like keep going he’s lying uh so so I’m like fine uh so the the trial video depth for trial set for like couple more CLE couple days after we prep she does a really good job in the prep she shows up and I’m not kidding you she has a full-blown pirate outfit on pirate outfit wow she has the boots like the big like knee high boots she has the seethrough like sheer black leggings red thong can Mak it a red thunk white puffy pirate shirt black BR see-through everything’s see-through by the way I don’t know wait but I’m confused you told her what church so I didn’t I didn’t know what kind of church she went to right that’s the problem I know what she what is there any kind of church that I don’t know what freaky [ __ ] she’s doing on Sunday or Monday or whatever day she even goes to church but and then she’s got the white shirt on see-through black bra and she’s got this big bon like scarf around and she comes in and sits down like oh my God what did you say I said what she’s like what what’s wrong I’m like you got to be on video like what I can’t you cannot show I can’t show this video to anybody in this jury pool I like what what did you think she’s like well this is kind of how I how I dress normally all the time I’m like and going to church he’s like well I don’t really go to church you know he like but I kind of Imagine going to church in this what and I’m like I’m like what I said look we obviously we’re here now you I can’t throw a blanket over think you’re gonna have to do this and uh wait she didn’t like go to like Target and buy something oh we were on I mean like we were like literally she walked in and like she was sitting down and going to do the deposition and so so so we did I still have it floating around somewhere and every now and then I’m like oh my God that’s the that’s the pirate video did and did it impact the case uh case fortunately settled so we never had to play it but it would have yes dramatically Mak you think of the Seinfeld epode Dr I want to be a pirate total puffy shirt total puffy pirate shirt yeah justess up I can’t think anything dumb my clients are done but even if I could I wouldn’t say it because I can’t top the Pirates oh God yeah listen I I got I’ve had I’ve had a client do something that I mean that It ultimately was dumb but you know withh you know withholding information yeah you it was my very first jury trial and my star my client was sexually allegedly sexually harassed by her lesbian supervisor whose uh name was Ruth and Ruth grabbed her boob uh in the office in front of people and her sister was a witness so I prep her sister and her sister takes the stand and uh the sister starts answering questions the opposite of the prep and bearing my client uh that none of this happened doesn’t know what she’s talking about never heard of this and she gets off the stand and the sister walks around to the owner of the company and Pats him on the back in front of the jury and leaves the courtroom and my very first trial my wife’s there my mom’s there I’m in I’m in North I’m in North Eastern Kentucky uh so you know two hours from where I’m from and uh uh take a break and I lean over my client I just look at her I go what the [ __ ] just happened she goes oh I didn’t tell you my sister are INF feuding we don’t talk anymore I said don’t you think it’s something I would like to know before I put her on this stand that’s a relevant piece of information they should so I don’t have anything dumb but I have something that you know tanked the case gotcha when do you fire a client oh God so I recently had to fire a client and and it was a really interesting experience because uh so the client just absolutely refused refused to um stop doing drugs um and you know like recreational cocaine right and so I’m like look like this is she’s like I’m not an addict I’m like yeah yeah like this is a problem it’s going to impact you know the dramatically impact the value of the case so I’m sitting down and I’m I’m like look we cannot work together anymore like we just can’t we can’t do it and she’s like why just because I’m I do cocaine I’m like yes exactly I cannot represent you because you continue to you know to you know to do drugs um that’s one pretty solid reason to fire a client uh I would say the other sometimes it’s just you know look if they’re if you just aren’t meshing with them and for us it’s if I can’t imagine myself sitting next to this client in a courtroom for and trying the case and I don’t like them then no the jury’s not going to like them either so it’s like you know at that point I’ll give you a a another good story on on that um and also a cautionary tale of why you should always uh ask about uh tattoos so we had a client Philadelphia County Trucking Cas guy gets rear ended and I know he’s got some tattoos cuz he’s got some neck tattoos right but every meeting he’s got long sleeves so I never I never asked to see his forearms uh and we’re getting ready to go to trial it’s in Philadelphia it’s July so it’s hot as hell and there’s no air conditioning in the courtroom so everybody like they they run they run window units when there’s no testimony cool it down then they so everybody’s in um you know shorts s shorts seves so we’re getting ready and he shows up now we’re in Philadelphia County my partner is Jewish this guy shows up and he has a massive swasa on his for oh no massive and I’m like I there’s no way no way that I can walk this guy into a courtroom in Philadelphia County with the demographics of Philadelphia County and you know my partners with this guy with a huge swas for did you what do you have to do in that case like go to the judge and explain the situation I assume and the and the judge was Jewish Jesus yeah oh wow yeah so um you know there was an offer on the table uh for you took it and I was like listen um I I I said I go at this point I can’t advise you appropriately like at my there’s no there is absolutely no um uh I I hate you like yeah like morally eth I hate your guts like I mean like I physically do not like you so the offer on the table I think is fair reasonable based on these circumstances I want you to go talk to another lawyer um about taking the offer and and if you don’t take it then I’m going to make a motion to withdraw and I don’t want to put this in a motion because I don’t want the Jewish judge to see that you have a swasa on your dud you’re that’s such a tough position because you’re still terrible ethically supposed to like rep like yeah like and you did the right thing yeah so but yes nuts no you CAU is crazy it’s you know it’s it’s never easy can we hear any of this yeah I know that’s that’s I mean it’s never easy firing a client but I mean sometime and he gave great examples and um the one that one of the ones that stick out my mind the most was that this client that came to me he was referred from a CRI criminal lawyer that was um in my first firm I worked for and he said he standing there at Boot Country buying buying a belt and this car crashes through the front of the store into the counter hits into him knocks him down he has a really bad back injury um and uh getting pain management treatment may need surgery and so I’m getting close to when I get the case and statutes I still got a little bit of time and I’m like I just want to see the video so I contact the store who was in sh with State Farm and I’m like can I have the video and the adjust was well I mean we don’t give it out pretty soon I’m like you didn’t do anything wrong you’re just it was the car that the guy thought he put it in park or put in drive and he put in reverse and he went down the hill into through the store I go just let me see the video where I’ll sue you so they could fine they send me the video and you know we always want to get the video of what happened let makes our job EAS easier so I’m watching the video and you see my client standing at the counter and you see him there first with a cane which he didn’t tell me he had a cane at the time and you see him on the video look up look up and then just start casually backing up backing up backing up 20 ft away from the counter car crashes through my client’s just standing there he’s walking up down the aisle and I go he never got knocked down he never got hit he never got hurt he’s completely lying so I sent him I sent him him a uh uh a non- gauge letter I sent him a copy of the video and I sent it two days before Christmas oh my God and he called me and said we my wife now watch this they doctored the video I go Boot Country and say they they doctored the video when they didn’t do anything wrong I go you know I was like you’re lying you you’re you’re a liar and I’m not going to represent someone who’s making it up how often does that happen where you guys get like now I’m just curious uh very infrequently okay very infrequently I mean especially like the work that Jay and I do I mean you know listen people are either dead or not not dead um so you know we we are very fortunate we represent really tragically injured people or people who have been killed or or uh you know so not often anymore um but every now and then you run up against a charlatan you know like somebody like yeah like you I’m just not sure about this you know not sure about this one well it’s the old saying and I mean my mentors taught me this is clients deal with you on a need to know basis and some [ __ ] you just didn’t need to know you find out the hard way you know you finally and it’s why I always tell lawyers when I talk to young lawyers listen you know the the case your client’s case just in about the day of the wreck and what’s happened after everyone no one’s born the day of the wreck everyone has a history don’t wait till you file suit and defense L gets authorizations or subpoenas and gets your clients past records get the records first and go back 5 years 10 years I’ve had clients I’ve gone back 20 I want as much paper before the wreck as I can we have to prove a negative prove they didn’t have a back injury prove they didn’t break that leg before prove that they didn’t have a drug problem they weren’t in counseling whatever it may be right and there’s been times I’ve gotten the past records and it’s made the case better and there’s been times going uh if the fence gets this we’re screwed let me try to get this resolved um but you know clients just don’t think it’s relevant that they had five prior wrecks or they had a back surgery 6 months before your wreck or whatever it may be it’s amazing the stuff that in their mind the law their lawyer doesn’t need to know because it doesn’t impact their case when it really does I got a question for you I don’t know if I ever knew have we ever talked about this but I know your husband got in as a lawyer yes and and kind of during law school started doing this uh but what made you want to come hang out with lawyers and do all this so I always thought I’d go to law school and I didn’t because life got in the way but I guess it’s not too late but when he started doing SEO for his brother and then started getting phone calls from other lawyers saying like hey can you do this for me we just kind of looked at each other one day my background is sales and management so said hey we got to start an agency right and like I’ll do this side and you do that side and then that that was it now it took me a long time to actually um do it because we had it first one kid then two then three and for those first 5 years I did very little I did like the accounting I would literally go on QuickBooks and like do the accounting and like do like random little things when I had a moment yeah but it wasn’t until 5 years ago that I started like full-time how do you like working with your husband I I mean who am I going to trust more than him like no one yeah now of course it has its [ __ ] down right like I always talk about the time we were watching uh the finale of Game of Thrones and he pauses it and he’s like I discovered something today and I’m like what and then he starts talking to me about local SEO and I’m like I’m like I don’t give a [ __ ] like you call your director of SEO like I don’t I just don’t care like I I want to finish this it’s Sunday it’s 10:30 p.m. Game of Thrones I know I was really [ __ ] annoyed so it’s things like that that I don’t love but we do completely different things did you like that whole series Game of Thrones I loved it any part disappoint you I didn’t love the end yeah and and the the the the big fight scene the the the you know the night scene couldn’t see [ __ ] yeah you couldn’t tell who was that it’s like if you’re gonna have a big fight scene have it during the day yeah I me was the whole point that it was like always in dark like it was like you want to see I don’t want to hear a fight scene oh I’d like to see if iight said they took some shortcuts there I’ve been rewatching it I think I’m back I’m up on season s so I’ve been rewatching over I mean there’s a bunch of series I’ve rewatched so I decided to I rewatched um Sopranos I rewatched 24 I rewatch Justified um I’m rewatching Sons of Anarchy and Games of Thrones like alter I want have you watched the new one the prequel to Game of Thrones uh the what’s it called oh I don’t know know I know there was a prequel yeah it’s really good so they did it after I think it’s called like House of dragons or no no yeah yeah yeah and that was on um was that on Prime no or H Max it was Max like a year ago there’s only been one season I didn’t see that no I didn’t see it and now I really want to see the next season so it’s like they go backwards in time it is good I I thought that the end of season 1 built really well yes it started a little slow had but I thought the end of season one the last two or three episodes I thought were really good I’m just waiting for the next one to come out see my idea for a podcast you you already trying to take over US host oh I absolutely see why not we need to do it we need to do it it’s it’s a good idea see it’s a good ide right I don’t know I we we’ll talk about it um well lawyers generally are very boring you know we I don’t think so I don’t think so well we our group like our group is is not boring but you know Jay and I we we I mean we teach all over the country and and one of the things we tell people all the time is like look you’re not as exciting as you think you are right you’re not going to just walk into a courtroom and just wow people with your magnetic presence it’s just not going to happen I agree I think also like people think that lawyers look a certain way because of Television so everyone expects like [ __ ] Harvey Spectre to walk in and it’s like 99% of the time it’s not Harvey Spector walking in no right and you don’t you know there there’s there’s very few in a courtroom very few kind of gotta moments like it just doesn’t you know I I’ve been practicing Lot 24 years I could tell you and try to you know [ __ ] ton of cases maybe a handful of like oh my God I can’t believe that just there’s very few I can’t believe that actually just happened in this courtroom you know uh it’s so most of the time you know you it’s whoever tells the better story is is uh going to be successful but I think even like lawyers think that people see them that way oh God yeah yeah well no most so we’ve done a lot of uh we’ve done a lot of um studies on this like most people think that we’re going to walk in and be obnoxious and abrasive and twist words and not let people finish their sentences and cut people off and all that kind of stuff and so when you start doing that stuff in the courtroom then you’re just being on COD oh yeah and and now you know we’ve seen it happen is that um people stop listening like just they don’t they don’t it doesn’t matter how great the testimony that you’re getting or think you’re getting they don’t care doesn’t it doesn’t matter they just if they think you’re being a bully you’re being again it comes back to fair if you’re being unfair and you’re raising your voice and you’re being mean to a witness when they don’t deserve it or ask for it it just Tunes them out and then even if you even if you’re getting stuff that helps your case and should you know you know persuade them to rule or find in favor of your client it’s just it does the opposite they tune it out and it’s because the lawyer messed up and how often do you think lawyers are doing this all the time I really still to this oh yeah yeah yeah especially um do you think it’s like an insecurity thing like a young lawyer do a little bit so I think it’s a couple of things one there’s there’s very poor training in law school all right like there’s I mean I didn’t have a deposition class in law school did you yes I we actually yeah my law school we actually had a a deposition skills class there’s very but the Jay’s law school that you know that’s one of the that’s an exception rather than the norm right there’s very few kind of skills classes like that so you’re you’re being taught by not a knock on Law School professors but you’re being taught by people that you know don’t practice right so there’s this kind of idea like well this is how you should cross-examine somebody you know you should be you should be every question should be a leading question every question should be you know um you know you should be controlling that person well that’s not how people talk right right and and you know one of the things that we tell people all the time like the judge tells them don’t leave your common sense at the door walk in sit down and so if they’re not supposed to leave their common sense at the door and Common Sense tells you why this is not natural why are they acting like this then they immediately start to think and that’s just poor training from from years of just how this profession has has been you know has been built you know we had the law school I went to um also had a night school so um if you’re in the night program it take you four years to get through law school um but was for um law students who had fam fulltime jobs my husband went to night school he eventually switched to full-time oh there you go and so in in the law school was always they always felt that you know they wanted a practical side of it so they had a trial advocacy class you could take it just as a class they had a team you could compete but they had a trial advocacy class I was an ADC professor and actually I taught it one summer and then they had like a civil a Kentucky civil practice class that was taught by um two judges and they and the judges would obviously you know was at night they’d come in after their docket and they were circuit judges so Tri Court judges and then they would invite um your phone they would they would invite local practitioners play floors defense lawyers some criminals some family some Pi um to you know to to present and be a guest for that night and then there was also a more of a pre-trial deposition practice class that you could take and you would work all all year all semester on practicing how to take a deposition practicing how to draft motions argue motions and the two people that taught that were also practicing lawyers in the community um just adun professors who had an active practice and they would bring in guest speakers so at least we got for a couple years some really good exposure to real lawyers and not law professors who do practice law yeah now is this one of the reasons you guys are involved with AJ Deo College oh yeah yeah I mean just you know trying to um you know help lawyers you know trying to help lawyers get better uh I mean I’ve been doing the Deo colleges now for better part of a decade that’s crazy and uh yeah I and probably I don’t even know how many people I’ve taught you know or worked with in in doing deposition skills but you know it’s evolving I mean what we were teaching and doing 10 years ago is now even different you know now uh um and you know we see like there’s there’s very few lawyers that really just want to keep learning and getting better at their craft and just a lot of lawyers are just like yeah I got it you know they’ve had a modum of success and you know that success now they’re like I don’t need to learn anything I don’t need to learn anything else I’m you know I’m good but um you know we’re always trying to push the envelope a little bit at some of the you know deposition colleges and bring in some new ideas or theories and um I’m kind of one of the guinea pigs that uh you know goes out and uh runs into a brick wall a bunch of times testing the stuff and then reports back I’m like yeah that didn’t [ __ ] work you know that didn’t work at all do you guys talk about that like what instead of like only talking about what does work is it what doesn’t work in yeah I mean I’ll give you you know give you a good example um and we were actually talking about this uh in and we’re in Arkansas uh animations people like there’s this people love them they think they love them well someone texted you yesterday asking you know for who you use yeah and uh you know we’re we’re always like cautioning people like you’ll go spend $50,000 on an animation Jesus really oh EAS easy 50 Grand I’m in the wrong line of business and then you show this animation to a focus group and and it does the exact opposite of what you want Oh but you know so it’s like we’re always like look sometimes they’re appropriate most of the time they’re not and so you know we tell these cautionary tales about this is how these are some of the things that have not worked uh and here’s why and and so now you could build on build your case around all right well I know that’s not going to work what is going to work or what should work or what can work and but the lesson is I mean you have to test this stuff you have to focus group this stuff you know um and I think some lawyers will go to a program they’ll hear Ed or me or someone else talk about hey on this case I had this animation I had this expert and they go oh I have to do that for every case and they don’t really sit back and think of does it fit the case is it the story I want to tell Will the jury see it the way we see it and is it a good use of money I mean some animations I’ve had some that have been 10 grand I’ve had some that have been almost $770,000 Jes you know I mean I tell people a lot about the story of kazed and I um just spoke in Arkansas on visuals and demonstratives at trial and um one of the things we talked about was in the um in the uh the wrongful death uh the road de drop off Paving case my partner and I tried in July 2021 we had an animation um and and I tell us we used um uh uh um Sean clacket Sean clacket Focus Graphics and love Sean working with him now and something else but he put together an ammunation exactly how my partner asked and we had this idea this concept and we went through the whole process we had edits made we got the final product we watched it and go they did exactly what we wanted it looks really good we cannot disclose it because it’s taken the focus off what what case we want to try and the defense will just eat it alive and focus on what the truck did not what the paving company did so we didn’t disclose it we spent 25 Grand or something on it and we just ate I mean we ate the cost and just never disclose it um because it would have we knew test it would have gone the opposite way but see I think that’s really cool that even though it cost you that much money energy time when you looked at it and said this isn’t going to work you were like no I’m going to trust my gut pull it whereas I feel like some people would feel like well I spent so much money and I’m so vested that yep you know and we pivoted we found a guy in lexon Kentucky that does models and out of Styrofoam spray paint we create a model of the road Edge um with sections that could remove and a model of the tire uh from the truck showing what would happen if the paving company did it the right way tell tell Maria about your first first plane ride on a very small plane in Arkansas I’m cheered of flying so so we’re by the way so is he I literally did hypnosis the other day for it like that’s how [ __ ] scared I am so we’re out in saw with satch Oliver who’s amazing and we’re at we’re we’re hang out and we we meet a little bit at Satch’s lak house and we go through some marketing and planning and business ideas and stuff and hung out and then we get back to Satch’s house and next morning we’re going to Hot Springs Arkansas to speak at the Arkansas uh Tri lawyers one of their one of their events and so it’s me and Ed and satch a lawyer in Buffalo named Tom gillo and then another lawyer local in Arkansas I forgot the guy’s name Michael Michael thank you yeah and uh so satch is like yeah we’ll go cuz he lives literally 3 miles from the airport like the main airport you walk in which is what XNA but he’s like but we’re not taking you know we’re not booking flights going through TSA pre-check I chartered a plane I’m like oh that’s pretty awesome like you know so we were pulling around and I’m thinking you know so like like you know what size like what size is the jet you know what’s the how many seats I’m thinking it’s a jet now it’s a little prop plane and I mean it’s a King Air but it’s a prop plane and I look at and I go you got to be [ __ ] kidding me I’m like uh what and we get in and it’s small and I mean it’s so small satch is like Hey Jake can you take my hat his cowboy hat he always wear his cowboy hat and put it in the back so like I’m taking his hat off satch barely fits in there I’m sitting there Ed’s cracking up Tom gorilla’s eyes are like I’m gonna die like I’m I’m just not going to make it and I’m sitting there and as we’re getting ready to leave the Pilot’s like oh yeah by the way it may be a little rough uh that’s it’s a 30 minute flight it’s like maybe a little rough I’m like maybe a little yeah maybe a little rough I’ll let you take it from there so the so Jay is here and the other Michael’s here and then Tom is facing Jay and then sat is here and then there’s like a little bench seat that I’m on and the two pilots and and so you know we two pilots that’s two pilots yeah that’s good though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so we take off and uh I could touch them that’s how close it we take off and and you know we’re in the air maybe you know 15 minutes and it it’s actually pretty smooth not bad and then we hit some you know we hit some chop and and I’m watching I can’t see grillo’s face but I can see Jay’s face and like the first time and the plane like you know it it drops it feels like it drops a and it does it does you see it there wo and I can only gillo is like you know literally [ __ ] himself uh you know at this point and and Michael is just chatting away chatting away he’s like oh man that a bump that a big bump that was a big bum then he starts telling stories about he’s like man ride he’s like man the you know the one time he’s like we had to make an emergency landing and Jay’s like that’s that’s really something that’s really something and and so and I’m just I’m watching this whole thing I’m and you’re not scared uh you know I mean I’ve flown enough I don’t like I don’t I don’t particularly love turbulence but I get it you know um and I’m always like you know the pilots they’re not even their hands aren’t even on the instruments you know so and the pl I mean they’re designed for that right so it’s it’s not it’s not terrible the the the stuff that always scares the [ __ ] out of you know me on planes is when whenever you’re um like whenever there’s weather like really yeah you know if it’s lightning or snow or whatever it is I’m like how the hell are they going to take off and land like once you’re in the air I mean it’s you know it’s pretty well you know you’re fine but so we’re we’re coming you know we’re coming in and it’s you know it’s it’s it’s a you know it’s we get we get up and I look at I mean Jay’s sweating gillo looks like he is like the the white as as the coffee cup and so then we go we speak and then after we speak we go to the horse races before we’re getting back on the a he is p had Bourbons to wear he no longer an isue I had to get back otherwise otherwise a 4-Hour Drive Right find the car yeah I I would have done the 4our drive oh it was it I was I had I was numb enough that it it it it didn’t really affect me and the ride back wasn’t as bad ride back was not that bad the ride back was you know was not as not as bad at all uh but we were we were in um Jackson hle Wyoming uh in February and when we were leaving Jackson Hole um it was dumping snow okay I don’t like this can we change dumping dumping snow my anxiety is going up I literally just did literally hypnosis to try to get past this oh you’re going to be fine you’re be fine he looks scared right now look at him he’s re he’s reliving he’s reliving it um but you know like how in the world is this playing I mean it don’t ask that question dumping snow dumping snow and man it was smooth as smooth as could you know smooth as could be I have a question for you yes I have an answer for you what do you think of Chef vas I loved it yeah can we talk about so hold on we never even intro or anything so we’re totally doing this backwards but to give everyone context we’re in I’m jvon no that’s sad uh we are in Atlantic City which I am not a fan of I had never been here before though so that’s kind of cool yeah is yeah right but we got you switch hotels yes thank you so much oh my God I will be forever grateful for that and yesterday was an experience yeah so tell us a little bit about where we went yesterday so we went to this place called chef volas and it’s been man it’s probably been around early 1900s 1920s or 30s I think Jeff 30s 40s yeah I mean it’s it’s been around you know it’s in the third generation now um and it is as old school Italian as you could possibly imagine I mean you go it’s a house and you literally go into the basement of the house low ceilings Everybody Eats family style uh and you know the owner comes out and I mean what a presence he has oh my God it was I was laughing because you know he would get everyone’s attention everyone would shut the [ __ ] up which never happens like there was what 20 24 people and when this he commanded the room and then Larry tried to get everyone’s attack I wanted to be like get the owner get the owner you know and he just you know the owner just sat there and just rattled off the entire menu oh yeah let me tell you what we have for apps for salads for Entre and he runs through and we can do it like this and we can make it like that and we have this sauce and we have the BL sauce we have the the crush clam the chop clam sauce chop clam that chop clam sauce was fire I told you top clams that’s the that’s one of the that’s one of the uh my favorite things on the whole menu and then it’s Bob so you bring and you can’t and you brought your wine that you make which we’re going to circle back to but you can’t get a reservation at this IED it’s packed like that every night yep I’m surprised you guys got such it was we had half the [ __ ] restant yeah yeah yeah so we’ve been I mean obviously been going there a long time but um uh Jeff Reef uh who is a really really outstanding lawyer in Philly he has a place down here and he’s been going there for years didn’t his son used to work there for a short time it did it did yeah Justin worked there for a spot yeah um and uh so uh you know Jeff kind of always sets it up when we’re coming down here for the NJ AJ Boardwalk uh you know seminar um and it’s just a it’s a it’s a huge hit I mean everybody everybody freaking loves it and it’s my second time I was there in 2019 so before Co it was literally cash only and there weren’t printed menus so at least now yeah so now I think since Co due to business and everything they now take um credit card and um they have the print menus I’d never seen that before um one thing you didn’t experience was also the they have one bathroom and it’s in the kitchen yeah I when you told me that I was like yeah I’m not using the bath here um but it’s great it’s such a great I felt special I’m like I was so grateful you guys you know and we were talking I was showing you about that one corner you’re in our you’re you’re in the you’re our people you and I showed you pictures I took in 2019 but one corner there’s an autographed uh photo of the cast from Sopranos yeah and then there’s the there’s the letter from the uh executive director and producer of Boardwalk Empire uh to the owner to Lou um and because uh with the with the snapshot of screenshots from the movie or the the series um because there’s a there’s an episode where Chef V is featured in one of the episodes of Boardwalk Empire with Steve bashim so it’s really cool the food was ridicul outrageously good and he made you a special he made me special scratch special yeah cuz I haven’t been eating gluten so yeah yep how what you said it was you tried it it was delicious and what about my gluten-free cheesecake it was awesome yeah with the coconut it was great it was so good did you have any of the apagado no oh that’s the that espresso and ice cream I can’t do coffee late at night can’t sleep nope you could work on the hip you should just drink coffee late at night and go on an airplan it’ll be fine no why would I do that and people can check out on your on your uh story you uh we’re on the sidewalk oh that that was like a such a cool pourn his wine yeah we were drinking drinking wine on the sidewalk yeah it was freezing and the owner comes out he’s like not ready for you guys so here are some chairs and plastic cups and I’ll open your wine bottle but I’m not going to give you the opener I’ll open it for you somebody else’s opener yeah uh but he was just like he just has such a presence I’m like yeah he’s good guy really really really good guy it’s just a you know that that place has been you know it’s refreshing that that something it feels super old school but I was transported in in time whether when I was there back in 2019 I forgot who told me the story um don’t know if it true or not but it matches it it it fits with the lore of uh Chef Olas is that one time someone called and they answered the phone and they asked for reservation they go who is this and how’ you get this number because it was a place where you couldn’t find the phone number like only people connected that had the in knew who to call to get a reservation like it was I mean you go out there it’s just this house there’s no signs there’s yeah there’s nothing it was really cool and I got to taste your wine yes I didn’t want to drink but you said I would be rude if I didn’t taste you would have been yeah and I wasn’t see Edwine is fantastic you like it I did yeah yeah we’ve been I was surprised I’m like you made this we did so wait is it organic uh is it organic I’m teasing you just tell us tell us how you make it so it’s interesting so I make it with um you know like 14 other guys and uh the guy who um we make it at his house is Jimmy Sperling and so it’s really cool this is the this is actually the um 102nd anniversary of this wine making group that’s really cool so Jimmy’s wife uh Mary Kay uh her her uh maiden name is Mary Kay gubiotti so Mary Kay’s uh grandfather came to the United States from Italy and settled in Pittston Pennsylvania in the early 1900s and then he started making wine with a you know with a group of guys around you know like 1920 it was like 19202 know 21 um and then he made it and then passed it on to you know to his son who was Mary Kay’s father um and then you know he made it and then passed it on to Jimmy and uh Jimmy you know we’ve been doing I’ve been doing it now for about 15 years and the really cool thing is now like my one son Josh is is doing it and a couple of the other guys so now it’s like the Next Generation that’s and he’ll he’ll ship he’ll ship Out The Bottles never the the batch it’s I don’t drink I don’t drink no it’s I drink much I’m going to send it for your husband I mean know I guess we will drink it we’re just not yeah we try to not drink often the bats two years ago was good the bats last year it was so good I had them send me more yeah yeah the last year was and it’s all we get our grapes from Napa um we make uh Petit cha we still make a little bit of Old Vine ziff Andale which are are um uh vines that are over 70 years old and then we’ll do an experimental barrel uh every year where like this year we we have a red blend um which uh we’ll bottle in June or July um don’t you make lemon cello make lemon cello I got yeah I got send some lemon cello so it’s it’s uh uh it’s like lighter fluid I mean it’s basically like you put a but you get we get a old like a wine barrel and um every time I I I think about it I I imagine like this is how like guys in prison make like alcohol because it’s just lemons and and you know sugar water and then you know like grain wait doesn’t satch make something that is like can we talk about it or no he makes wait he has a a beef he no the other thing munan yes oh yeah oh what the [ __ ] is that oh my God so it’s it’s actually funny cuz I like he he he at depage he’ll bring a jar of like apple pie moonshine well obviously in Kentucky I’m you know I’ve had moonshine and and actually there’s a the cool thing is there’s this uh I mean it’s just basically it’s it’s it’s grain alcohol spices yep they and they have different flavors so every the apple pie I’ve never ever had this I didn’t even know it existed until dangerous I think you’re the one that told me to yeah so every October uh in Eastern Kentucky a place called Rock Castle County they do this fantastic 3-day 4-day music festival called the Moonshiners ball and my wife and I go every year we go we camp out and it’s it’s music from 11:00 a.m. to like 4:00 a.m. it’s all day it’s all night they have food trucks there um and but there’s a guy every time I we get there and I get the tent set up there the first stop I make is I try to find the camping spot of a guy named crash crash uh and his wife out of the back of their pickup truck sell um big mason jars of uh moonshine and they have different flavors they have apple pie they have watermelon they have butterscotch they have coffee and it tastes like apple pie oh my God they have grape Jolly Rancher they’ll have yeah yeah they’ll do I mean and so peach cobbler yep so you always so the deal is you want to get the crash’s truck first and you buy a ton of jars of moonshine cuz you’ll drink some there and then you’ll take it back um it’s like 25 30 bucks a jar and you know I’m walking back with just a box of you know and my buddy who would come down from Maryland he’ll bootle back and take like like 20 jars of moonshine back to his friends and how drunk do you get from that oh I you have I’ll explain to you how drunk you get oh yes I love the story so first time I ever drink moonshine my it was his uncle wasn’t it right yeah so I’m at I’m in Arkansas at s’s house uh our our flight got cancelled so uh he said come back to the house it’s me Uncle John couple of the boys uh his wife Cody and he has two two daughters they were they were away he said we’re we watch the Arkansas Texas A&M game uh satch also has a a um he’s a Rancher so he’s got you know cattle and has amazing you know beef so he’s like steaks and yeah I mean it’s going to be you know I’m like this is great so we get back there and he has this beautiful pool and and really nice Vista that you look out over and so I’m sitting there with his uncle John and got my feet up and I’m smoking a cigar me and Uncle John are you know hitting the apple pie moonshine back and forth back and forth and um sat comes over he’s like hey uh how much moonshine you drank like I I don’t know I’ve drank this much and uh he’s like one’s enough two is too many and three your legs ain’t going to work I’m like no way I’m I don’t even Fe like I am I’m smoking a cigar next thing I know I go to get up my legs are not working wow I am blind blind drunk at you know at at this point I was like holy [ __ ] this stuff is it’s potent like you have to and it is like I’m not kid it’s it’s like drinking apple juice that’s how smooth it is again there’s not that’s scary oh don’t need to mix it oh the other one that’s we usually get apple pie and then my wife likes the pineapple and they’ll they’ll put big chunks of pineapple in it and oh my God it’s just yeah it’s it’s dangerous I feel like one Sip and I’d be one sip is you know one one little 3 o pore is I’m a lightweight so like what they’ll do at um especially before Co and now people are over it and back doing it but you’ll be there in a band will be playing and next thing you know someone’s you don’t know here and they just hand you a mason jar of moonshine you’re like let me take shot you just you just got random so you can’t keep up of how many shots you take and I mean that’s it’s but it’s serious so the this leads me to my last question and then I know you guys have to speak and I have to speak and we can wrap it up but you have to figure out what we’re going to talk about we do we don’t know before you ask that do you like speaking yes like do you like doing this cuz you’re very good at it thank you you really good really that’s a really good presentation did appreciate it yeah we had we had to give you like a motivational uh uh Speech though before that you were so nervous I’m always nervous like and now it’s like nothing like before it would be like I couldn’t sleep the night before nervous man now what I to say what am I going to say you know just 5 minutes before I’m like I have like a mini panic attack and then once like a minute passes I’m fine that’s good and I love it it’s fun did a great job really great job so how important do you guys think it is to have hobbies outside of what you guys do because I feel like sometimes what you guys do us trial lawyers it can be so immersive and then the burnout can be and then the health issues that can come with it and all of that so like I know you have your wine you guys have all sorts of hobbies how important do you think that is and have you been really intentional let you I mean it’s it’s such a traumatic line of work that we’ve chosen um it’s like secondary PTSD multiplied by every case we have and every case we’ve had before of the photos we have to watch of the video I mean had to watch a a case I turned down but the police video came in late had to watch a video the other day of a woman that wrecked her truck and her arm is amputated at the scene and she’s there with a truck on her leg part of it asking yelling at First Responders to get the truck off of her and to save her arm and like I had to watch it cuz I had to see if there’s something a piece of evidence in it because I turned the case down but see if something changed it and I’m watching this just going this is just what we go through and it’s traumatic It’s upsetting but we have to push through it because you know we have to know the story we have to know everything that happened to be able to deal with experts to deal with witnesses to explain it to the jury to advocate for a client and if you don’t have a release an outlet a non-legal Outlet a healthy Outlet um you just I mean it leads to drug addiction alcoholism suicide everything else and it’s I’ve seen it happen with too many lawyers like pingpong Ping Pong but for me it’s tennis like I I I I I took tennis back up probably about you know seven eight years ago I played played in high school um and I quit before I went to college and I’m picking it back up now so I played tennis a coup days a week I play competitive tennis it gets my you know keeps me a it’s athletic it’s exercise but also it’s gets my brain working for competition I can turn off work and sit there for a 2our hour and a half match and just play and then the other time I like to play have in my basement um uh I like to shoot pool a lot and that calms me down I did that in high school a lot in college when I just need to relax but I like golden tea uh I can play the golden tea golf game I have machine at my house you also just got new golf clubs and I just got new golf club clubs we’ll see what those how those things hit and you’re an occasional sailor did that once and that was the one of my favorite trips of my life but but you have to have some Outlet it used to be basketball um but I had too many friends getting hurt and it wasn’t worth the risk of injury so that’s when I you know switched and got into CrossFit and tennis and you know but you have to have something um my only unhealthy Outlet is bourbon and cigars a cigar I can lie a cigar up and it’s an hour hour and a half of time that stops and I can shut everything else down and it helps me unwind I will say both of you were at the gym very I mean I walked in at 7:30 and you guys were done by that point so it’s I it it is um uh if I have a religion It’s My Religion you know exercise you know every morning and um you know I have a lot of hobbies and I enjoy them I you my whole family skis and that’s a big outlet for you know for us and uh we we love it especially it’s a you know activity that the whole family does you know together my kids have been I think I’ve told you they’ve begged me yeah and I haven’t done it you should do it do it have you ever done it no oh you should you should I’m a scaredy cat though I don’t want to do anything no you should do it I’m scared to ski too so but um and up flying no yeah I’m good uh but but I you I played basketball in in high school and then into my uh freshman year in college so got hurt and Athletics was always a big part of what I did and played basketball for a long time after that until like you know very similar the one day I was just like this is I’m just my body is just beat up I mean beat up you I’m coming home uh after like a summer league game and ankles are swollen I you know so my wife was like you’re s what are you what are you doing like what why this is ridiculous so I haven’t played basketball in probably man it’s probably been eight years and I don’t miss it I mean I miss the competition like Jay said but I don’t I don’t miss uh you know my body just aching and just ACH threw my I threw my basketball shoes away in my basketball January of 2011 yeah I don’t I don’t miss it at all we’ll be watching a game tonight yes oh yeah yeah we’re going to Sixers SOC they better win yeah um but I fly fish uh I fly fish what’s that uh so you fish uh in um mainly uh creeks and streams and rivers you’re waiting in or you’re in a boat and it’s um uh so there’s two type you know basically two types of fishing you have a fly rod or you have a spin cat and so fly rod it’s your your uh uh stripping and and you know there’s no T well there’s tension on the rod but not on the I didn’t even know it existed so I do I I fish you know fish a lot um my wife will uh drag me out hiking uh as much as she can which not a huge fan of but she loves it so I you know so certainly do it um and did she get you a new ruck sack for hiking she did she did she’s like I like for Christmas right yeah she got me a ruck sack for Christmas so you basically you put like 20 pounds or 30 pounds in a backpack and then you go hiking which is fun I was like this is cool I can do this but probably the biggest stress really for me is uh I cook a lot really yeah amazing with garlic powder never ever ever ever I I’m to send them a box no garlic powder no garlic because of Ed serum boli the vaugh household does not have any garlic powder we only buy fresh garlic fresh garlic and good olive oil went to the grocery wait so what’s your preference of brand for olive oil oh so um there’s a brand out of Italy called intimo and it’s from Tuscany and it’s really good olive oil it’s really you could it’s it tastes it’s it’s really good what color is the bottle uh the it has like a cream colored um uh we get one from Italy but I don’t know what it’s called yeah it’s really good um and and you could cook with it so it’s extra virgin olive oil but you could cook with it we only cook with olive oil yes and I use it t of garlic real garlic real garlic that’s good that’s good I know I know that’s good so here’s a funny thing though about gar in in Italian cooking so we actually went to cooking school in Italy oh I want to do that I’m doing we’re doing we’re doing we’re our travel agent sign us up for cooking class when we go the summer and wait tell tell everyone what you’re hooking us up with in Italy oh you’re going to go on a tour of the Vatican yeah yeah my uh great uncle’s good friend luchano is is GNA hook he’s already hooked Up’s already hooked us up now that we know you’re going we got to get that Saturday June 22nd is our 4our private guided tour of the Vatican then pier and Basilica um but in Italian cooking they don’t put Garlic in the uh in the actual dishes they don’t no so what they do is they’ll take the garlic and and they will flavor the oilive oil with the garlic and then they’ll take it out and the garlic will be served as like a a little side dish condiment or something what’s that like a condiment yeah you can put it on your bread or you can smash it or you know what whatever whatever you want to do but it it um which I don’t I we cook with we put Garlic in our food all the time but when we were in Italy at cooking school I was like wow this is really you know really interesting that traditional Italian cooking they don’t cook they don’t put Garlic in the food because I think it overpowers the you know overpowers the you know the The Taste um but that’s probably the biggest hobby that I you know my just it’s total you know really really big I’ve learned from Ed um real garlic real garlic kosher salt kosher salt yes uh fresh grown black pepper yes and really good quality olive oil to the point of when I was first changing my olive oil out I would be at the grocery and I’d be texting him pictures which one’s okay and he’d tell me one and it starts with an L now it’s the one uh I forgot the one I get I’m going to send you a picture I’m going to have my husband send me a picture right now I’m going to show you you approve or not I need to know you got it yeah yeah I say it’s one thing like don’t skimp on don’t skimp on the olive oil I agree with you me to make a couple dishes and once I’m like I know it says fresh basil but I have here the the the fresh basil The Squeeze tube in the refrigerator section he goes that’s okay you’ll be okay with that that’s fine I I want the recipes you need to your recipe book so where I actually am really uh so my daughter Sophia is moving into her first apartment so she’s she’s sophomore she going to be a junior and so her and her two roommates live and Katie are moving into their first apartment apartment and so uh I bought her and and here’s a quick story on how this kind of came about uh so we have a a house in Vermont and Liv and Katie and Sophia were at the house and myself and my wife go up the next weekend and there’s a jar of pasta sauce in she makes it no a jar like a j it was like you know whatever like R I don’t know yeah yeah yeah I know what you’re talking about and we couldn’t have been more offended like we are complete failures as parents so you make your own pasta sauce well but here’s my question do you need diced canned tomatoes for it um you can I mean we I don’t use diced diced tomatoes I just don’t like using anything processed no no no no no so you could you get uh San Marzano Tomatoes those whole tomatoes those are the best ones to you know make sauce with but yeah we we can every year um we probably do about 60 jars uh what okay we got to talk about this offline I I want to learn how to do that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s uh it’s a cool process we you doing a long time and uh but so Sophia I mean we tortured her we we my wife we put the jar on the we’re like we we have a group family group chat you made picture we’re like we’re at we’re in Vermont like we think somebody broke into our house and actually like cooked the meal and then left it cuz no none of our kids would ever ever do this ever no way no way none of our kids so please if you you know we’re going to call the police like you know we really playing it up and Sophia’s like like that was me I live in ktie like can’t believe it can’t believe it we’re failures we’re complete failure is that you’re opening a jar of sauce from a store and she’s like we were in a pinch we were in a hurry I’m like not acceptable you know that you could make sauce as long as it takes the boil of the damn water that’s not acceptable can you really oh yeah yeah you know sauce of the moment it’s literally as long as it that the you know that sauce that you make I’ll make a sauce now you taught me how to make it okay now you’re just G to have to tell us just tell us how do we make it so um well tell you the one that the Jay you know that Jay makes is it’s a um a onion garlic uh kosher salt olive oil crusted red pepper um and then you get cherry tomatoes and you basically just sauté them uh little bit of little bit of um uh or basil uh you know little uh basil and then or squeeze to Basil I’m starving did you get have think I’m forgetting one I’m forgetting one thing uh the uh white wine uh a little bit of red wine yeah little white wine white wine yeah white like actual wine drinking wine yeah yeah yeah so you cook it off um and then you know you just you cook that and and it it’s a sauce while your water is boiling it takes about 20 25 minutes okay and his recommendations I mean this is like all the improvements in the vau kitchen I now have a pasta maker and I as my sauce is cooking I make pasta and I put the fresh pasta in boiling water for like two minutes minute and a half and pull it out and throw it in the sauce and boom I wonder if I could get and the pasta maker is so easy like ingredients from Italy cuz I don’t I don’t want you don’t even need to get them from Italy so well no I just don’t want gluten us seola seola flour seol so so um the company Eataly uh so they you know they’re their they have a shop in New York obviously Chicago do they have an la la Las Vegas has one they’re probably in Miami no I haven’t seen in Miami uh they make a really good gluten-free pasta it’s excellent um it’s it’s uh I’ll look it up it’s called Capelli I think it is oh I know what you’re talking about excellent that’s their excellent they they bought the brand they bought it I didn’t know that yeah it was their own and then Italy the whatever the company is they they I Capell yeah I think it’s Capell yeah it’s very good they have some biscuits that are gluten-free that are like they’re so good we’re like are we making a deal with the devil like what is this they’re ridiculously good it’s good stuff but the recipe that’s so now what we’re doing for Sophia is um say we Prim primarily me is putting together a bunch of you know recipes that we cook all the time for her uh to uh take into her first you know first uh first apartment that’s really cute I want a copy yeah awesome yeah you got it yeah okay and send Jay a copy too exactly he’s he’s good he’s on the he’s on his he’s on the way he’s doing he’s uh he’s cooking up cooking up a storm that’s really cool I’m not a very good cook I and I will before we break I say one one of the other things that I think is really cool um is we have we have developed a very very very close friendship and clearly on um but you know it it’s um there’s you know a group of us and you got to find in our profession I think if you find people that like nobody in our little crew is like trying to outdo each other it’s just everybody loves each other and is you know you know celebrates the successes you know lives through the failures as well because those happened too um but uh you know really um is invested in each other’s you know not only careers but lives and kids lives and the wives all get on so I think that I don’t and and I think that’s kind of unique amongst our little crew spend most time just busting each other oh God Merc un mercifully which is fine if you can’t take ball bust yeah we that’s all I mean that that’s like rule one is if you can’t if you’re too sensitive and you get offended by getting your balls busted then you’re out oh yeah you’re done one of the first things I said to Jay this morning is like you’re such a ball buster oh we’re we’re leaving the area by the elevators and there’s there’s three sets of double doors there’s the middle set that the doors are open this this [ __ ] up Jay then there’s then there’s a set on the left and the right of that and the doors work but they have this silver thing in the middle this long silver thing called an armar that they just created only at Bergata and you decide to push the door on and it didn’t work on the wood panel part right above the arm bar and it wouldn’t open and you were shocked you shocked just walked to the other doors that were open but he gave me a side look like you [ __ ] idiot and didn’t help me just like went through the door so I was like okay door doesn’t work a side eye then we walked around I go hey it’s this new invention this arm bar you push I did push the door I said right you didn’t push the bar just got to just got to hit it so yeah but that’s you know kind of the clothes I think that you got to find people that you have fun with especially like doing what we do because it it can uh you know be so you know be so traumatic and so it’s fun hanging out with you and Rudy blast and uh you know we always always seem to always seem to have a have a good time so thank you no thank you guys no no no thank you for you guys are busy yeah now we have to look through our slides and figure out what we’re talking about yeah yeah we got well here’s what we know we got way too many [ __ ] slides wa how much time do you have 30 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes and and Jay told me we have like 190 slides but you might be able pivot and just shoot the [ __ ] no we will not we will not be no yeah what’s the subject uh Amazon Amazon Brokers Uber technology like you guys are going to kill it I just know it I just have a feeling yeah I mean it it is you know shooting the [ __ ] might not be a bad idea right just just taking say you can read the slides yeah taking questions like here’s a PowerPoint take the slides you know let’s let’s talk about some real [ __ ] here yeah and you talk right before us yep we’ll Heckle you yeah you better you better warm up the ground we want to come into a hot room so sige last time I spoke went into chat gbt and like gave it like my presentation name and was like give me the hardest questions you could ask and they gave him like these like absurd questions and I was like I’m not like we’re not calling on you like there’s no way and he’s like I’m going to do it again today I’m like no you’re not that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool I like that that’s a good idea that’s a great idea oh God why did I I should have waited great idea all right well thank you guys thank you thank you so much to everything that Jay and Ed shared with us today if you found the story valuable please share it with someone you want to see succeed subscri subscribe so you never miss an episode and leave a fstar review it goes a long way to help others discover the show


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