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Carbonara, Italian style #carbonara #Italian_cooking #whitesaucepasta #guanciale #spaghetti

konala is made only in one way one
Char fried got that fat in there and
that gets added to your eggs the p goes
into the boiling water spaghetti is
authentic use
spaghetti your eggs are beaten up you’ve
put parmesan cheese and you’ve put
Romano you want all of that lovely
lovely water from the pasta and you want
to add that to your eggs
and you need to beat it up otherwi it
just Cooks


  1. Non bestemmiare ti prego. 🤢🤮🤮🤮 un italiano è appena morto dopo la visione di questo video

  2. Carbonara is not supposed to have scrambled eggs.
    Your pan was too hot, lower the heat before adding egg mixture.

  3. Salve, sono un italiano e posso dare qualche dritta!

    Listen to me, you made two HORRIBLE errors:

    1: you DON'T have to put the water in the egg mix (cause it becomes too liquid), just the fat from the Guanciale;

    2: you need to turn off the heat, the egg mix needs to be """raw""", just put the mixture in the pan with the pasta and guanciale (no heat) and mix a lot, ate the same time add some pecorino (not too much) and voilà!

    (There are some extra steps, but for begging I think that you can try this way, the video is okay if you make the adjustments i explained).

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