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What Pizza Topping Is Hated More Based On Stats? #shorts #pizza #food #hate #topping #thisorthat

what pizza topping is hated more based
on stats pickles or mac and cheese he
forgot the pickles that guy in SpongeBob
sucked I agree combine it and the people
don’t agree people don’t agree pickles
on Pizza 66.6% of people hate pickles
70.5% of people hate mac and cheese on
pizza Blasphemous pumpkin or ranch
dressing pumpkin yuck yeah but pumpkin
can add a little special flavor I don’t
even know what that means give me
pumpkin you think people hate pumpkin
more than ranch dressing yes okay you’re
wrong pumpkin 7 % of people hate pumpkin
on Pizza 71% of people hate ranch
dressing I just don’t agree with that
banana or avocado never knew these were
pizza toppings no they don’t belong on
Pizza I don’t even think that’s a debate
I feel like avocado could go better with
the cheese and the sauce I guess it’s
like a burrito wa I guess you’re right
or pizzas burritos no no they’re not I’m
going to go avocado though 74% of people
hate banana 79.8% of people hate
avocados on piz what are you doing here


  1. In Austin Tx theres a pb and j pizza and its actually good l. It taste like an actual pb&j sando. But it has banana and icing on top

  2. The 70.5% of people that voted they hated mac and cheese on pizza need to go.
    Never jad it but damn that sounds good

  3. Are you getting these stats from some guy on Reddit 😂 no freaking way ranch is hated on pizza

  4. Lmao almost 100 percent of the people l know either drizzle ranch or dunk their pizza in it,not a single person I know or anyone else I have ever talked about toppings with say they enjoy pumpkin

  5. Mac and cheese is the most redundant topping for pizza, apart from pineapple. You don’t need the pasta because the pizza bread is the carbs, and the only taste you’ll be getting from it is the cheese…which is already on the pizza.

  6. WTF??? Pickles? Mac and cheese I've seen before but it was at freaking Cici's. Pumpkin? Ranch for a dipping sauce if it's a cheap pizza. Banana? Avocado? Avocado could work on certain pizzas, I guess. But for the others what kind of pizza places are yall going to?

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