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The EASIEST same day pizza dough recipe #pizza

Pizza Dough Recipe:
2.5 cups (359g) All Purpose Flour/Bread Flour
1 cup (219g) lukewarm water
.5 teaspoon (2g) Instant Dry Yeast
2.5 teaspoon (10g) olive oil
1.5 teaspoon (10g) salt
**Optional 1 teaspoon (4g) sugar/honey**

Add yeast (and optional) sugar/honey into water and mix. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until dough is formed. Let dough rest for 10 minutes covered in a container. After 10 minutes are up, it is time to begin kneading the dough. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. To check if it is done kneading, you can do the windowpane test or poke the dough to see if it bounces back up. Once kneading is complete, place dough in a lightly oiled container, cover and let rest for 1 hour. After an hour, split the dough in half (you can use a scale to ensure it’s completely even but not necessary, roll each piece of dough into a ball ensuring the top is smooth, place each ball in its own container, cover and let rest for 4 to 6 hours. After 4 to 6 hours, you are ready to roll out your dough and bake your pizza. Tip: It is always best to cook your pizza at the highest temperature your oven can go.

#pizza #cooking

here’s an easy and foolproof pizza dough
recipe for any level of home cook 1 cup
of lukewarm water half a teaspoon of
yeast and mix until dissolved 2 and 1/2
cups of allpurpose flour 1 and 1/2 taspo
of salt 2 and 1/2 taspo of olive oil mix
that up with your utensil of choice and
when the dough starts coming together
you can swap over to your hands keep
kneading with your hands until
everything is combined in together once
it’s combined we’re going to let it rest
covered for about 10 minutes now is
where we begin to knead the dough this
took me about 10 minutes your dough
should be done kneading when you can do
this window pane test I’m pulling it
apart without it breaking or if you poke
the dough ball it should bounce back oil
a bowl and let the dough rest for 1 hour
covered after an hour cut that dough in
half so you have two even siiz pieces of
dough which you will then form into
individual dough balls and place in a
container covered for 4 to 6 hours by
then your dough should have doubled in
size and now you can make your pizza
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