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Cutting pasta with scissors in front of Italians


  1. Plot twist: the chef was somebody's nonna & that somebody was a mafia boss 👀😂 dudes brave 😅

  2. I don't find this funny. I think its disrespectful to go to another country and do shit like this. It's their culture and you should respect it no matter how stupid you think it is. There's just too many people out there doing stupid stuff for views.

  3. Idk this vibe is so Polish lmao. This is how my piano teacher would act when I got a note wrong 😂 its funny the crossovers in the culture!

  4. To be fair that's like going to a Japanese restaurant having sushi and pulling out ketchup and mustard for it

  5. Two of my uncles are Italian they would put me with the fishes if I did this 😂😂😂

  6. Can't expect less from a man with the sluttiest press ons money can buy. 5$ at CVS 😂😂😂

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