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New paintings discovered in Pompeii excavation | BBC News

Stunning artworks have been uncovered in a new excavation at Pompeii, the ancient Roman city buried in an eruption from Mount Vesuvius in AD79.

Archaeologists say the frescos are among the finest to be found in the ruins of the ancient site.

Mythical Greek figures such as Helen of Troy are depicted on the high black walls of a large banqueting hall.

The room’s near-complete mosaic floor incorporates more than a million individual white tiles.

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  1. I like how it's just a really simple image set against the black background….it really stands out. I wonder what it would've felt like to go in a time machine back to that room before the eruption with a few oil lamps…talk about atmospheric!.

  2. Just this once the BBC is getting a like from me. It's something out of the ordinary considering its abysmal coverage of the ongoing genocide.

  3. The room would look even larger in low lamp light, and the small people paintings would look like they were across the room, at a distance. Yes, flickering on the paintings. 😮😮😮😊🎉

  4. I don’t understand… this room was recently found? Is it underground? How come noone found it for 2000 years… or was it filled with soil and just ended up shovel it out?

  5. The art expert looks like a bowler that smoked too many cigarettes so unprofessional should’ve been a man with a suit not to chattering chickens

  6. Paint that still so vibrant after being buried in corrosive volcanic ash, for 2000 years, and did not oxidize at the very contact with oxygen immediately upon excavation…. Yeah right.

  7. I don’t see anything “fancy or nice about being a Slave for the Romans 2000 years ago ! Forget that b s !!! The Romans were pure Evil 👿

  8. Revelation 22:16
    Jesus Christ is EROS Lucifer morningstar
    POMPEII Roman earthquake plus volcano mountain Vesuvius erupt end, sin City 😮😅😊

  9. Why don't they build a roof for the room since the sunlight will fade these 2000 year old paintings pretty fast?

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