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Eating only Halal food for the whole day!

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  1. That is full arab mode not halal mode 😂 . Every think is halal food in islam except for alcohol and pork and non halal meat (which is not killing the animal in a halal way : to decapitate the animal fast without making it suffer in the killing process and saying takbeer while doing this so the animal will be calme because of hearing allahs name) ❤

  2. I hate the people that get offended by anything like how is it offensive if a guy that is not Muslim try’s halal food it’s totally fine and I am a muslim btw

  3. Are you haram that you are saying that you eat haram food not halal like you Acting like you don’t even try halal food and you only eat haram

  4. Dude you can just don’t eat Bork and don’t drink alcohol for a day and this is a halal so easy u don’t have to eat Arab food 😂

  5. Don't worry Tommy. You don't have to feel bad for eating halal food just because some people you might offend other people. Everyone eats halal food. Unless you're Muslim, pork and dog meat are forbidden.

  6. bro meaning of halal food not an eastern dishes and that’s it! Bcus everything goes halal if it’s not included with ham or alcoholic drinks on it such as vegan burrito or chicken parmesan, mac n cheese, lasagna etc.

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