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Italy’s $12.7BN Bridge to Sicily

Italy is planning to build the World’s Longest Suspension Bridge connecting the island of Sicily to the Italian mainland!

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0:00 Italy’s $12.7BN Bridge to Sicily
0:40 Sicily
1:59 Past Proposals for Bridges
3:24 Strait of Messina Bridge
6:30 Why this Bridge was Canceled
7:51 Fault Line & Earthquakes
9:06 Wind
10:17 The Mafia

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  1. Do you think Italy will really build this Mega Bridge? 🤔 And what about the massive fault line in the area?

    Thank you for your support! 💛

  2. you can't drive across the channel to England, you can only board a car-train, which is basically the same principle as a ferry. You can however just drive all the way up to northern Norway a few thousand kilometer further via Finland and Russia, or from the east of Russia all the way down to South-Africa. my point: the concept of a bridge has nothing to do with a distance on land

  3. I want to see those plans in details how they want to deal with the italian mafia? It would take Japan level of crackdown against the Yakuza since the 1990s/2000s. Corruption and organised crimes will be the major obstacle of this project.

  4. 0:23 I read years ago … that Sicily did NOT want a bridge, Among some more obvious reasons, the article hinted at the fact, it would not be "good for business" …

  5. If a tunnel passing under the sea floor why are the water currents a factor. With modern boring machines the tunnel would be less expensive to build.

  6. Lotta people made money they bought lotta villas with it and never did the bridge. It will never happen. This is been going on since 1980s.
    And the mafia is right in the middle

  7. The comment about being able to drive up to London is mind blowing. Imagine, streets connecting. Who would have thought?

  8. Economic stresses always cause an added demand to control income. What businesses would be willing to extend to these areas to provide growth opportunities and make the criminal element obsolete? How can you include the bast aspects of collective opportunities and reduce the need for shady policies? What we call "criminal" might be thought of there as "survival." Pardon the pun; how can you bridge the gap?

  9. The whole country of Japan is in the earthquake zone yet the four islands are still connected regardless. Why can't Italy be the next?

  10. I'm guessing the real issue is that they can't decide who will get the money to do the work. They want the money to stay in Italy, but there isn't an Italian company qualified to do the job!

  11. I'm from the Calabrian side of the bridge (not exactly from Villa, but 15 minutes north) and people on both sides are VERY fiercely divided about the project. This is more an ideological battle than one about the structure itself. I am leftist and hate the governement, but the ones who oppose the bridge are the people on my political side because the one who really wanted the bridge more than anyone else was Berlusconi: so, it's an ideological opposition to the right which want the bridge and they come up with the weirdest arguments to avoid the bridge construction, like the protection of birds which might collide with the bridge.
    Yet I also need to mention two typical traits of Italians: extreme whataboutism and even more extreme pessimism. In the first case, people appeal to other urgencies like education, healthcare and local infrastructure assuming that the money spent on the bridge would be taken away from these areas; in the second one, poverty in the South has been leading people for more than a century to believe that they are not worthy enough to deserve big infrastructures or businesses, and they are very selfish to such a point that the concept of "public good" does not exist and their life is just about protecting their small garden and gaining even the smallest advantage at the expence of the community. In this sense, there's a saying in Calabrian which recites 'E chi mi ndi futti a mmia', which in English translates as 'I don't give a fuck about it'.

  12. Yes, I honestly believe this tie italy will make come true…. I believe it is still possible to avoid any mafia and N'drangheta attacks to have easy incomes on the whole project. The whole intelligence should be allerted to avoid such happenings….. without ifs and buts and being severe as never before,. Its an occasion to get rid of the bad wids and antepose the good grass.

  13. The new bridge will be convenient, but I personally love taking ferries! Denmark has already gotten rid of several that I was lucky enough to use back in the 90s.

  14. I’m from Italy, I think this is a really bad idea, because it could fall not much later and it’s also a big waste of money, we are already in debt so yeah.

  15. This time you forgot to say many things, let's begin:

    1) wind and earthquake tests are still missing from the current project (they have not yet been done by any official body designated for this purpose)

    2) there is a lack of infrastructure in Calabria and Sicily (i.e. there is NO 2-lane railway network, only small sections)

    3) the project is NOT controlled by the state, but by a private company that manages state money (so, you understand, the mafia is already rubbing its hands…)

    4) there are no management and maintenance costs, which are very high (currently the ferry costs around 35 each way… tomorrow crossing the bridge would cost between 40 and 50 euros)

    5) there is a lack of funds for the bridge itself (in fact it should be financed 60-70% by the regions of Sicily and Calabria, so they will necessarily have to cut funding for healthcare, schools, etc.)

    And then there are many other points such as expropriations (approximately 450 homes), entry points to the bridge, etc etc

  16. I think that a bridge is not the best option, l think it would make more sense to fill all that section with land mass and probably cheaper and a lot more safer it can be done ✅

  17. alla sicilia severe infrastutture sanita e scuole calabria stessa cosa per non parla di acqua potabile che manca in certi quassi tutti i paesi del sud e il governo pensa solo alle bustttarelle

  18. How much are the betting rates for it flopping in some kind of way. Im usually against betting, but id make that bet lol.

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