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Pantry italian pasta with veggies and sausage

Three large zucchines
Two large onions one red One yellow
Four green peppers
Two cans dives tomatoes or fresh
Three clothes of garlic
Two packs sliced white mushrooms
One teaspoon italian seasoning
One tablespoon garlic
One tablespoon basil
One half two spoon black pepper
One half two spoon red pepper
One cup red wine optional
Four pounds italian sausage

Oh Chris what you got cooking smell so good everyone’s looking Uncle Chris Uncle Chris hey nieces and nephews it’s Uncle Chris it’s about time I head you over for dinner all right we’re going to do my pasta dish with my Italian sausage and lots of veggies and tomatoes so this

Is not quite a a tomato sauce but just like a veggie sauce I’m using up all these leftover veggies I got over here now I lost my knife I’ve got one large onion I’ve already cut in half I also have a large red onion I cut

In half this is yellow onion reg Yow I’ve got three teis I’ve got actually four bell peppers and people ask me Uncle Chris when the bell peppers are wilty like this can you use them yes you can as long as they don’t smell moldy and they still smell good and fresh like

A pepper you’re good to go okay oh I want to show you a trick about Peppers you see this the part in the middle push in and then take it right back out not only will you take this out but you got your seeds for your garden don’t

Throw those away use them for your garden all right I want to chop these up right quick take the rest of these seeds out how’s everybody doing out there I’m so glad to hear from you and I’m so glad I can make this dish o I also got three cloves of garlic

All right but I’m going to go over this and I’m going to have the recipe in the description box okay you can make this up any way you want to there’s really no Rhyme or Reason to it we’re just doing it kind of healthy tonight and doing lots of veggies

Okay okay slice up this last part of the green pepper put that in my little container here I’m going to dice up my garlic right quick you want to chop your garlic as fine as you can now the peppers can be in strips like that because it’s going

To be part of the dish okay that’s good I got a good mince on it yes now I’m going do it my onion kind of the same way as I did my green pepper cuz like I said we’re going to sauté these doing a red onion out

I tell you the weather here in Chicago is and I heard in Michigan in Minnesota it’s real bad it’s snowing if y’all got snow I’m so sorry snow that four-letter word I tell you now we’re going to slice up our zucchini in thin strip a little circles

Okay all right I may have enough onion already in this dish I might have made too much onion here but actually it’s not going to grow to waste cuz I’m going to use it for something else but I think we got enough uh veggies

H I might just do a little bit more red onion yeah right I got so much stuff over here cuz I was doing the um food pantry haul today yeah all right now I got this all done up over here let’s go over to the stove and start cooking it

Up we’re going to put in our Italian sausage I have some olive oil in this pan I got some olive oil in this pot back here okay I’m just going to put this in I’m going turn my fire up didn’t have my pan hot now that’s all right it’ll get up there

Now as this Cooks I’m going to break it up okay I also got some water boiling over here for the pasta now this should be hot enough we’re going to put our vegetables all in this pot oh yes oh Yes now I know this looks like a lot of vegetables but it’s going to C cook down okay I love my pot I got this from the resale shop y’all Yeah now what I’m not going to add my tomatoes just yet see I got my tomatoes here I am going to add some Italian seasoning about a teaspoon and a half I’mma add a lot of Basil I’m probably going to add a tablespoon of Basil okay teaspoon of

Parsley teaspoon of red pepper not too much it’s red pepper strong okay a tablespoon of garlic you can never have too much garlic come on now I am a garlic lover can you tell oh and a tablespoon black pepper okay excuse me I meant to say teaspoon now Mo this

Around almost almost grab the Hot Pot again did you see that M stir this around let it cook down now I’m going turn my saua down a little bit as this Cooks I’mma start breaking it up okay see yep going to flip it right over while this is Browning I’mma put in my

Pasta all right be right back now our veggies are halfway done so now I’m going to add our tomatoes do not add any liquid to this dish cuz we still have to add the mushrooms and they’re going to put a lot of liquid into the dish just like these

Tomatoes well too okay you can already see it uh forming but what I am going to do y’all ready for this Uncle Chris getting count Fancy I’m going to take a cheap uh inexpensive mid-priced uh broet I’m going to put a little red wine in this okay don’t the alcohol burns off okay I’ll put about a cup and a half but no the alcohol burns off seriously okay we’re going to let this cook

Down oh yeah oh yeah and it’s going to be so good all right let’s put in our pet pasta and I was right it’s pet pasta you know how I know I read the label okay we’re going to put that in I makeing a mess we’re going to stir it around I also have a little bit of olive oil in this water to make sure the pasta does not stick I might have to add a little bit more cuz don’t feed more than one person oh and y’all I got to show you

Something I did off camera because I’m feeding more than one person I thought there wasn’t enough meat in the dish so I did add the other sausage I had so in total I got 4 lbs in here now you just make as much as what you need okay

You don’t have to do like I did all right now as this Cooks I’m going to break it up so it cook faster let me turn this over and just so you know this is fresh sausage from the butcher I got because I found out this has less sodium

Yep now if you’re diabetic don’t don’t use the wine or the pasta you can eat this dish as good okay all right once this is done we’re going to be right back and add our mushrooms and our meat oh yeah our sausage is done so we’re going to add

It to our vegetables right here now look see all the liquid that’s in there you see that right okay okay we’re going to put our sausage in there and this oil that remains in the pan did you know you can freeze that and use it at a later date for something

Else yes you can and it’ll already have the Italian spices in it so it’ be good to fry your ve parmesan eggplant Parmesan mhm chicken parmesan oh yeah now I’m going to add our mushrooms to this and we will be set I’ve already rinsed them off and I’m putting them in two

Packs mush are getting away from m I’mma let this cook down and be right back ah yes look at this see that our sauce is done it’s ready to be plated our pasta is done a light sprinkle of Parmesan cheese then we put our sauce oh yeah I want some vegetables in here ooh and some of the mushrooms some

Sausage that’s too much I make it a best again I taste little round vegetables and things just want to go everywhere all right we sprinkle a little more parmesan over top and there we have it you take the first bite nieces and nephews I just love this

And you don’t have to have meat in it you can serve it with just the vegetables over the pasta or the meat and the vegetables and no pasta depending upon your dietary needs now I want you to like comment subscribe write to me Uncle Chris the food pantry chef at I’m also

Going to start a buy me a coffee thing and uh I’m going to have a PO Box okay okay all right Big Love from Uncle Chris I have been working today but that’s all right it is so worth it I love you guys so much you just make my day especially

When you write to me all right comment don’t forget I love to hear from you bye-bye oh Chris what you got cooking smell so good everyone’s looking Chris Uncle Chris


  1. You can sometimes bring life back to wilted or shriveled veggies by letting set in very cold or ice water for few minutes
    Helps crisp them back up and not look so droopy or wilty

  2. Dish looks great. Don't mean to be a bother, but did you receive the kitchen towels? If not I need to have post office track them down

  3. hi, chris. looks wonderful – the more vegs, the better. sometimes i put the sauce over sliced, cooked zucchini. have a wonderful night.

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