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Is she giving body? IS SHE SERVING THE SEAFOOD??? (It’s on desperation settle down) I think yes she is lololol.

Homemade dough

Hearty marinara style sauce with blue cheese and mild buffalo blended in

Mooooozzerella (I said this with an Italian flair)

Slow baked sliced chicken…😶uhhhh you know…😖i mean don’t make me say it yall. 🤬Breast! Fine!😱🫡🫠
Drizzle of olive oil around the edge

Bake her…delicately…at 450 degrees for 10-15 min depending on preference (mine enjoys a healthy heat bath)

Note: I used a grate and this was a standard restaurant kitchen oven, so commercial but nothing special. If u have a stone u bake on or even a pizza oven, id recommend 9-13 on a prepared stone and 8-12 for a pizza oven. But of course…every brand likes to be unique.

Remove, cut, and add some mild to the top in a spiral pattern as to confuse your enemies into believing their allies are their foes…muahahaha!!!


by IAmEatery

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