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Wine grape growers rip out vineyards in NSW Riverina after historic low prices | ABC News

Wine producers in Australia are celebrating the news that Chinese tariffs will be lifted.
But for many grape growers in the largest wine region in New South Wales, the much-anticipated move comes too late.
Prices have plummeted, forcing many producers in the Riverina out of the industry.

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Row after row grape Vines are pushed out some of which have been there for decades I thought these grapes were going to be in uh and see me out whereas um quite the reverse I’m actually pulling out what I what I planted Peter ranello was a third generation grape

Grower he’s replacing his vines with prunes I’m just at the stage now that’s um it’s not viable to get rid of it Australia’s wine industry is facing some major challenges Chinese tariffs have shut down its biggest export Market despite them being lifted this week the industry will take years to recover

Consumer habits have changed in China the economy has changed now there’s more than 2 billion liters of wine in stock and an oversupply of grapes we’re seeing prices as low as $150 a ton for some red grapes which equates to about 15 cents per the worth of grapes in a bottle

Growers say that’s below the cost of production financial support services are seeing increasing demand for advice with many producers seeking Alternatives they’re going to other permanent plantings or they’re diversifying into other areas completely um we have people that are looking to exit the industry as well completely they don’t want to get out

They’re having to get out cuz they just can’t sustain it anymore a national task force is looking at a way forward for the sector many Growers hope it will recommend exit packages to cover the cost of Vine removal and also financial support for those that want to stay in

The industry to remain viable some are planting Niche grape varieties we’ve got some Monti Pano and some peino which we’re really excited for so both of those come from ABA which is uh the region where my grandparents were born in Italy returning to their Roots hoping

To grow a brighter future Emily do ABC News

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