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Gran Riserva. Italian Beer from Aldi.

An Italian beer from Aldi.


Right folks how are we all what’s the date 14th of March 14th of March uh and the other day I popped into Audi and lber the one there being cute if you live in the lur area you’ll know it you’ll know it that you will uh this welcome to the garage this

Is another garage um this is the old garage that won’t be the old G where whatever the other garage will be the new garage um so what it was I was walking around Aly and uh I’ve seen these beers that one right yeah there you go there’s the thumbnail thumbnail thumb title I’ll

Take my glasses off cuz then I cuz you get this glow thing in your glasses don’t you it makes you look like that but there’s the glass there we go there’s the bit soone was walking around how do you do this thing don’t they where it says

New new yeah new you so you think oh that’s new I’ll review that I’ll review that cuz it’s a beer it’s it took me ages to get it it kept running away [ __ ] Italian beers kept running away so uh I thought I’ll get that I’ll review

It I’ll be there with all the beard tubers you know doing it all getting in there being part of the gang being the part of the bear community that apparently there is don’t [ __ ] out now um don’t care don’t care really so anyway I thought I’ll get that and then

I thought if you’ve seen my beer reviews lately uh what I normally do is I normally go on to YouTube and to help and promote other bear channels and other Channels cuz that’s what I like to do YouTube’s for everybody yeah I thought I’ll have a

Look see who else has reviewed it and I thought there’ll be just one or two and that and yeah I’ll be in there I’ll be with them anyway turns out it’s not new it’s probably new this year right so I had a look Simon all right Simon Real L craft

Beer yeah I used to call him real L daff beer but now me Simon and Scott we’re all good so and I bet you sitting there you laughing ain’t you Simon yeah used to call me real da beer uh anyway uh so Simon reviewed it one year ago 18K views

He’s had on that well done Simon uh the beer monster um he did it one year ago Dean’s beer reviews one year ago Andy’s beer reviews one year ago somebody has done it express oh know aoy he did it 11 years ago so Simon did it three months ago when he

Did a triple uh three-way dudah uh IAD worse he did it 11 months ago I like IAD worse he’s good go and watch him he’s good but go and watch them all go watch them all spread the love Yeah spread the love uh and ragy he did it five months ago

So so there you go so I’m going to do it now hold on let’s just read a bit about the bottle it’s got a nice little bottle top thingy you can’t see that cuz it’s too dark right uh no your limits 14 units a week uh right then if you’re not right it

Says open the bottle and Retreat sounds about right for the eye ties done it run away it’s got a good one one and a half one finger head smells like a beer oh do we know what it is Malto da oo 100% Italiano there you go speak Italian do we know 5.9

99% in a 660 mL bottle to be drank with spaghetti bolog Andes apparently especially if your mother’s got a mustache smells like a ler it does smell too bad to be fair let’s dive in or talk in or whatever I do I can’t remember what I say let’s go for It that ain’t too bad to be fair that ain’t too bad at all it’s not the Ferrari of beers or the Lamborghini of Beers it’s got a bit of dryness to it it’s not as good as Madre Madre is the best drink in the world ain’t that right Scott it’s got a good fist of it that is now it do you know what that ain’t too bad and when you buy stuff from Audi it’s

Going to be cheaper is it all the while all the while all day every day it’s cheaper at Audi than little Audi and little hold on I got some in my eye that ain’t too bad I tell you what if I went to Aldi again which I probably will

Do just see if I can turn you down and get you a bit closer there you go he’s sitting on top of me lockers at the moment oh fitvil shoes I’ve had some i’ had a brand deal with fitvil yeah um go and check that video

Out if you got fat feet yeah wide feet like me so I’ve got like a size 13 sometimes it’s a size 14 all depends where it’s made um and you got wide feet fitvil are there and if you go on there and use the code BVM 28 you get 28% off

On your video on your on your shoes so oh [ __ ] now talking of feet did you see Dyan Abbott the other day like somebody’s had a go or to and you know it’s it weren’t the best of comments were it and um she wanted to have her say in

The house is of parliament or the House of Commons or whatever that [ __ ] lunatic asylum is where the all [ __ ] shout and scream like a loot of [ __ ] stupid kids and she kept like standing up like everybody thought she were going to get a a voice

Heard uh but like they’re all having to go at that Linds o he’s another prick can Linds o [ __ ] Northern [ __ ] and um you can’t say that I can I’ve just [ __ ] said it and they’re all saying oh he’s ignored Dian ABT and they’re all they’re all there the all the [ __ ]

MPS are all standing up and down like this isn’t there and it’s like that [ __ ] game you get when you go you take your kid to the fair and you got those things that you whack aole that’s it that’s what MPS are like and you should be able to do that right you

Should have a in the house of Lord house House of Lords that’s another one House of Commons right when these MPS stand up you should be able to have a big ammo like Kenny Everett used to do and when they when you get to hit one they get to

Ask their question shouldn’t be a list cuz right they’re all going oh Lindy oh it was being racist and sexist and misologist and all that [ __ ] no [ __ ] work you get a list you get a list and you have to follow the protocol of the list unless K St is bullying you and

Making you do things yeah andway that’s what the should do they should sack the list yeah sack the [ __ ] list and they should have a big hmer and every time one of them wants to ask a question it’s like rmp Jane Aunt right yeah it rhymes

With it don’t it yeah when she stands up you can whack her on the head and there you go Jane you can answer ask your question yeah it be [ __ ] brilliant would it put that yeah let’s have a let’s do one of those stupid um petitions they say I think you should

Have big whacka moole in uh whack an MP on the Ed no death no pain no nothing like that just whack them with an hammer and when you whack them you can ask them you can ask the question that’ be [ __ ] brilliant I’d pay for that yeah [ __ ] that

Um who a [ __ ] useless MP they’re all useless at the moment is they back to the beer review you knew I had a second one didn’t you you bloody knew it thought that’s a better that’s a better profile picture is it that’s a good in that

So that’s 6% bit and it does taste a bit like 6% bit it’s got a nice body to it it’s got a bit of Fizz it’s also got a it is a dry loger I think it’s dry I’ve not watched the other ones but you could quite easily sit

There eating Italian ice cream watching The Italian Job eating carbonara or lasagna or watching Manchester city is he is Pep guardio Italian I think he is he no he’s Spanish is he that’s right pep don’t know don’t really matter does it [ __ ] man city how’s that work

Right man city have had all these [ __ ] charges brought against them for breaking the rules yeah yet Leicester yeah who didn’t buy anybody that’s the reason why they went down cuz they [ __ ] didn’t buy anybody because they were trying to play with the [ __ ] rules we come well hope hopefully touch

Wood yeah Leicester can come back up yeah and we get [ __ ] about the going to get bloody points deducted how the [ __ ] is that fair hey [ __ ] you I hate football I’m I’m I’m done with it [ __ ] done with it it’s [ __ ] people just you turn up you pay all that money

I mean you want to be in the Premier League don’t you you want to be in the Premier League uh because it’s the best league yeah and you want to play at the highest standard that you can yeah um even in women’s football women’s football [ __ ] H I’m watching that on

Bloody Tik Tok or something the other day [ __ ] unbelievable just I mean fair play to if they want to play it then play it but [ __ ] hell and who’s this other one you see in the who’s on Bloody Facebook all the while now that little block with

A deformed head and he just hangs around the goal and he’s like shooting and like when he scores he’s running around going then he’s doing this and then he’s doing like forward rolls people are laughing at him they’re not laughing with him mind you seems to be making a

Bit of money out of it so if he it’s fair play to the lad um yeah but how is that fair that man city can do all that and then nothing seems to happen even Everton right even Everton are getting [ __ ] battered I mean all right they had a couple of points given

Back but just [ __ ] amazing me this is a very nice B what I’m going to do I’m going to sack this no not sack it but end this video sounds like June’s rustling the plates tell you what as it’s an Italian job let’s have a couple of Italian

Jokes what do you call an Italian without hands mute what do you call an Italian with a broken arm speech impaired why do most Italian men named Tony when they got on the boat to America they stamped t n y to New York on their foreheads how does every Italian joke

Start by looking over your shoulder why did the mafia cross the road forget about it they weren’t that good were they it’s like the old uh art bu load of rifle off the Italian Army never been fired something like that anyway folks if you’re an out there

You see that give it a go I don’t think you’ll be disappointed probably one of the better things to come out of Italy yeah but um there you go all right folks lers


  1. Just a tip for you Dave, if you're ever looking for an Italian beer again, and it's run away again, it'll be right behind the German aisle 😁

  2. i recall the naughty version of the Italian Job, somebody dressed like Michael Cain gerrin tugged off, they allass made naughty versions of films like Rambohh

  3. I know your videos by now and was yelling out how big a head as you were pouring it in the glass 😂. Always enjoy your reviews mate. We have an ALDI in my town here in South Australia.

  4. Little tip for shoe size look at the EU size as manufacturers use that as their exact measurement and don't convert exactly to UK/US sizes the same way, EG I'm sometimes an 11 or 12 in UK size but if it's EU 46 it usually fits perfectly, i don't even look at UK size anymore coz it's not accurate enough.

  5. Dave, you need to go and do a video touring the Black Country Museum – would love to see you host a great history video looking around and speaking with the actors!!!!

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