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Pasta Cacio e Pepe | ITALIAN FOOD LIVE

Join us on a Fiore Sardo adventure. We visited one of the most famous artisan producers of Fiore, interviewed him and now we are going to show you how to use this product to make a Cacio e Pepe, sardo style.
Join us live from one of Sardinia’s most famous chefs, Pier Luigi Fais, at his very cool restaurant, da Josto in the heart of Cagliari. We are in total lockdown , so we have opened up the restaurant for you and will be cooking behind closed doors.
Fiore Sardo is the most traditional Sardinian shepherd’s cheese, made with raw milk and smoked with wild olive and or Lentisco. It comes in an infinite variety of ages and flavors, even if most fiore that gets to America is our 12 month version, which is what we will be using today.
Get your Fiore out if you want to cook with us or sit back, get a nice hearty bottle of red wine and learn how to make a Cacio e Pepe with Fiore Sardo. We will be selling a Cacio and Pepe kit at the end of the show.

Wherever you are um thanks to Chef speed and reporter Gourmet that people from all over the world can join us today for this special special occasion so we’re here in doo in Kad sardia and today we’re going to celebrate F sardo which is one of my favorite

Cheeses and uh the chef here tonight Who’s going to be cooking Katch and pepe it’s one of his favorite cheeses and it’s a product which has a 2,000 year old tradition it’s the original Shepherd’s cheese and in Sardinia it’s made in various Ways by each different Shepherd but as you’ll

See today there are common denominators so you’ve all heard about Kat Pepe and um you’ve probably all eaten a version of katchin Pepe and it’s a simple pasta It’s you know peino Cacho peino uh pepper a little olive oil so it’s as you know when you’re cooking a simple dish it’s the

Most difficult dish to cook and when you’re cooking a dish from an ageold tradition with ingredients which have age old traditions 2,000 years then it becomes a serious uh job to really understand what catcho and pepe is so what what I um hope to do tonight with ch per Luigi per Luigi face

How are you fantastic how are you doing we had a great day today my God we had you’ll see what we did it was fantastic so our goal today is to learn the complexity of f sardo in order to make a simple dish I think the first thing we’re going to

Do first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to go take a deep dive into Fardo which is let’s say the main cheese in this dish do you have a piece of Fardo yes ah wow look at this beauty Mama Mia So today we’re going to learn how to cook

Kat and pepe by pji F first however I really want to take a look at Fardo okay and before we go take a look at Fardo Pi Luigi can you please tell us the the ingredients you’re going to be using today okay okay three types ofes in sard so these are three dop

Chees the only three dop cheeses we have in Sardinia Fardo Pino Romano andard okay so P Luigi says the cheese that wins and really um is the the king and queen of cheeses here is f start with for its character and it tradition Okay spicy okay so very original we’re using the leaves of Pink Pepper they dry them and they grind them and what per Luigi was saying they’re not spicy so it gives a nice Aroma fragrance without you [Applause] know sorry so so here here we have four different types of peppers and per Luigi

Was saying you know you can you can use your own Peppers you know your through your travels or whatever your what you like but he’s just chosen uh four different peppers okay okay okay so you know in the kitchen use everything okay so here we have some old

Bread stale bread and uh the important is that it is stale and they’re going to toast that and they’re going to make a sauce with it so of course we have olive oil and we have these Artisan pasta thick pasta which is going to be cooked alente very

Alente and it’s also not going to be piping hot and we will explain later why this pasta is served where it’s not piping hot so now we’re going to go visit a friend of P Luigi a wonderful Artisan one of the most famous Artisan on the island for f sardo we have uh

Michelin star chefs who come to the island to take jeppe ki’s Fior and you’ll see why um so right now let’s go take a look at our product and um what why per Luigi uses this F hello everybody we’re here in the center of Sardinia in between PA Latino foron Jan

And we’re here at squea with jeppe kuszi who is one of the most famous producers of our specialty today Fardo so come with me and let’s meet jeppe so we’re here in Sam Mara jeppe the the first thing I want to ask you before we we go and see your

Beautiful I would like to know since we are here to learn about Fior sardo and let’s start at the beginning the name sardan FL two versions okay so the first version is the renet uh it was originally extracted from a flower from thistle so that is one version of the name Fardo coming

From the renit coming from the vegetable the flow okay okay so the other version is on the the wheel of the F there was a flower stamped on the wheel so those are two versions you choose which one you like better this is it this is where it all

Begins okay uh in order to make Fior sardo you need to have Sardinian sheep’s milk okay in order to make raw milk you need to have your own Flock the quality of the milk obviously if it’s if it’s your own flock you can control the quality as well and look what you have when we talk about today we’re going to talk about the milk changing the the pasture look at you have spontaneous herbs asparagus all sorts of just wonderful uh

Pasture ah okay so here we are in or this is where we we make the cheese initially this is where the milk arrives and this is uh actually where we we um produce the F the cheese is ju that we Mak we’re at the very beginning

Of the milk season so this is actually a different kind of cheese it’s not F it’s similar okay okay so this is today’s production okay so tomorrow morning this cheese will go into it’s salya it’s a water uh with a salty water wow jpe great tell tell me the story about

This this is the jewel of s Marquez yeah it’s beautiful it’s Copper this this was made in 1945 okay wow so this when his father um got his own herd of sheep his grandfather gave his father this is a symbol of his independence so it’s it’s like you know it’s a like ma start beginning your business he or congratulations we were saying that

Respecting tradition is of course uh just taken for granted in this kind of separating culture okay however Innovation is only for the fu and jeppe here has innovated he won a uh he won an Oscar for the food Awards in Rome 10 years ago and this here is a peino made with So this is a cheese which he gets from the spontaneous mirror that grows right here and he he gets the juice from the MEO and adds it to the the cheese but also he feeds the sheep with the myto berries because they go crazy for the

Myto so when he goes and collects the M berries he only gets the the berries that are high up because the sheep eat all the berries that are low this is you know jeppe’s incredible product is formo with myto myto in Sardinia of course we make our

National liquor which is the myto liquor and over the years we actually make a wonderful myto jam and we often smoke Fardo with MTO uh so there’s a lot of uses for this incredible Berry it’s actually very rich in antio antioxidants um and I want to ask jeppe a question about tradition and

Innovation jeppe my he said that he he’d be a little [Applause] Crazy okay um that’s jeppe kugi he’s an amazing amazing person an amazing artisan and uh yeah friend yeah good you live near him righto you used to be neighbors yes yes that this is an important part of uh of you I think um that uh you are very

Bound to Sardinia and to in Traditions and products but you’re also open to Innovation yes yes yes and and like for a dish like this is complicated because you need to respect it yeah okay so so traditional recipes every mothers did it differently so you don’t have a codified version so that is

One reason why you know uh U traditional recipes are great sources for uh inspiration to innovate and again here we’re going to see some Innovation uh so we were talking about the pasta and why the pasta doesn’t have piping hot because okay so yeah we don’t want a room

Temperature but we really don’t want piping hot and then okay so here is a very interesting version of kachan Pepe which is closer to the source of real of the traditional kachan Pepe you don’t want the cheese melted you don’t want to lose some of the flavor of this beautiful cheese raw

Milk 12 month FIS sardo melting and also for his historical reasons so so this was historically this was even a a pasta uh of the shepherd so leaving the house he would get a napkin or like you know a big kitchen towel with the pasta and the cheese grated on

Top and then of course he was eating it a couple couple hours later so again this is also where per Luigi gets the idea where he doesn’t want a piping H okay fantastic so maybe we should start uh start cooking okay okay we’re going to toast the pepper

Okay okay when you get these ready for grading uh by the way I can answer questions so if you have questions you can type type them into the the chat and I will get over them eventually and um and I can answer [Applause] them okay okay so this is a one-third peino

Romano one3 Fardo and one one3 peino sardo and one of the reasons is is that we always have um crisis here over the milk prices and so this is one Chef’s way of being Democratic and helping everybody out okay okay okay so that’s the cream that’s going to

Go with the pasta and that’s the toasted bread with um uh olive oil water and the pepper and it looks beautiful it’s a really pretty color okay when we went to Jee as the the Fior sardo producer and we went to where he smokes the the Fior Sardo it’s yeah so just saying that you know the the smells that come from the smoking room of the Fardo because he used these plants you know Meo and Wild Olive and lentisco and even when when P Luigi was uh was grading the f I could smell it from where I

Was you can’t you wash your hands once it’s not enough okay so we got the SPH yeah we’re going to we’re going to throw the spaghetti in here and uh what we’re going to do now is in order to understand the katum Pepe you saw the first version of how we make

Fardo but now we’re really going to take a deeper dive into this the aging and the smoking of the Fior which is it’s a do so there are a couple things that you have to do to make a f and one is smoking it um and

Aging in is too it has to be 100 days old so let’s uh uh take a look right now at how to how we’re smoking and aging okay okay so okay so we we put the pasta in here we got our bowls ready to Monte to mix all the pasta and before we

Have the plate ready we’re going to show you how that we smoke and age you start and talk about philosophy as well We are here in the temple of f we’re in the smoking room or uh if if I were to America it’s a barbecue pit I mean it’s the the smell here the perfume here is incredible because well you know 2,000 years ago they were making and up until still today if you

Go into the internal regions of Sardinia you will find the Shepherds they have their Huts their outposts okay where they stay with the with the herd the flock um in the winter or all year long basically um and it’s just one room so uh basically you have the fire

Which serves to keep you warm to cook your food and for a very important part of the process of making F also the smoke a cigarette right but also so you’re you’re sleeping with the cheese one because you only have that room but also because you’re protecting it because this is your your

Wealth it’s like you know the the farmer who has the the grain or the wheat above the bedroom this the same concept A University Professor came to jeppe and he said to him jeppe please make the f sardo as you always have done because we’ve studied it we don’t know how you

Do it in terms of acidity in terms of flavors etc etc but please keep on maintaining this this Tradition and this is uh right now uh what jeppe is doing with extra virgin olive oil is he’s uh basically taking care of the mold on the cheese okay okay so right now with extra virgin olive oil he’s cleaning uh the mold and protecting the cheese so it doesn’t dry

Out so it has to be extra virgin olive oil okay and every 15 days you basically come here and like he says the the movement of his hands it’s like caressing a an an intense bottle okay so very gentle so as you see um often my uh American

And uh customers from all over the world they’re worried about the mold um but let me guarantee you when you make a product like jeppe is from raw milk uh this is good mold ver so jeppe says if it doesn’t create mold it’s not a good cheese Basically it’s a tough job but somebody has to do it and so has joined us and now we’re here with the producer and the chef okay SE produ chef and uh Fuigi tonight is going to show us how to make a Cacho Pepe with jee’s Fardo he Luigi what are the

Characteristics of jeppe’s Fardo which you love and and which the reason why you chose this cheese to make your Kat p so it’s a real cheese uh it speaks for the the producer who is here with his own sheep and making a natural real cheese as asigi says not only

Natural but real real traditional yes jeppe thank you so much uh for having us here and uh I can’t wait to seeing your cat and pepe yes uh so stay with us and you’ll see pigi FES cat Pepe with Jeppe Hey it’s a pristine just so incredible I was thanking Fuigi for having um taken us there and we had a really special day as you can tell not so long ago before the pandemic we had tours of of American chefs coming for one week and doing this

Kind of stuff so hopefully soon we’ll be able to do it again and uh and we’ll be able to come here and meet with you and cook together we know where you are okay so we have a question um we wanted a little more detail about thece For Okay so so uh basically uh you take the the RO the the roasted pepper i i to stop The Roasted Pepper the toast uh you’re putting it into a grinder a blender sorry and you’re blending that and then once you’ve gotten that down you could even sift it

Out if you would P you was saying you could sift out any impurities if you wanted to and then you add equal amount of water and oil and then you blend it yes there’s enough salt here and this no this this is on top yes

On the top okay so so our our leaves are our Pink Pepper leaves they’re going on top they didn’t go into that sauce he was saying you don’t want it um completely homogeneous you know so you get that nice texture to it it’s a beautiful color m

Okay okay absolutely absolutely so um we don’t as we were saying before we don’t want to melt the cheese and so we’re not going to use a pan tante pasta like you would do with a lot of pastas okay so you’re going to get the pasta and the cheese and the warm

The warmth of the pasta is going to warm up the cheese it’s going to melt it and the same thing with this you’re not going to be cooking it it’s just going to you know get it to the right temperature basically yes dusto okay he do since this is a salty pasta

Do you put less salt in the water or you salt your regular big handful of salt of rock salt let’s see if we have questions here yes I do Ellen we actually I didn’t bring a box today cuz I didn’t want to do Telly sales but we will give you a

Box with a nice big cheese of Fior sardo some beautiful Orin pasta some really nice olive oil and some Sardinian pepper and and you know you can you can take care of the breadcrumbs but yeah you’ll get a kit I send it from Sardinia to

Your house and um you can write me I I’ll I’ll I’ll write all of you after um I’ll write a welcome um email followup email yeah yes okay to let it cool off a little bit yes okay in San maybe we say I’ll teach you some Sardinian get

Some air like you let your kids out when they’re too they’re too too much energy they go okay so you’re really letting it cool down ah so it’s you know it’s a minute and it’s cooling it down with the oil interesting okay so when you use an artisan pasta

With rough edges like this and it’s a thick Pasta Too he’s saying you need a lot of sauce cuz it’s going to soak up a lot of sauce that makes sense so here you know you be careful about not breaking the pasta okay so you want to get everything mixed up well but

You definitely don’t want to make a mess so Pier Luigi has a wonderful Pizzeria in town called fro I think it’s the best pizzeria in town and uh we had pizza an hour ago but I’m still really hungry [Applause] bra okay that’s yeah yeah [Laughter] yes yeah I can send the Pink Pepper

Pleas I can I can I’ll send the peer sure easy I go to public gardens and get get some and dry them out long live fard yeah okay little balsamic is is fragrancing so this is great because this is not one of those pastas where you know one

Person get it and you say eat the pasta eat the pasta the pasta is hot this is a pasta where you can actually have a glass of wine let it sit there let all the let all the flavors settle in I’d love to learn how to how to do

This I never do it so nicely yeah the peppers they’re asking a question about the peppers per Luigi used like three or four peppers plus the pepper leaves but he said with the pepper you really can do what you want to do it’s it’s their

Choice yes yes you play with it a bit yes you can you can play would you ever use hot pepper pepperino no no no black black Peppers okay so no you don’t want you don’t want to peppers are we ready or do we need it to cool down still yes yes

Yes see try Okay ahead let’s try well we’ll teach you Italian before the night is over was the mod pestle used to make the bread sauce look so totally totally non n Nom what is n Nom yummy hi Torah we saw I saw you in Los Angeles um so the p

Yeah no so Pier was saying that he usually uses the more for the the pepper he was just trying to be a little more um efficient Speedy okay wow it’s such a work of art I I’m almost embarrassed to to oh my God you can’t believe the smell a strong flavor

It reminds us of the day we had for sure W yeah it looked like he put a lot of sauce on that but this pasta it really soaks up the sauce M there’s a lot of different tastes here she so mty perfumy yeah it’s a a charge of life but I mean

If a Shepherd he’s out walking all day and he needs energy yes yes you know and maybe even the pepper needs a little warmth you know warm his soul M yeah thank you everybody we are going to do a show on myto I don’t know when because my video

Maker is a very busy man he does the professional soccer league but we’re going to do a really in-depth it’s it’s it’s harvest now for myto so stay tuned thanks for watching I’ll send a follow um email and thank you again P Luigi and thank you Jeep kzi and Chef speed and reporter

Gourmet Ciaoo

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