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Pizza soup that you got to make ASAP a because it is insanely delicious but B time for soup season is running out friends oh yeah let’s make it add oil to a big old pot and brown the beef for about 5 to 7 Minutes add some chopped onions sliced mushrooms broth marinara

Sauce Italian seasoning onion and garlic powder and salt allow this to Bubble like a hot tub for about 15 minutes and then you’re going to make your pepperoni Krispies you’re really just going to cook pepperoni like you would bacon Pat it off with a paper towel cook extra cuz

It’s really good for snacking once you’re super is ready let’s get the cheesy goodness and mix of mozzarella and Parmesan grab a bag of croutons for topping these little crispy pepperonis topnotch this really is a favor of mine you’re going to love it give it a try


  1. Tell that to a lot of old fashioned Mexican Mom's that make caldo year round, that the time for soup season is running out …. 😂😂❤❤❤❤

  2. Personally, I think I'd add the onions and mushrooms first, get the onions all caramelized & mushrooms browned, add some garlic then the meat etc but this looks good and I think I found what I'll be making this "weekend" with all the extra onions I sliced up a few days ago (food prep at work has not helped my "feed an army" tendencies when cooking at home 😂 I picked up eight sweet onions thinking that's what I'd need… no. I really only needed 2. 😅). Yum

  3. Pro tip! Putting the pepperonis on a plate with a paper towel underneath them then microwaving gets the same effect. I love putting crispy pepperonis on sandwiches 😄

  4. !! Hey, i was wondering if you’ve ever addressed undereating with listening to one’s body? I find myself eating in accordance to what I want but just losing weight :/ which makes me push myself to eat extra. Which isn’t listening to my body…?

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