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Pizza better than Italy, in Japan!

The best gourmet pizza in Japan can be found at this little shop in Tokyo location at the end because go they started us off with some car with this Perfect Blend of sea salt olive oil and spices and don’t even get me started on whatever this cheese was it was

Absolutely blush F then came the squid ink pasta and you know not only my thing but uh this one was honestly a game changer so rich so creamy with just a hint of sea salt and absolute chef’s kiss and then came the pizzas and you know you always got to try a pizza

Joints Margarita which was everything you would hope for gooey cheese flavorful tomato sauce and a perfect puffy crust and it wasn’t soggy it wasn’t dipped in soup it’s probably one of the best margarita pizzas I’ve ever had to finish off I couldn’t resist trying the Japanese lechan with this

Crispy sugar top with some fruits and man absolute perfection I’d go back just for that no joke got to check out pizza Linda in aaka


  1. That pizza is so thick! It looks wonderful. The pasta is interesting, very unique looking, and at first seems unappealing. However, I can see the appeal. The leche flan looks so smooth, the way the spoon goes through it like butter, but it keeps its shape, is a good way of knowing its a perfect texture(for me atleast) Looks wonderful mate.

  2. WAS THAT A MFING JOJO REFERENCE!!?!????!?!?! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

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