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Anna Gass talks new cookbook, ‘Italian Snacking’

The culinary influencer shares two classic Italian recipes from “Italian Snacking: Sweet and Savory Recipes for Every Hour of the Day,” including cannolis and arancini.


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Culinary influencer anag Goos has a new cookbook out this morning Italian snacking sweet and savory recipes for every hour of the day bring it every hour of the day these bites are perfect for any spring parties you might be planning right now she’s going to show

Us how to make some of them and it’s always time for RN C it’s always time for some rice rice balls so we’re going to make two different kinds today the book has three but we’re going to do the Sicilian and the calabrian okay so we’re going to start with the Sicilian we’re

Going to get a nice holding a sauce going okay that’s easy that’s just ground beef right I see marinara sauce I like a little pee in there that’s an interesting that’s very traditional for Sicily I have a question for you because I have tried to make Arn cini with one

My really my one of my best friends is a terrific cook what kind of rice am I supposed to use because apparently I didn’t use the right kind that’s a great question so Aran Chini are made with leftover risoto traditionally so you’re going to use AR Boro rice aha right so

Minute Rice was not the call Minute Rice was not the call but that’s okay so you’re going to start making your ca rising and I’m so we have our Sicilian yep so you don’t need that yet oh okay we’re going to put in our mixing to make

The Savory rice so it’s an egg it’s an egg some salt some cheese some Panetta any type of cheese we’re going to have parano there yep pinch of salt we’re going to be making the Sicilian ones which have saffron which is why my rice is orange y

I’m going with our boreo you’re going with our it looks like you want me bacon in yeah throw the bacon in and we’re going to throw the parsley that’s my mom’s recipe wow I can’t decide which sounds better we’re going to try them both so I make my own breadcrumb mix so

It’s breadcrumbs oregano salt some Parmesan mix that up together okay all right our sauce is ready we have that here and we’re going to start making them and I have some tips for you let’s switch okay all right here’s your thank you amazing already done step away from

The rice concoction no no no so now we’re going to put it in there okay I love the ice cream scooper idea yeah I love using an ice cream scoop I came with up with this idea because it’s uniform and helps stuff now the calab

Brzy one has a little piece of cheese in it okay so do you make a little you make a little hole ice right in the front and then put your cheese inside and I’m going to put some of that yummy by the way you can make sauce with

This too you can do a nice pasta and then you’re adding a little more CL it to it up love it now my other tip is going empty it out into your hand just like you’re scooping some ice cream look at that and you’re going to dimp your hand

In a little water okay cuz that helps pack the i ball and then you pack it up like a snowball like a snowball exactly just don’t throw it at anybody I’m looking at you Roberts all right and now we’re going to cover them up with the

Bread crumbs all right and move our way down wipe our hands and now we’re going to fry them up and then that’s it and we only have 45 seconds left so we’re not really going to fry I want to show everybody what they look like because they’re so beautiful Anna and you’ve got

Two different flavors right here and the Sicilian have a nice little tip on them nice little hat love that I see what you did you know which one has each one of the other recipes in the book that we’re not going to be able

To get too into but you can just give us one great tip which is who doesn’t love a canoli you can make canoli at home guys make them all right so we’re going to fill these up you’ve got the recipe in the book and what’s your like number

One tip if you’re going to try to do this on your own you know it’s a fun project what I do kids yeah what I do with my filling is I have mascarpone and Rota in it and now let’s top them I like pistachio I like chocolate chip all

Right so we’re going to do both all right Cheers Cheers Mama Anor it’s always great to have you guys the book is so good Italian snacking it’s out today and you can find these recipes on our website they’re worth checking out thank you for being here you for having me m m wow


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