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Cuban Mojito Recipe | Italian Bartender

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Invention: The Mojito cocktail’s origins can be traced back to Cuba, where it is believed to have been invented during the 16th century. The exact details of its invention are unclear, but the Mojito is thought to have evolved from a traditional Cuban drink called “El Draque,” named after the famous English privateer Sir Francis Drake. El Draque consisted of aguardiente (a crude form of rum), sugar, lime, and mint. Over time, rum replaced aguardiente, and the Mojito as we know it today was born. Its refreshing taste and invigorating combination of flavors quickly made it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Story: The Mojito cocktail has a rich history steeped in the vibrant culture of Cuba. It was popularized by the legendary author Ernest Hemingway, who frequented the bars of Havana during the mid-20th century. Hemingway’s fondness for the Mojito helped to elevate its status and spread its popularity beyond Cuba’s borders. Today, the Mojito is enjoyed in bars and restaurants around the world, with countless variations and adaptations paying homage to its Cuban heritage. Its combination of rum, mint, lime, sugar, and soda water captures the spirit of the Caribbean, making it a beloved symbol of relaxation and indulgence.



2 ounces white rum
1/2 ounce simple syrup (or 2 teaspoons granulated sugar)
6-8 fresh mint leaves, plus extra sprig for garnish
3/4 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
Soda water

In a sturdy glass, muddle the mint leaves and simple syrup (or sugar) to release the mint’s oils.
Add the rum and lime juice to the glass.
Fill the glass with ice.
Top with soda water and stir gently to combine.
Garnish with a mint sprig.
Serve and enjoy the refreshing taste of the classic Mojito cocktail.
The Mojito cocktail’s recipe is simple yet refreshing, allowing the flavors of the rum, mint, lime, and sugar to shine. Whether enjoyed on a hot summer day or as a tropical escape in the midst of winter, the Mojito continues to captivate drinkers with its vibrant flavors and laid-back charm.

#mojito #mojitorecipe #mojitodrink

Oggi Vediamo come si fa il molito originale cubano Cominciamo con mettere zucchero di canna rigorosamente bianco il succo di un lime circa un oncia se è un buon lime prenderemo poi una decina di foglioline di menta che andremo a battere delicatamente nelle mani affinché gli alveoli si rompono e

Rilascino le note essenziali che ci interessano rum rigorosamente Avana 3 un on C 3/4 ghiaccio intero e non tritato andremo ad amalgamare il tutto e completiamo con soda o acqua gasata un paio di cannucce per il servizio e un bel ciuffo di menta di guarnizione anche questo lo andiamo a

Battere affinché rilascia tutti i suoi aromi morito originale cubano è servito


  1. Ricetta originale (non europea):
    Fette di lime
    Zucchero di canna
    Pestare con pestello
    Ghiaccio a pezzi irregolari (spaccavano a mano i cubi enormi, non avevano tritatori ne macchine del ghiaccio che facevano cubi)
    Rum a volume
    No soda

  2. Sono stato per due mesi a cuba. Prima di dire "ricetta originale cubana" dovresti sciacquarti la bocca con il rum, andare a L'Avana ed entrare nell'ultimo dei locali, nella classica bettola, per vedere cosa significa fare un vero Mojito. Poi le foglie puoi sbattertele in testa, ma solo dopo.

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