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Breakfast Ciabatta with Eggs, Cheese, and Bacon Cooking Italian with Joe

Join Joe Borio, in his kitchen, host of Cooking Italian with Joe, as he makes Breakfast Ciabatta with eggs, cheese, bacon, and sauce toasted and drizzled with olive oil. YUM!!!

To Purchase a bottle of Vito and Joe’s Olive Oil:


Hey guys welcome to my kitchen another big excited day in my kitchen where are we going what are we making today what we’re going to do is we’re going to go to Joey boreo me we’re going to go to my my childhood kitchen and when I was a

When I was a little kid I had the just the absolute blessing to have the most wonderful mother in the world there were four of us and she always would do these fun little things that we would do in the kitchen so you know Italian immigrant family cooking is so much that

Culture that social structure that fabric that uh allows us to stay close and stay together so she would always make things I remember out of like a cupcake container she take cupcake container and I’ve done a few of those videos where she make a quick little lasagna quick little breakfast all kinds

Of fun stuff and uh and she would do things with bread as well so this uh this recipe is inspired by my mom and my mom’s still with us she’s at her early 80s she’s fantastic and uh so I want to share with you a fun quick little recipe

And a fast way to make breakfast that’s so much fun for your kids all right before I go over ingredients guys really important tip to help this recipe come out absolutely delicious Monto Bono is when you’re subscribed to the channel so hit that red subscribe button give me a

Thumbs up hit the notification Bell anything we got going on the farm any new recipes travel tips we got a Blog going you know I’d love for it to come right to your notification box and uh I’ll tell you what it means a world to me when you subscribed to the channel

And it makes you part of the family you know what I’m saying so you’re going to we’re going to call it a breakfast chabata so whether you got a chabata baguette Italian bread really doesn’t matter ingredients wise we’re going to use this loaf of bread this long loaf of

Bread technically a bagette we’re going to call it a chabata and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to mix some beautiful ingredients in here to make like a kind of like a breakfast sandwich okay so number one Breakfast in America in the states especially is going to be

With eggs so here I’ve got five eggs now I like free range you know cagefree something really organic really healthy the flavor the color is going to be vibrant next you’re going to need one pound of mozzarella cheese we’re going to need to add some kind of bacon but

It’s an Italian Dish so we’re going to add Panetta the big difference between Panetta and bacon Panetta is cured isn’t smoked American bacon is cured and smoked so here I’ve got maybe 6 ounces of Italian bacon or Panetta we’re going to get some tomato pomodoro sauce that

We’re going to use in put it in the bag that it’s going to be a lot of fun you’re also going to want some olive oil now anybody new to our Channel we own a farm in Italy we co-op with a whole group of farms right above the hill in a

Little village called viod Del Gargano it’s absolutely beautiful we’ll be there this summer and uh and the reason I share that with you is we actually uh make olive oil we ship it here to the United States and I know what you’re thinking Joe I would love to get a

Bottle of it I’d love for you to get a bottle of it too so it’s veto and Joe’s people ask me where does that come from so my two sons veto and Joe that’s the boreo family a picture there from the 1950s and you guys think of where can

You get it just go to the website or our Facebook page or Instagram or YouTube the description and just click the link buy it now and we’ll actually drop ship you a few bottles right to your front doorstep I like the think of it is

Taking a trip to Italy right in a bottle so in the olive oil World here I’ve got I’ve got my extra virgin Italian olive oil it’s grassy it’s earthy it’s peppery you can smell the hills of the Adriatic Sea it’s so delicious so delicious ious

So we’re going to use that and spread it on the bread I’ll show you how to do that next you’re going to need some salt here I’ve got some French gray sea salt doesn’t have any uh Aroma at all but I will tell you this it’s delicious it’s

Briney it’s earthy it’s very healthy for you uh it’s not as it’s not as harsh on the salt flavor and it’s not processed so something really delicious for you and your family so when we want to add that you’re going to need something to spread your olive oil on your baguette

I’m thinking cookie sheet with parchment just to help with cleanup I’ve got a pan for our Panetta and I got the oven preheated at 375° and I think it’s time to start having some fun here so what do you say to get things started guys I’m going to

Take my Panetta again about 4 to 6 ounces put that in a pan that’s our pork belly that’s going to give us flavor it get nice little crunch a little caramelization now while panchetta is going here I’ve got to cut this in about five sections so think five sections

That I could get five eggs in here and sometimes you can get a cookie cutter and make a round but sometimes when the when the outer crust is really hard it’s tough to do that so guys I’m just going to take a knife here and then I’m going

To go around and I want to cut an opening here in the bread and I don’t want to go all the way down and then what I want to do here is just open out some of the Bread open it up a little bit in there that’s one done four more

To go so guys I’ve got all my five holes cut my Panetta is cooked Brown absolutely perfect now guys it’s assembly time so I’m going to slide this forward just a little bit first thing I want to do is just spread some olive oil so take your bread and coat it in some

Olive oil feto and Joe’s obviously and then I’m going to put some on the inside here pieces I cut out I’m going to coat those in olive oil as well and now guys I’m going to take some of my sea salt here and I’m just going to put a nice

Little sprinkle which will stick now because of the because of the oil and I’m going to salt and I’m going to season up my little pieces of bread here that I cut out first thing we’re going to do is just going to put we won’t use

All this we’ll hardly use any just a little bit of a splash of tomato in our holes here and next guys I’m going to go ahead and take my egg and just gently put my egg right in there now I’m going to go ahead and just fill up each

One of these with a little bit of Panetta and now I’m going to take some of my cheese so I want to put a couple of pieces of cheese I try to do it over to the side so I can have that yolk show which is beautiful so guys that’s

Perfect we’re going to throw that in the oven 3 75 for about 15 minutes so that took 20 minutes guys and that is just absolutely perfect I’m going to let that cool for a minute we’re going to cut it up I’m going to take this guy right here

And then like I said you want to grab these little nuggets right here because we’re going to dip those in that’s going to be fantastic I’m going to just take this and give it a dip oh yeah there’s my egg my yolk oh you ready for that or what first off

It’s hot secondly I got to tell you the aroma is the is the bread with the olive oil first and then you get the you get The Panetta you know and the cheese and the Egg it’s so fantastic and so simple and so fun and it just brings me right

Back to my kitchen being a little kid I remember my mother had this little white stove and we would put chairs up next to it and all take turns with spatulas you know cooking and enjoying the texture with the Crunch and the veto and Jo olive oil the egg the

Penta the mozzarella M so guys we’re not done yet we got this piece I’d like to cut this right in the middle is what I like to do and now you’re going to get it all right here cuz you got the sauce that’s the first thing that hits

Me is the marinara sauce right there The Panetta the egg the cheese the texture of the bread is so delicious that little extra salt you know get that little extra crunch I’ve loveed that sauce the sauce is perfect there’s not too much now it just gives you that that

Beautiful flavor of tomato at parodoro on the back end of it guys how delicious is that what a great trip to my mother’s kitchen growing up as a kid just brings back floods me with memories the aroma the texture I can hear my mother’s voice I could see my sister running around my

Brother and I get yelled at non-stop you know and that’s one of the reasons we do our videos you know is just to as you guys hear me you know shut off the shut off the TV and shut off the computer and the cell phones if not just for a bit

You know get around the kitchen and and tell stories get to know your parents your grandparents celebrate your heritage whatever that may be and and really in the end you know you’re going to set some traditions of love they’re going to last your lifetime I know they

Did for me hey guys for my kitchen years make sure hit that subscribe button give me a thumbs up notification Bell grab yourself a few bottles of Von Joe’s extra virgin Italian olive oil love to drop ship it right to your front door stop and last but not least guys until

Next week M won’t have petito


  1. I make a pan bread called focaccia every week sometimes two, it’s just me and my husband. I fry a thick slice of it in olive oil and garlic then fry a jumbo egg in the same pan with more of the same add salt.

    This is my daily breakfast! In the summer I add tomatoes and lots of fresh herbs. Sometimes Italian ham or regular bacon. So Devine!

    Devine. Ciabatta is nice but not as easy to make nor and chewy and full of holes like focaccia which is SUPERB!

  2. Dude! Where have you been? Haven't seen anything from you in a month. Missed you so much! Love your funloving spirit and your great food! Hope to see more of you now.❤😊

  3. 6 kids in my childhood home & my mom liked to do what is known as "big breakfast " @ Denny's restaurant. Mom cooked pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits & gravy every morning. Your dish is awesome. As an adult cooking for my family now, I appreciate your videos to liven up my options. Thank you

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