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Is Italy a good revolt civ?? For San Martin!!!!!!

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Okay let’s get my Italy on cuz I do want to play more Italy okay some XP okay uh guess I’m going for Treasures rather than livestock that’s food that’s okay more food W okay just admit defeat of getting I guess I guess the good thing about this is uh most people would go to the top I suppose he’s France so he wouldn’t but oh [ __ ] you going for that the Bulls and the guy to do that I don’t think I’m going to get there

Damn it I didn’t even get the XP for killing it I’m doing this the fast Fortress build so we’ll see if this uh does anything of course there was gold behind my TC oh the one place it didn’t look holy [ __ ] that’s an early age you just know Shake’s Shake Shake’s a

Bot player any with these you just know he’s rushing me night now there’s no way Shake doesn’t rush me he’s going for a starting TP oh maybe he starts C okay I’m not going to waste my Explorer here and get it killed so didn’t get that upgrade that’s not

Good that would have paid for itself as well with a with an extra villager can we get that card next going to be out to age up nicely though no more hers though no other hers t I was going to go run around here now

But it’s too late now and uh am I seriously going to have to rely on berries here look at these hers man actually she know we’ll get that look at my herds what the [ __ ] I’ve had one herd oh he’s pic he age that way this industrial build is not going as

Well as a I don’t know actually any more now we get that no it’s not that is it it’s that he got over there quickly didn’t he well we are stuck are very much stuck how much does this cut it down to nice okay so I guess we want free fet or t

I feel like uh this build normally gives me more XP than this but guess not come on get building time nice okay I am going to get a lot of shipments now so you’re going to need lots of housing population what do I have in here oh I’ve got giant

Grens and black that’s cool okay so we’re aging up I guess a decent time that is a lot of that is a lot of stuff okay actually let’s just get that first just in case he pushes what do I want here okay he’s not he’s not pushing or anything like that mm

Okay can these things not build am I being blind where the [ __ ] is the tavern can someone tell me where the oh the taverns are these AR they what am I doing I’m talking nonsense holy crap I was panicking for a second there I like what the [ __ ] uh so want livestock for

Command nice how did oh okay you got away with it yeah fine fair enough fair enough oh you already know what it is a here it goes fore Sal he slow them down on yeah [Applause] boys get him boys get him let me at him let me at

Him I love how San Martin just gets stuck in there like snaring all of them down yes boys let’s go go wait how have I got a settler wait where did that settler oh it come from the text I love it yo we got some giant GRS now let’s go

Yeah let’s get some Papa Lancers in there Papa Lancers um uh cover damage don’t they for um other units uh he did take the factory down so I’m not I’m not producing any uh any stuff right now but I yeah okay nice that’s back so the the villagers will be able

To build these as well which is nice so we got a few giant GRS in here we got a bit of everything going I love it we’re even going to get some Pap lers now just the [ __ ] [ __ ] up get the food trickles come here boy ain’t nobody got time for

That just using that eye of the Assassin as well just just to Rob some salt into the wound there here they come look with that armor Tech deflection there it is get a couple more grens thanks to the capitalism Tech [ __ ] just getting melted you love to see it right what do

We ship next boys I guess we go for villages um okay we will get some okay can almost start eating these GG boy I bet you any money he did not expect the Argentina Revolt with [Laughter] Italy oh dear uh you can’t you can’t destroy these anymore I don’t think I

Think they they changeed that so you can’t destroy these meals you can see that yellow ring looks like that’s the deflect ability


  1. That was literally the arrival of the cavalry turning things around. What a massacre!
    Why do you not have the "resources per minute" indicators?

  2. Great, it's always good to see Argentina in action.

    Small tip, the horse grenadier is affected by Cavalry Cuirass, Ranged Cavalry Caracole and Incendiary Grenades, the latter is the most important and is unlocked with the card that allows you to train them.

    Have fun with this information. 😄

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