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Deep Dish Pizza


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Let’s make a tasty and easy deep dish pizza in my Scottsburg pan wow deep thish Pizza it’s so tasty


  1. Whenever the easy pull-tab breaks, I firmly believe that a curse travels telepathically from the p*ssed off end user to the factory owner. One day they will all add up and….

  2. M8… I love your barbecue and I love your show to death, bit seriously… give up on pizza! I'm no expert, but my pizza is 100% better than that abomination!

  3. You're on the right track. But your dough is not right . No yellow cheese at all! Its a sin and You're not on college on a budget. Put parmesan cheese on that buttered pan before the dough. Plus there are 2 versions of deep dish dough, cornmeal and no cornmeal, both good. If you want to know, give me a thumbs up or respond and I got you.

  4. Its hilarious how ppl are getting so triggered. Relax people, everyone has their own way of cooking. 😂😂🎉🎉

  5. needs more cheese, like a heart stopping amount, and it needs to be mozzarella😂😭

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