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How to Correctly Pronounce Museo del Vino (Sardinia, Italy)

Ciao! Welcome! Here you will hear how to pronounce Museo del Vino correctly.
It’s a modern museum located at the top of the town, where you can learn about local winemaking and taste some of the area’s Vermentino.

My name is Alessandro, from Italy. I love traveling, food, and dogs🐶. Hope my videos can be helpful to you!

Ciao this is alesandro’s pronunciation guide on some of the most mispronounced words in the world it’s a modern museum located at the top of the town where you can learn about local wine making and taste some of the areas vermentino it’s pronounced as muso deleno muso deleno to pronounce it correctly

Emphasize the SE and V sounds and roll the r in vino muso Delino muso Delo like this video if you found it useful and subscribe if you want to learn more about the mispronounced words I appreciate your support gra ciao

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