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What Is It Like to Live in Italy? | Local Aromas

Italy is not just a country with diverse landscapes and cultures across its 20 regions. It’s a place where the pace of life allows you to truly savor every moment.

From the cooler, more reserved northern regions to the warm, sunny, and friendly south, each area in Italy offers a distinct feeling and way of life. Despite these differences, a common thread unites all Italians – a love for the simple things in life and a positive, adaptable outlook.

One of the most endearing aspects of living in Italy is the emphasis on family and community. Here, families are tightly knit, and the elderly are revered and considered integral members of the community. This respect for all generations adds a rich depth to everyday life and helps maintain strong family bonds.

Italy’s affordability is a pleasant surprise, adding to its appeal as a great place to live. The country’s excellent healthcare system and safe environment are significant plus points too.

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Thanks for watching the video What Is It Like to Live in Italy? | Local Aro

What is it really like to live in Italy we are two Italian sisters living in Italy and that’s a great question thank you because we do get asked we no we do we do get asked that’s not true people always say you’re so blessed to live in Italy you’re so lucky

To live in Italy as if Italy was you know magic Wonderland which in a way it is but in a way it is in a way it is we are blessed and we’re great and we are very happy but how do you say in English not everything that shines is

Gold yes but we’re not here to say talk about the negative things about Italy we’re here to have a very honest conversation we always have very honest conversations I would say that first of all Italy has 20 regions okay it’s pretty big and the north is very

Different from the south yes so there are 20 different regions in Italy and they could not be more different one from the other so when you say Italy it’s like well there’s some regions in Northern Italy that are actually like fairy tale places that’s true and also down south so uh what is

It like I must say first of all there there are some things that are similar across all of Italy and I would say what I really like about Italians because at the end you live in a country but then you you have to you know put up

With the people of it imagine me with my sister anyway it they’re really nice they’re very friendly and they are quite funny that’s true now as a snobby Italian no so Italy so Italy is shaped like a boot okay or like a leg let’s

Call like a Bo I like to call it like a boot and so the you sort of picture it sort of divide it in three areas you have the north the center and the South and they are very very very different for so many aspects but also the people

Are very particular well so first we are we are we are in Rome we live in Rome we are from Rome and so obviously the Romans are the coolest they’re just so funny we have so much fun just people are just funny they have a sense of humor that’s incredible

The more North you go maybe the less open open they are and uh and the South they’re just they’re they’re they’re fun too they’re more difficult to understand when they speak dialect but yes but that’s fun too yeah the I would say definitely it’s the attitude towards

Life Bravo that’s a very good point the attitude towards life in Italy and you’ve probably seen it you know in in 2020 how we just turn things into jokes we joke about our own tragedies and we make fun of our own things and that’s a

Way to face that’s a way to face life that I really like about Italians all across of Italy because they each have their own little humor Regional different kind of humor but I would say that yeah that’s true it’s a I don’t know how you say it it’s just like this

Ho I can’t say anything it’s like the string that holds everything together is probably this attitude that they have yeah this attitude towards life and just it’s just gener it’s sort of it’s it’s a very particular survival mode now this has nothing to do with survival but many

Many years ago I remember when I was I was already here um many many years ago a couple of years ago when they made seat belts mandatory in Naples they came out with these t-shirts with a black with a black stripe like this like this if you were

Driving so that it seemed as if you had the seat belt on but you really did not so we’re it’s just a funny kind of of of population but other than the people we are we’re blessed to have a great climate we are yeah yeah yes some regions more than others some regions

More than others Rome we’re blessed to have Central so when we talk about Rome we’re talk talking about the central part of Italy South and the islands we are blessed to have almost an always sunny day and that is why I think climate affects the people Al lot oh no it definitely does

Imagine living in a place that is always you know dark and you don’t have access to sunlight the fact that you wake up in the morning I’m like that I am I don’t know how you say it in English metop paa like I the weather does affect me a lot

Yeah so in the in the more like Northern sort of regions that like during the winter it’s foggy they it’s they’re just different they are more they may be a little bit they may be a little bit more closed a little bit more reserved but other than the attitude what else

What is it like to live in Italy well we can’t complain about the food we can’t complain about we can’t complain about the food because the most you know traveling throughout Italy we always said that there’s no such thing as Italian food so throughout every of each

Of the 20 regions that you go to you find amazing local dishes and wines and olive oils and and just that the food we can’t complete you eat well everywhere in Italy there’s not one region that you would say no I don’t like it also I think

That we in Italy we are very well taken care of by the state true know that’s we we have have a a great health system which is important you know oh it’s very important we have a great health system that you know allows all sorts of family

Obviously there are some flaws like in everywhere there are some flaws but looking at the big picture we are very well taken care of the thing that I like about Italy is that we have that mentality of being flexible enough I’ve been in some countries where the rues

Rules are the rules and the rules are the rules it’s either that or that here it’s like the rule but then okay fine just for this time though and so it’s that being flexible that allows you to get some things accomplished it’s not too narrow-minded except if you have

Cappuccino afternoon that is a no I would say that’s open mentalities you know they really do think about not just about the law they also think about the person the person yes and that does make a difference that that does make a difference I’ve I’ve personally experienced that but this is also

Towards foreigners also because if a foreigner has a health problem here in our country they’re taking care of too very well and so that that is a blessing to I like that I like that attitude of you need a little flexibility I’m not saying that you should not have laws you

Should not have rules absolutely no that would be that would drive anybody crazy yeah but you have to know how to balance things out in a correct way see what else is it like well lately I’ve seen a lot on social media I happen to find a lot of foreigners many North

Americans that have like their um profile which is how they move to Italy yeah and I it’s interesting because you know we live in Italy and we have traveled but it’s interesting to see some things that foreigners are just amazed by in the lifestyle when they

Come here and they’re like oh my gosh in my country I mean never this would never happen and and just like at the restaurant they were so nice to my daughter or just like at the restaurant what is it like to come to Italy well at the restaurant you just you just enjoy

You just Italians enjoy every minute some regions are more work work work other regions are more laidback yeah and because for us eating is is a social moment for us eating is is a moment of sharing of of of of love so when we go out to eat at a restaurant

You take your time and you eat and you nobody’s going to rush you nobody’s going to kick you out you don’t they don’t have a table change the more down south you go the more late you will eat so it’s it’s it’s a joyful moment and uh

For us to enjoy but for like the owners of the restaurants and of the cafes but them it’s really important that you enjoy the moment so actually when you do have kids most obviously we’re we’re talking we’re generally talking will really pay attention they will bring

Things for your kids they have you have like little um they have special attention for families and also animals because I’ve been noticing a lot of people tell us you guys are so dog friendly we are allowed to bring our dogs inside the supermarkets we are allowed to bring our dogs at restaurants

I mean obviously you have to you know some restaurants might have an etiquette that they don’t want to I’m sure that if you bring a dog to a three Michelin restaurant it’s not going to be well accepted but generally yes we are a very dog friendly uh country and that is also

Important that’s true because I was expecting I we always travel with a dog well she has a dog I have a dog and so when we travel with our dog I was expecting in other countries to you know be more welcoming which I I understand and respect but that made me

Think that maybe in Italy everybody that everybody every foreign I mean every person that that’s something that they point out you guys are such a dog friendly Nation dogs are everywhere people are with their dogs you take them inside the supermarket they obviously you can’t walk them inside the

Supermarket they have the little cart where you put the dog in a little basket behind and so obviously a dog like yours at the supermarket well never even never even occurred to me to bring my dog to the supermarket no mine loves she has a plus every time I go to the supermarket

So that’s fine and so that is that that’s that’s another point and um another thing that I like about Italy which I was surprised because I don’t consider us to be like the most evolved country in the world is about how you can move from one place to another Italy because it’s a

Very small country you know it’s boot shaped but at the end of the day it’s not big and we have apparently wow fast train which we’re so surprised that in many other countries in the world we don’t want to talk about anyone in particular but for example we have

People in the states that they said that they have to they have to cross the country they have to take the plane they have there is no railway station and you have a lot I mean our country is sort of complicated like we have the appinites

That sort of cross in the middle we have water on both ends but everybody’s surprised by our train system and we sometimes we complain about it if they’re 5 minutes late We complain about it but they are spectacular and if you have to travel from north to south

Perfect a fast train I mean you go from Milan to Rome in three hours from Rome to Florence OR Rome to Naples in an hour and a half and it’s just like one train after the other it’s clean clean they serve air conditioned it’s just like wow

Yeah so that is another thing which is great because and we take for granted and it’s not it’s not uh I mean it would never occur to me to get a plane to travel within Italy no there is no reason if maybe to go to Sicily maybe to

Go to an island Sicily Sardinia yeah but if not train all the time I mean we’d have a beautiful video on YouTube we went to Naples we took the train we were there in an hour we didn’t even notice we had a great two days enabled and we

Took the train back so it’s doable you go to Florence for the day you can do it for the day it’s a challenging but still it’s doable because we have a great train system okay so we said that Italy is super friendly their people are happy

If they’re not they always find a way to be happy it’s we’re very well taken care of we’ve got a great train system we’ve got a great health system the food is amazing the wine isn’t bad either yeah and let’s talk about things that may not you know like sort of things it’s

Traffic that traffic the traffic traffic yes traffic is challenging is challenging um many also because we don’t live in a we we don’t okay we talk for Rome okay because because we live here and so for Rome we do not have the possibility to have a lot of parking spots because as

You know Rome is a lasagna so every time they dig they find something that’s thousands of years old and so you don’t have these parking lots so park traffic is a challenge yes traffic is a challenge and um finding places to park is a challenge

Yes but we walk a lot for this reason because once you find a place to park then you walk a lot and and we tend to walk a lot we walk a lot because because we have many towns or like even in the city center um the the public transportation is pretty

Okay yeah it’s pretty okay some cities may be a little dirty so maybe if you’ve come to Rome yeah it could be cleaner it could definitely be cleaner yes so yeah you could see piles of trash um it’s a little bit better but yes it’s not it could it could definitely be clean

Cleaner it could definitely be cleaner then um but I think this happens in every country with tourists in the world there are some people do take advantage of tourists unfortunately it could be taxi drivers it could be restaurants they take advantage where they where they tell you that the food is local and

Then it’s it’s very cheap but I think that could also be I mean even people traveling should be a little bit more informed or you need to know that if somebody’s trying to pull you in the restaurant you don’t go you don’t go or if you have like a menu

Outside full of pictures in 25 languages right or if you have like a dry like a pizza standing there with pasta when they really have to Showcase what they prepare then that’s not the place that you would want to go that is something that you know we live again in Rome but

There’s so many places if you go to V I’ve seen so many touristy places with many tourists enjoying their meal yes which is which is which is which is which fine I mean anybody Everybody’s Free to do what they want but there are smarter ways to enjoy the

Authenticity of of Rome and I think that avoiding tourist traps is is one of them and so you know you everybody business is business and so if yeah business is business that’s true but that could happen I would also say Italy CU I was having this conversation yesterday with

A non Italian friend and I would say Italy to talk something say something good again about Italy is that Italy is pretty much a safe country oh that’s very important yes Italy is a safe country Italy is we take it’s a it’s a safe yeah I we have no problem walking

Around the center of Rome at 2 in the morning not that we ever do but easily our kids you just it’s packed with people it’s it feels generally very safe and that’s a feeling that a lot of people get also yeah that’s what I say you know and maybe in some cities there

Are there are some neighborhoods that you should avoid but I’ve traveled a lot throughout Italy and it’s pretty much just in the city center you can get lost in the little in the little side streets and there is nothing to to worry about it’s safe obviously you you may have you

May get pickpocketed or find the drunk occas okay then you have to obviously not walk in a park at 4:00 a.m. in the morning I mean those like basic safety rules but I would say Italy is very safe yeah and another beautiful thing about Italy is that it

Is completely naturewise it is a country that has everything we have White Sands we have mountains we have people snow we have Countryside there is literally any kind of n nature thing that you want we have it and that’s so beautiful it could not be more diverse from the

North lasard and it’s just spectacular it’s like hundreds of little countries within one country and um I was going to say something but I forgot okay well that does happen when you get up a certain when you age I knew you were going to say that

And well I think we said pretty a lot of pretty nice things and unreal things and we’re not being yeah we’re being very honest actually I really oh I just remembered I really enjoy living in Italy as um I’ll share it in in in a video here on the

Link above we lived and we grew up for 18 years in different countries so it’s not the only country where we live lived Italy it’s it’s our home country and I must say that I I really enjoy living in Italy I don’t know if I want to you know

Now home is Rome but it it could be some somewhere else but for me it would still have to be Italy I just love I just love the climate I love the people I really enjoy the ingredients I the diversity of the food I love that I can go from one place to

Another you know from the mountains to the Lakes without having to travel for like hours and hours and hours and um you know you can go from north to south in in like six hours By by Train and I like that the accessibility it’s it’s not a very expensive country no no it’s

Not some some cities May some cities are more expensive than other generally it’s not an expensive country the the quality of the ingredients are very high we are we are we tend to love to cook from scratch we we eat well we eat healthy famous Mediterranean diet we you know we

Don’t want to brag to say we have it all but yeah but but we’re we’re we’re lucky you know to to to to be where we are and and Italy is this funny looking country shaped like a boot and uh it’s a nice boot it’s it’s a nice Boot and it’s it’s

The lifestyle here is relaxed you know we work we work a lot we work hard but we also know how enjoy life yes some regions think that they work harder than others yes like some regions regions but um we all work hard but then we can just

Like unplug for those you know five 10 minutes just to breathe again there is there is not this Obsession about this success thing that I see in other cultures it’s all about achievement achievement achievement which is important but it’s very stressful while here it’s not that people are not

Stressed it’s not that people don’t want to work it’s not that people don’t want to achieve it’s just done in in a more relaxed way and also something beautiful not just they keep popping up like that is the sense of family which I think we have a beautiful sense of family and uh

And that is is some like I know that people make fun of us from other countries I mean we get made fun of for the sense of family of but it’s it’s beautiful it’s it’s very it’s family it’s family with children but what I love the most it’s family with the

Elderly yeah the elderly people are very important to us they are just like they are our history and they are I just you just you just see how much we value the elderly per the elderly people and I and I think that’s that’s beautiful because they are a huge important part of our

Culture so yes I personally must say that as an Italian living in Italy and having lived in other countries and having traveled a lot I really love living in Italy I must say that the same sometimes I’m like I want to go no but then at what go but then you always want

To come back and so if you want to come back it’s home this is home and um and it’s it’s a wonderful country to be able to call home wherever in Italy for me home can be in different parts can be in different parts

Depending on what I need if I need to be in touch with nature I know where I go if I just need to like just relax I know where to go I know I know the feeling that each different place in Italy gives you and that’s magical and that’s it it

Is it is a privilege it is a privilege and and people enjoy the simple things in life that’s also something that for me is very important like you really contemplate uh the smell of a lemon for us you contemplate sitting down in a Pat

And having a an AO I think we should go have an AO after since we always talk about enjoying life would you like have a with me after yes good sitting down on a Pia watching people go by enjoying set enjoying enjoying the day enjoying it’s yeah that’s something beautiful that we and

That’s one of the things that I’ve heard the most going back to the conversation we were having about the like foreigners moving to Italy it’s just that as if people never stop and just like wow look at the colors of the sky which is something that we always do in Rome

Because Rome has the most magnificent magnificent sunset colors and also just the most magnificent blue skies I mean sometimes the sky is so blue that when we post it I that a filter it’s not a filter that was the color of the sky so I would say it’s the

Awareness that we have in the things that really do make a difference in life because at the end we are we’re all rushing and running and and achieving and trying to but then you stop and you realize that the real important things are like having having evil with my sister it’s important it’s

Important and that half an hour no long more than half an hour half an hour spent together you know just talking and just that that that is I think is the essence of Italy and that is why I sitting at the dinner table lunch table the there’s so

Many B now this going to be like five hour video so cuz there’s so much there’s so much and this is why this is what it’s like to live in Italy


  1. Planning a trip to Bologna and Florence in April. So looking forward to it. Haven't been since I was a teenager. My Mom was Italian and,obviously, my Grandmother. It all sounds wonderful!

  2. I would imagine if I moved to Italy I would miss other ethnic foods such as Chineses, Thai , Chinese etc. My question is are other ethnic dishes available in Italy? I would,imagine again that the cities would be more conducive to more of a variety of food

  3. How do many Italians feel about the right wing government that is in power? As an Italian American, I was very disappointed.

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