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Azerbaijani Chef Cooking Balik in a Pan – This Will 100% Excite Your Taste BUDS!

#relaxingvideo #outdoorcooking #meat

A [Applause] W


  1. Welcome to Azerbaijan. Where people from all religions coexist so peacefully that it surprises some "pious" ones. Yes, friends we are proud of being moslem country with ancient christian, jewish traditions. We respect people for their human values, not for the God they worship, because eventually we all are the creations of ONE Allmighty, no matter how you call him.

  2. È troppo forte questo uomo mi piace molto quello che fa per la sua famiglia è una brava persona e lo si vede Vi auguro buona fortuna e una vita lunga❤❤❤

  3. ماشاء الله تبارك الله يعطيك العافيه صحه وهنا عليكم يارب انت شيف مميز 👍❤️🌷🌷

  4. С Новым годом и Рождеством! Здоровья, счастья и благополучия вашей семье!
    Вы так "вкусно" готовите, что глаз не оторвать. Можно часами смотреть!🔥🔥🔥

  5. U end ur videos with Salam alaikom…. and you are wearing Christmas suit in this video. Better show your side buddy…..Christian or Muslim. What's ur religion?

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