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Day 24: The Best Online Kids-Only Pasta Making Course, 100% Made in Italy | Little Hands, Big Pasta

This kids-only pasta making journey has been so much fun! 😀 Watch our previous 23 YouTube videos or get the full “Little Hands, Big Pasta: A Kids-Only Pasta Making Journey” online course that includes, extra content, videos, and downloadable:

Also, how would you like to travel across Italy in 2024 exploring the local towns, foods, and wines? FROM HOME!

That’s exactly what we’ll be doing with the members of our Italian Online Food & Wine School and Community, Casa Local Aromas!

Here’s the plan.

Starting 1 January 2024, we’ll be traveling to different Italian regions to bring Italy into the homes of our Casa Local Aromas Family members. Why don’t you join too?! It’s going to be so much fun!

We’ll visit, eat, drink, and explore our way TOGETHER with the Family!

And we’ll meet via Zoom every Sunday at 10 pm Italian time with fun cooking, drinking, and learning activities.

How fun is that?! Come and join!

#italian #recipes #food

Thanks for watching the video Day 24: The Best Online Kids-Only Pasta Making Course, 100% Made in Italy | Little Hands, Big Pasta

Merry Christmas yes we are it’s Christmas already Yes December 24th wow that was like we went fast it went by really fast so how was this little kids pasta Journey wasn’t it fun didn’t you enjoy them making all these pasta shapes see them in the kitchen getting messy

And getting dirty but happy creative having fun using their hands making dough and enjoying the pasta that you helped them cooked isn’t it wonderful yeah that’s such a that’s such an incredible family moment that you’ve had and I really hope that you also had little other little chefs come and do it

Together because that’s also very fun also because you know you’ve had your kids at home from school on vacation I mean what a great way to entertain them without the day instead of having them you know on screen time or watching TV I mean it’s an amazing way to spend time

Having fun and creating something that you’re going to enjoy at the table after yes and what can we say first of all we really hope that you enjoyed it that you have made family moments or if you haven’t yet that you will remember you can watch these YouTube videos whenever

You want but we have also put all this content into an online course which is of course called little hands big pasta because it is a kids only pasta making Journey we’ll share the link below and in the course we I even put a little gift for you

Grown-ups because you’re so kind I’m such a generous person because if you don’t know yet we have an incredible online community I would call it more than incredible it’s wonderful yeah I mean we’re actually speechless by the people that are part of our community um it’s an also an online Italian food

And wine school this is for adults it’s called Kaza local Aromas because it is our home online it’s your home online it’s your Italian home online it’s your Italian home online and there are so many incredible people from all over the world that we meet in this private

Community that we have and we meet every Sunday we have uh challenges every week we do live zooms we have chats we share we share our food we share our recipe we we share our creation it’s just a moment of of just being together as a family because actually it has become our

Family no that is our extended family it’s our extended family you see us in a way that we never show ourselves anywhere else because it’s it we’re family you know so first of all you see us every single Sunday on a live Zoom we are in our homes it’s a very intimate

Environment but something that um incredible that we’re going to be doing starting in 2024 so in just a few days in just a few days in Kasa local Aromas we are going to do something we have never done okay so c local Aromas now is like a three year three year old

Yes yeah around three years old yeah and starting a few day in a few days we we are going to be traveling and you are coming with us just for the members in the community we’re going to be taking our family throughout all 20 regions of

Italy it’s not going to be all in 2024 but every two months we’re going to travel to an Italian region and we’re just going to sink in so imagine imagine we’re going to have to eat the cuisine of that region we’re going to have to drink we’re going to have to taste we’re

Going to go inside the homes of local chefs that will teach us how to make local recipes local pasta shapes we’re going to go to wineries we’re going to explore we’re going to just bring you in with us and it’s I’m so excited because there’s so many places that I’ve not so

Many regions T we’ve never been to and we’ve never been to and we’re so excited and we just can’t wait and it’s going to be a wonderful Incredible Journey it’s a journey that I mean we have never done before 20 regions you know that we’re slowly develop through

Throughout the years but for our members imagine we’ve balanced it also in the 20 regions some regions are internationally more famous than others and so we we spread them because there are some tiny regions that nobody knows about but they are so incredible or maybe like the big

Regions that everybody knows about you just know about that one famous city but you don’t know about all the rest and we’re bringing that into your home can’t wait I know for the members of Kaza local Aromas so if you purchased the little hands big pasta online course

Inside that was we started this conversation saying that we had a gift for you inside you have a 50% discount to join the the family to see you know if it resonates it’s not that we want to we want to everybody in it’s a place where

You you have to love being there okay so we’re also we just want people to really enjoy the family so you can come in you can see what there is in our school you can see what the community is all about and then you can choose if you want to

Stay you can unsubscribe whenever you want it’s a very relaxed you know very relaxed very relaxed homey place and this is the gift that we wanted to give you if you purchase at a very tiny price the kids only pasta making Journey because it’s it’s Christmas and and everybody everybody’s nicer at Christmas

Exactly everybody gets their gift and this is also is a wonderful gift and so you have your little children getting their or your grandchildren or your kids exactly I mean exactly get there but you’re also getting it you’re also getting your little gift and then you

Come into our home cuz it’s our our home it’s not our home it’s our home local Aromas that is that is where we pour our love into absolutely we just pour everything that we do we pour it in our in our in our um community and then it’s

It’s incredible because then when they come when they come to Rome thank goodness we live in Rome everybody ends up everybody ends up in Rome all the roads lead to Rome at some point in your life you’re going to end up to Rome and it’s incredible because there’s so many

People that we just feel like family now we’re just like you know we know each other’s personality and so we know each other we we see each other every Sunday and then when they come it’s but we’ve never met we have actually never met in person and like every two three times a

Year somebody of the community comes and it’s it’s such a blessing it’s such a blessing to have a special relationship so we would really love to me you yes you know going to become your Italian family yes and that’s that’s who we are that’s who we are and we really hope

That you join we really hope that you fall in love which deep down inside I know you will with this beautiful extended Italian online family and um because we also we have a lot of projects I mean you should know that local the Romans is run by these two you

Know Did we tell her that we’re sisters if the people are seeing her here the first time they don’t know we are Italian sisters living in Italy we have our own company which is called local Aromas which we started in 2016 and it started off actually like in in person in person experience

You had to come here to Rome to do something with us Food Tours you know we are we all both specialize in what we love the most so I’m a wine Su I love wine I’m a profession cheese taster that’s a thing and uh also an olive oil

Suan and I’m a trained pastry chef and I’m becoming a trained olive oil taster and so we started off by doing you know what we know best so we did cooking classes wine tasting extra virgin olive oil tasting all in R which we still do

So you know if you come here we are but then you know through the years we evolved we also added new new projects so you know the are YouTube channel and then our Italian online cooking school before the beginning it was a cooking school then it turned into Kaza local

Aromas and then it turned into an Italian food and wine school because it’s not just about recipes no it’s Way Beyond we share the stories also behind the Italian products like what is parano what’s the difference between parano Pino Romano GR Pano what is salami what

Is and so there you have all this information and we are actually blessed with also sharing the school with many University students that are exploring Italian culture so it’s become such a it’s incredible how like this little poof that you have in your heart becomes something so B becomes and we and we

Thank goodness we have so many poofs in our hearts and so we do do we are already like imagine when the story that I told you about what we’re going to start doing in 2024 that is an idea that we had in January 2023 like we still had to work

Through it the entire year but we were already thinking and so you have no idea already what we are creating and to then once everything is set and looks pretty we have tested it we are proud we’re going to bring to you yeah so you guys should hang she should

Hang around because because it’s going to be fun you’re never going to get fun ride no you won’t you no never that we can guarantee and our mission is to bring the Italian lifestyle to celebrate the Italian lifestyle with you you being in your homes us being in our homes but

Together we we still cook and we drink and we eat and we just enjoy life and we laugh and we create incredible lifetime memories and that’s so important yes I would say that Kasa local Aromas is like no other course because yes many courses has but it’s not a course it’s not a

Course it’s not a school it’s a community it’s not a community it’s beyond that it’s Unique you just have to come you know what just come try it test it and uh and we really cannot wait to to see you to meet you you know we really meet you we really really look

Forward to meeting you yes so thank you for these 24 days with us we are very blessed to to you know have having connected with you I would say that’s yeah that’s already a blessing so thank you for your time which is always important and um we

Hope you have an amazing uh Christmas day yes amazing holidays amazing holidays and we wish you all the best and we really hope to see you in your Italian online home yes we really would love to see you in Kaza local Aromas so B natal to you cook eat drink live Italiano

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