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What to Eat in Naples: VisEATing Italy with Locals | Local Aromas

Visit and eat your way through Italy with local Italian sisters living in Italy, Benedetta and Valeria. Let’s go VisEAT Naples and taste 10 local foods in less than 48 houres! 😀

Here is what we ate and where. When you see “⭐ MUST HAVE!” it means that we really loved it and you should try!

1) Sfogliatella riccia at Attanasio in Vico Ferrovia, 1-2-3-4 (⭐ MUST HAVE!)
2) Caffé espresso at Caffetteria Viva Napoli in Via Milano 108
3) Cappello di prete at DaGennaro in Via Giuseppe Simonelli 58
4) Pizza fritta at Zia Esterina Sorbillo Spaccanapoli in Via Nilo 26 (⭐ MUST HAVE!)
5) Taralli at Taralleria Napoletana in Via San Biagio Dei Librai 3 (⭐ MUST HAVE!)
6) Pizza a portafoglio at Antica Pizzeria Di Matteo in Via dei Tribunali 94
7) Frittata di pasta at Antica Pizzeria Di Matteo in Via dei Tribunali 94 (⭐ MUST HAVE!)
8) Sfogliatella sfoglia at Pintauro in Via Toledo 275 (⭐ MUST HAVE!)
9) Fiocco di neve at Pasticceria Popella in Via Santa Brigida 69/70
10) Taurasi wine at Il Mantegno Vineria in Piazzetta Nilo 18
11) Cuoppo at Il Cuoppo in Via dei Tribunali 42 (⭐ MUST HAVE!)
12) Babà at Pasticceria Tizzano (⭐ MUST HAVE!) … when we filmed, this place was right by the train station. It is currently closed as they are opening a new location so we’ll be updating this as soon as we know the new address!

We stayed at Decumani Hotel De Charme in Via San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli 15.

❤️ Local Aromas, the Italian family you wish you had!
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Thanks for watching the video What to Eat in Naples: VisEATing Italy with Locals | Local Aromas


  1. I made a visit to Napoli many years ago, and now I wish I had seen your video before the trip. Your videos are always so well done, and you always make me smile. Gracie per il bellissimo video. ❤️ Ron, from Alabama

  2. Great one girls. Between the food and you two, i was in la la land. Thanks for the kiss lol

  3. Girls girls gorgeous girls your back so happy Too see you both wow so jealous too see you eating such delicious 😋😋😋😋sweets and savoury foods omg my mouth is watering and your dad he so sweet and handsome you guys just melt my heart the love between you guys so beautiful too see Yes we have baba and sfogliatella the first one you showed us the other sweets sadly we don’t have here well not where I am may be in Melbourne need to check it out but all amazing and spaghetti in a ball wow would be nice to see from scratch how it’s made again you have brought Naples to us to see thankyou thankyou love you all un baccione a tutti take care 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍🏼🌹🫶🍷🍷🍾cheers to you all Grazie ciao

  4. 😱 SACRILEGIO!!! avete bevuto prima l'acqua, quella serve a "preparare" la bocca per il caffè….😁 Scherzo, ma mi meraviglia nessuno ve l'abbia fatto notare essendo il caffè a Napoli un piccolo rito…
    Tornate presto, Ciaoooooo 👋🏻

  5. both of you are superb! and I love so much your vibes, the hilarious of the videos, and how kind are you with your papa

  6. Oh, god…that first bite brings me back to Sorrento Bakery in Lodi, NJ. All those boxes tied with string my aunt brought over all the time full of goodies including that one. I just wish I could speak more Italian. PS.
    Pork rinds in the 1st fritta..we used to get packages of them as a snack.


  7. Such such a special mission, facetemi stu please,tipical un italian italians.claim to fame italian americans?,??, iatvenn.eeahtehvehnn.gennah fatt na corsa around the block perdi quella pancia.cigoli as in squeak as in bubble and squeak.give up the close ups per favore.

  8. Pathetic americans stay in america even though you have Italian heritage, do not comment on italian life to people as 8f the public is ignorant.

  9. La pizza fritta da Gennaro è la migliore pizza fritta da Street food di Napoli come ci siete arrivate? Comunque la fritta classica è senza pomodoro. Il pomodoro è una variante

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