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Your Olive Oil is (probably) a Lie

How the Mafia Tricks you with Olive Oil
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Olive oil has been adored by people for millennia. It’s like the perfect food, it’s healthy and delicious. But there is also a darker side to it, a side that involves widespread corruption and Italian Mafia bosses.

How to buy legit EVOO:

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— Video Chapters —
0:00 The Olive Oil Heist
2:47 Ad Read
5:33 A Brief History
8:40 How to Make EVOO
9:45 MOST EVOO is a LIE
10:58 The Italian Mafia
13:48 The Science
15:45 The Problem
16:26 How to Find REAL Extra Virgin Olive Oil
17:18 Conclusion
19:26 Announcements & Outro

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Johnny Harris is an Emmy-winning independent journalist and contributor to the New York Times. Based in Washington, DC, Harris reports on interesting trends and stories domestically and around the globe, publishing to his audience of over 3.5 million on Youtube. Harris produced and hosted the twice Emmy-nominated series Borders for Vox Media. His visual style blends motion graphics with cinematic videography to create content that explains complex issues in relatable ways.

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  1. as a tunisian that lives in an area filled with olive trees and farms even tho i live in the north not the middle (this area is famous with citruses not oleos) i feel privileged to always have straight from farms food and even homemade supplies and sorry AND ALSO SO TERRIFIED to see how money, capitalism and greed ruin everything and put us in great risk

  2. As a Greek a can tell you i did indeed use a lot of extra virgin olive oil, since a have olive trees!

  3. As a middle eastern I feel so lucky and proud that my olive oil is from the olive trees in my garden and that I get to see how it’s made in the factory after picking the olives from the trees

  4. Typo (or rather missing word) in the document. "Not olive oils are the same" … I assume this is supposed to say "Not all olive oils are the same" …?
    The cynic in me kinda wonders if it's just that, a harmless error, or if it's intentional to drive people like me to which this stands out like a sore thumb to comment, boosting your video engagement 🤔

  5. We should eat which are locally (within a state or neighbouring regions) produced. You can have olive oil or exotic food once and while making a lifestyle isn't good.

  6. You know this doesn't happen with olive oil only, right? Most of the food imported from the US to Mexico have an extra label stating the real ingredients that are sometimes different from the ones in the US label 🤣

  7. Surprisingly, Costco's EVOO is very high quality and affordable. I bought a 3L bottle of Spanish olive oil for like $20

  8. Well you will never know what the best olive oil tastes like if you only try the italian oil xd. Most olive oils and the best ones are made in Spain! As you said in the video the only reason italian oil is more expensive is beacause it says "italian" in the label.
    Btw drinking olive oil is weird af.

  9. As a small ecological olive producer from Slovenia i can give you a few extra guidelines from my own experience:
    – almost any olive oil from the shelves of a supermarket is of inferior quality compared to a genuine homemade one, no matter the lables and names on the bottle
    – even if it is homemade olive oil (and you know the source), the producers may still use a lot of pesticides and chemical fertilisers, be greedy and also throw in bad and rancid olives into the mix, or just be careless and profit oriented. And they will make vastly inferior olive oil, but higher quantities
    – the earlier the olives are picked, the higher the polyphenol content, but the less oil they give. The later you pick them the riper they are, and they give much more oil (up to 2x more than picking months earlier) but the oil is lower in polyphenol content. Picking in october: 15% oil from the total weight of the olives picked, and much more polyphenols. Picking in february (as many gigantic corporate producers do): up to 25% oil content! But much less health benefits and lesser quality.
    – the more olive oil stings in the throat, the higher its polyphenolic content. If it doesnt sting, the oil has inferior health benefits to the one that stings a lot!
    – high quality organic extra virgine olive oil is hard to produce, it takes skill, effort, good timing and hard work. Hence the high price. It is a food-medicine.
    – real organic olive oil producers cannot charge less than 16-20€ per litre in order to make a profit. The stuff that is getting sold for less than 12€ per litre is automatically suspicious. Just try buying a bottle of one that is priced <25€ per litre and you will enter into a new world.

    Much love from the Slovenian Istria! 🫒

  10. You’re only realizing that now? This scam been happening for decades. Every news organization from 60 minutes to time magazine has done in depth expose on fake olive oil.

    For a six year period, I had a source for real extra virgin olive oil, then the company was bought out, and they started making the adulterated versions. I was so pissed.

    You’re right, real olive oil is so good you can drink it straight out of the bottle. I haven’t been able to make a decent gazpacho soup in years.

  11. In Portugal we have amazing olive oil. It's quite easy to go to a small local producer who sells homemade olive oil. Usually it's not so clear/transparent looking but it's tasty as hell!! Even generic supermarket brands will provide a nice olive oil.
    As for you drinking it from the bottle, well… we often have "snacks" consisting in simply dipping nice bread in olive oil and drinking our fantastic wines!

  12. As an Italian, I can say that most people don't know how to taste olive oil. This is mostly sad because of frauds and stuff, and as a result we'll never be able to educate on good olive oil and how to recognise it. Also, flavours of olive oil depend on the variety of olive tree, and they're all different from one another. In Tuscany, we often buy from friends who directly produce it. Even then, the price is at least 10Eur/litre. If you're paying less than this, you are most probably getting cheap or fake stuff

  13. Bro any italian will easily tell real olio d'oliva extravergine from anything just by looking and smelling at it. This scams only work abroad

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