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Scientists Just Opened A Cave That Was Sealed For Millions Of Years But Made A Shocking Discovery

Scientists just opened a cave that was sealed for millions of years but made a shocking discovery!

You might be wondering what a million-year-old cave could possibly be hiding. But let’s just say that life has an interesting way of cropping up in places you’d least expect. And it’s not just this cave that holds ancient secrets.

Join us as we take a journey through 15 shocking things found in the caves of the Earth. But what could those be?

Could it be ancient artifacts? Remains of a long-lost civilization? Or even an entirely new species? Let’s find out.


  1. A cave that has been isolated for 5.5 million years…….. has now only been opened ……… question….. have human beings been around for 5.5 million years? Or am I just stupid????
    I wonder who the gatekeeper was…… Humans have only been around for 300 000 years, so where do you get your information? Who "sealed" the cave lol……. Isolated, who isolated it?

  2. The measure of whether 2 "different species" are really the same species or not is whether a male of one "species" and a female of the other "species" can reproduce and their offspring can also reproduce. Since many Europeans have a small percent of Neanderthal DNA, Neanderthals were humans. Additionally, very recent studies were to see what humans would look like if we lived in the cold, icy environment of the Neanderthals for many generations. The scientists cane to the conclusion that we would then look like Neanderthals. In other words, Neanderthals were humans who were adapted to their environment. They were victims of climate catastrophe.

  3. I am surprised the "English" royal family can be traced back to anybody in England in the 800s. The British royal family is German, not English. The "House of Windsor" was renamed that to sound more English. It had been the House of Hoenzollern, a German name. By the way, Neanderthal is pronounced with a hard T as in TALL, not a th as in think.

  4. When there are highly divergent atmospheric conditions in an environment, are the scientists considering that the reliability of their age determining tests might not be truely accurate?

  5. Itd be interesting to learn precisely how these dates were arrived at….seeing as how ridiculously inaccurate they happen to be.

  6. They clearly show case a issue with the dating method used as they speaking of people about 2000 years ago but dating some of their artic are around 10000 years

  7. Millions of years from now scientist will go through my burnt garbage and determine we ate plastic, and it was common in all civilizations, so our diet included plastic. The unfortunate truth is that it does.

  8. I used to live in Somerset, and my ex. was from Cheddar. Interesting to see the information about that.

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