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Ganja Grandma Is In the Kitchen

Abdullah travels to Northern California to reunite with world famous ganja grandma Nonna Marijuana and prepare a cannabis dinner full of classic infusions.Subscribe to Munchies here:
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  1. I watched it untill she cooks that marihuana in water for an hour. I know the decarb is needed but not in boiling water lmao how many cannabinoids getting lost in there? Put the damn weed into an oven at 110c for 30 minutes wayyy better

  2. Need some granny tired bring in pain in a homeless shelter where they lie and steal my mail in Carlisle pa

  3. Why you dont use spirtus (alcohol)? No need pressure, fast evaporatig.

    More nice like Rich Simpson said is tu use a steambath for evaporation but.
    I do use fire. So, what do you say?

  4. Questo dovrebbe essere cibo italiano? io vivo a roma da 20 anni e non ho mai visto roba del genere. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

  5. 17:23 that old lady broke my heart the second this happened i fucking wept for those noodles oh dear god the pain i felt watching that and hearing the snap is worse than when i lost my father in a car crash why in the world would anyone do this monstrosity

  6. I think the reason why cannabis helps with seizures are because seizures are hyper activity in the brain and the brain can’t process all that activity at once and cannabis slows the activity down to a more manageable activity

  7. Rare do I get teary eyed but Nonna loves to cook and so do I her honesty is the best. Thanks Nonna rest easy the world will miss you dear.

  8. Please use parchment paper instead of foil.. Also when your daughter was Putting the weed in the water to boil don't use plastic. You both look Amazing

  9. this reminds me of my grandma. she was nothing like nonna. totally differrent people. but the way she spoke at the table and held that little speech. adorbs. reminded me of my granny

  10. Damn, I’m so heart broken rn because I fell in love with this adorable lady only to look in the comment section and see that she passed away. RIP Nonna😢

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