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Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

by mraaronsgoods


  1. mraaronsgoods

    Grated garlic, Calabrian chilies, EVOO, parsley stems. Let all of those things simmer in the oil while your pasta boils. Remove the stems, add 1/2C of pasta water, add your pasta when there’s 3-4 min. remaining cook time for dried pasta, 2 min. with fresh (extruded), add chopped parsley and more EVOO, toss to combine and finish cooking in sauce. Add more pasta water if needed. You want it to emulsify into a creamy sauce.

  2. Mortomes

    I had this just last night! Yours looks better though. Nice and creamy.

  3. 404_User_Not_Found_d

    Looks yummy. Keep your work up 🙂

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