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SUPER QUICK Spaghetti alle vongole | Neapolitan Spaghetti with Clams | Italian Seafood Recipe

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After a long hiatus, I’m back to share my traditional Italian recipes with you. And what’s better than a super quick, delicious seafood pasta dish?

This dish is not only super yummy, but also super quick, as it only takes 5 minutes to make. Yep, you heard me, ONLY FIVE MINUTES!

This is a staple in my family, especially for Christmas Eve dinner (il “cenone”, meaning “the big dinner”, as we call it), and I learned how to make it from my dad, the seafood wiz of the family.

Let me know what you think about this recipe, and share a picture on IG and use the hashtag #letscookitaliano if you try it yourself!


If you’d like me to try your products and feature them in a video, or you’d simply like to sponsor a future video, please get in touch:


Check out my other traditional Neapolitan recipes:


00:00-02:46 Intro
02:47-02:56 All about Risotto
02:57-05:15 How to make clam spaghetti
05:16 Outro & some news!