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YC Cooks Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon & Shells Pesto from Italy for Supper

3 tall cans of Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon – Drain, debone and skin
1 medium diced red onion sautéed with 2 tsp. minced garlic
3 large potatoes peeled and mashed and seasoned with 2 tbsp. butter
1/2 cup panko Crumbs
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 eggs
salt and cracked black pepper to taste
Combine above ingredients and form into small patties
This recipe makes 1 dozen. for less patties use less Salmon and less potato
Can fry in pan or bake at 350 degrees F in oven for 20 minutes each side on sprayed pan
This meal was served with pesto shells, but slaw tastes great too as an option.