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Let's cook bucatini all‘amatriciana

A simple step by step guide (for both beginners and pro’s) on how to cook a traditional Italian dish, and in particular a traditional dish from the town Amatrice, which is located near Rome: bucatini all‘amatriciana. This is quite a simple and very delicious pasta meal with a particular pasta type (similar to spaghetti but like a tube with a hole inside).
You will learn:
1. how easy and basic the few steps are to prepare a healthy and delicious dish.
2. the importance of respecting the right timings.
3. that high quality food can be prepared quite easily and at low cost.
4. that there exist so many different pasta types in Italy – like bucatini in this case.
5. finally to become more independent from restaurants with homemade quality dishes (especially those many scam ones). This is important in times of lockdowns, difficult access to groceries and closed restaurants!

To sum up: This dish has a low cost level, a medium difficulty level, and a high joy level!

More food inspirations to come in the near future. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions!

Copyright: Marco Dilenge