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Vegetarian balls recipe (with zucchini) – Ready in 40 minutes!

These are fantastic zucchini balls, a vegetarian balls recipe which will taste like meatballs… but meatless! Awesome!

This cooking procedure is fairly laborious, but no panic: all the steps are clearly explained in this videorecipe.

I love this dish because it clubs together some ingredients I really like: the zucchini, the Parmesan cheese and the tasty tomato sauce that will absorb ALL the flavours!

Imagine dipping a nice slice of bread in that tomato sauce… and capturing the melting mozzarella as well. If you’re hungry already, please have a look at this videorecipe and cook it by yourself!

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Enjoy the video recipe!

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Zucchini Balls with tomato sauce – RECIPE

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 40 mins
Complexity: Medium

Ingredients (4 people):
– 4 zucchini (750gr)
– 160gr ricotta
– 40gr Parmesan cheese (grated)
– 90gr breadcrumbs
– 70gr flour
– 750gr Tomato passata (or double if you like more sauce)
– 1 egg (or 2)
– 1 mozzarella
– basil
– salt and pepper
– extra-virgin olive oil


1. Start with preparing the tomato sauce: put a clove of garlic to gently fry in abundant EVO, then add the tomato passata and let it cook at low heat for 20-30 minutes;
2. Grate the zucchini and mix the vegetable with the other ingredients: flour, breadcrumbs, egg, cheese, salt and pepper;
3. Start making balls with this mix and then sear them from all side in abundant EVO;
4. Once all balls are seared and the sauce is ready, drown the zucchini balls in the tomato sauce and let everything cook for additional 10-20 minutes at low heat
5. Now drop some mozzarella pieces on top, lid on and let everything heat for 1 or 2 minutes;
6.Serve and ENJOY!

ITALIAN FOOD BOSS SPECIAL TIP: You can choose how much sauce you like to dip your bread in (the famous “scarpetta”!) so feel free to use more tomato passata for extra-richness!


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🎬 #ItalianFoodBoss is a YouTube channel run by an average #Italian guy with a serious appetite! We’ll show you how to cook authentic, delicious Italian food like the #Nonnas used to do. The Italian Food Boss is a genuine Italian bloke, not just another “Italian” who only saw Italy on postcards!
Let’s all have a laugh while we conquer the #kitchen!
That’s how it’s done in #Italia!

#italianfood #italianrecipes #vegetarianballs

📺 Re-Watch the “Zucchini Balls with tomato sauce” Recipe: