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One pot pasta–Quick & easy Italian creamy pasta! (especially for students & beginner cook)

*** Mouthwatering Alfredo white sauce!

Pasta -1 cup
Ginger & Garlic paste-1 tbsp
Mushroom-1/2 cup
Onions-1 small size
Salt-1 & 1/2 tsp
Red pepper-1 tsp
Olive oil-2 tsp

1. In a pan add olive oil.
2. Add onions and fry until softens.
3. Add garlic & ginger paste, mix well.
4.Add mushroom & fry for 3 minutes,
5.Add pasta sauce, cook for few minutes.
6.Add pasta mix & add water, cover with lid for 15 minutes.
7. Stir in between once or twice.
8.After 15 minutes take the lid off and simmer on low for 15 minutes.
9.Add white sauce(see my white sauce video for detail) to the pasta & mix well for 5 minutes.
10.Delicious pasta dish is ready!